Based on European football for many years, Dortmund's strength and heritage are unmatched by Benfica.

The golden name of the team itself can attract some very powerful coaches and players.

Advanced tactical concepts and outstanding players are a good fusion.

But in football matches, results speak for themselves.

In the first round of the Champions League knockout round, Benfica's final equalizer gave them some small initiative in this series.

Benfica fans are also beginning to look forward to a repeat of the plot like the round of 16 match against Arsenal.

Of course, for Wang Po and Mano, the team's preparations are still very tense.

The overall gap in strength made them choose the same tactics as in the previous game.

In the 541 formation, defensive counterattacks are the main focus, and Wang Po is still on the back line.

Even though a week has passed, Dortmund's terrifying pressing in the frontcourt still leaves people with lingering fears.

That is a suffocating rhythm of offense and defense transitions, and it is also the most essential difference between strong teams and weak teams.

Wang Po's presence can delay the pressure on the defense line from the opponent's high position, and Mano has no choice but to do so.

The Stadium of Light was crowded with Benfica fans.

The cheering songs were deafening, and the support from the home court ignited the blood in the hearts of the Benfica players.


Game start.

Tuchel's team launched the most violent attack against Benfica's defense.

However, before the game, Mano also conducted detailed research and analysis on Dortmund's offense and responded to it.

The Hornets' wing coordination, pulling, and even handling the ball at a 45-degree angle have always been distinctive.

Mano requires Benfica's two wing positions to fall in front of the full-backs when defending. While protecting the wings, they must adopt a combination of area and man-marking to prevent the opponent from creating opportunities without the ball.

At the same time, Mano also deployed heavy troops in the middle defensive area.

Even though your Dortmund team has strong control, facing a crowded defense that can enter the area, as soon as the ball is scored, it will be human.

Such a line of defense is airtight.

As a result, in the thirty minutes of the first half, Dortmund occupied 70% of the ball possession. However, there were very few shots that threatened the goal. Only one rebound hit the goal post, creating a dangerous situation for Benfica.

In the final stoppage time of the first half, Benfica's goal was still lost.

Dortmund took advantage of the corner kick and broke the deadlock with a header from their own centre-back.

0 to 1.

Benfica, playing at home, fell behind. This score also wiped out the slight advantage they established in the first round.

In the tunnel, the faces of Benfica players were full of regret.

In the last ten seconds, the first half of the game was over. Unfortunately, it was still unable to withstand Dortmund's crazy attack.

In the locker room.

The atmosphere was terrifyingly quiet, and after five minutes of silence, Mano just clapped his hands to break the silence, his eyes fell on Wang Po, he tapped the tactical board and said, "In the second half, we must make changes, attack out. "

"Po, your position remains unchanged, but I want to tell you that you need to shoulder more offensive responsibilities, do you understand..."

At the request of the head coach, Wang Po needs to be more adventurous in organizing offense and handling the ball.

This means that Benfica's goal has more risks.

A defender's handling of the ball generally requires 100% safety. Even if he goes out with his eyes closed and keeps the ball away from the goal, he is still a qualified defender.

The situation in the first half was that although Wang Po could hold the ball at his feet, Tuchel and his team clearly found Benfica's Achilles' heel.

As soon as Wang Po gets the ball, he grabs it desperately.

If the ball is passed to a teammate, it basically cannot come back.

In the first half, Benfica's forward line basically received no support.

Looking at the data sheet, there was not even a single shot. Playing at home, being beaten defensively is really unjustifiable.

More adventurous options mean that Wang Po needs to rely more on his personal ability to solve problems and break through the Hornet's defensive encirclement.

If you break out of the siege, you can use Gomez's height and Jim's speed to attack the Dortmund goal.

Once a mistake is made, it will be the second consecutive attack of the opponent's offense.

The total score is already exceeded by Dortmund. If they want to advance, Benfica needs to make changes and has no choice.

The second half of the game begins.

Perhaps they learned the lesson from the last home draw, or maybe they expected Benfica to attack fiercely, so they chose to defend solidly for the time being?

After the opening, Dortmund's offensive edge was much more restrained than in the first half.

The team laid out their own half of the game meticulously.

Benfica's attacking formation was able to spread out.

Of course, even so, the so-called recycling of the Hornets is only relatively speaking, the high pressing pressure in the frontcourt still exists in intensity.

Especially the restrictions on Wang Po.

Faced with a double grab, Wang Po made a move to escape by knocking the ball with his back heel.

She squeezed out of the gap between two Dortmund defenders. Just as he watched, the defensive midfielder rushed to cover the position and made a sliding tackle. When he was about to bring him down with the ball, he was hit by a low pass. The only contact point in the frontcourt is Gomez's feet.

Jim on the wing has already begun to run without asking for speed.

After getting the ball, Gomez immediately attracted the defensive center of Dortmund, and several bad winds came from behind.

He looked at the situation in the front court, turned halfway and made a long pass to the left.

This was the tactic communicated by the three during the half-time break.

As long as Wang Po took the ball out, Jim would be ready to sprint at any time.

The opponent's oppressive defense did not give Gomez time to look up and observe and think.

Gomez's long pass of more than 30 meters reached the wing.

Jim had already started.

Almost at the same time, the defensive players of Dortmund also noticed the threat brought by the ball.

The full-back and the central defender chased at the same time.

The acceleration of the black cheetah can only be described as "terrifying".

It took Jim only four seconds from starting to catching up.

On the wing, Jim got the ball in the corner of the penalty area and fell into two encirclements formed by three opponents.

The full-back and the center-back who came to fill in the position crossed positions, blocking the forward and inward routes, and the defensive midfielder who was waiting for an opportunity to supplement the defense line was watching covetously on the periphery.

Between Gomez and Jim in the middle, there were three Dortmund defenders, cutting off the connection between the two.


Just when Jim was at a loss, Wang Po's voice came to his ears.

The camera turned back, and after Wang Po picked up the ball, he began to work on the front cross.

At this time, he came up from the side, and this kind of connection was more like what the full-back of the team should do.

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