Football No. 10: God's Perspective

Chapter 83 The Water is Deep

After the incident of being stood up, Hamburg also asked someone to investigate Yang Ming.

His identity was indeed true, but he also had another identity, one of the shareholders of a domestic agency.

This agency's main profit purpose was to trade players.

Going abroad for gilding, exporting to domestic sales, hyping players, gilding the national team, etc., were all done by this company.

A bad apple spoils the whole pot of soup, and this behavior hurt the domestic football market environment.

Wang Pei was indeed selected for the national youth team before, but Yang Ming reported it on the grounds of injury, and the player who replaced him in the team was a player under his company.

After returning to the club, the salary of the player who replaced Wang Pei increased by three times, and the difference between them was shocking.

Wang Pei hated this kind of person.

The next day, Wang Pei's name was on the front page of the domestic media, and the Internet was full of condemnations of him.

The matter became a big deal, and even his parents who were far away in China called to inquire about it.

Opening the domestic news section, Wang Po was also irritated by these malicious reports.

"Overseas players refuse to play for the country."

"Rejecting the national youth team call-up on the grounds of injury, hanging up the phone and refusing to go to the Asian Cup, playing big cards."

"A certain overseas player is not very capable, but has a bad temper."

"Forgetting his roots, a certain player intends to change his Portuguese nationality."


A series of headlines pointed to Wang Po, and even dug up some old things to make up.

For a time, countless curses came like a tsunami.

People sit at home, and curse from the sky. Some people even began to accuse and attack Wang Po's parents, and even cursed Wang Po's mother who suffered from uremia.

This is unbearable.

Angry Wang Po dialed Hamburger's phone with shaking hands.

"I already know about the matter. I am investigating and have some clues. I will come to you later."

Before Wang Po opened his mouth, Hamburger's voice came from the other end of the phone. He will never let people down.

It is already the fourth year of his professional career. Wang Po has settled his debt with Hamburg. Now he has really started to receive the salary of an agent.

In the evening, Hamburg, who looked tired, came to Wang Po's dormitory.

In fact, as an agent, Hamburg is also an exclusive agent. He can be said to be responsible for everything about Wang Po.

Whether it is public relations or transfer negotiations.

Every day, his job is to keep an eye on the media's public opinion on the players.

Domestically, it is no exception.

When this incident broke out, it was dark in Germany. Hamburg did not sleep all night and all day, and conducted a thorough investigation of the incident.

"Yang Ming did it."

This is the answer given by Hamburg.

Yang Ming's agency controls a complete industrial chain, which can be said to be at a monopoly level.

Some domestic teams want to buy players, and in many cases they are blackmailed by this company and raise the price. They hate such companies, but they can't say it.

There is a branch in Yang Ming's agency, the brand department.

Responsible for various public opinion wars.

There are their water army, writers and reporters they usually raise, and even some newspapers and media that they have bribed.

The power of public opinion is huge. It can make a person, but it can also destroy a person.

They have already mastered this kind of operation method. This time, they did it again, with the purpose of destroying Wang Po.

Ungrateful, this is Yang Ming's evaluation of Wang Po.

In the domestic football circle, no one dared to hang up Yang Ming's phone. Wang Po was the first.

Wang Po was shocked. He didn't expect that this national youth team leader, whom he had never met, actually had such great power in the domestic football circle. This time he stirred up a hornet's nest.

Looking at Hamburger's embarrassed expression, Wang Po immediately understood that this matter was very tricky.

"Is there any good way?"

Wang Po asked. "Then what should we do next?"

"National team report." Hamburger said after a pause. "I'll go with you."

Hamburger's strategy is very obvious, slap in the face, and slap in the face one by one.

You have the media, but I don't?

That night, Hamburg contacted the media that he was friendly with and released the news that Wang Po would go to the national team to report.

Soon, domestic media also began to reprint these reports.

It was the opposite of the news released a few days ago.

Now, the matter about Wang Po became lively all of a sudden.

Of course, the brand department under Yang Ming Company was experienced and then encouraged the media to release a report.

"Has a certain player finally returned to China after being unable to bear the pressure of public opinion? Will there be a situation where he works but does not work hard?"

The report was issued, and he was invincible.

You, Wang Po, can't not come back, and you can't come back.

How vicious and insidious!

Unexpectedly, Wang Po did not respond to such reports. He arrived at the training ground of the national football team as soon as he got off the plane.

A large number of reporters swarmed in.

Some of them were arranged by the brand department, some were arranged by Hamburg, and of course more were professional reporters who came to follow the hot spots after hearing the news.

"Wang Po, do you have any response to the recent media rumors?"

The nosy reporters surrounded Wang Po who had just gotten off the car and couldn't wait to ask him their questions.

"Of course I have something to respond to, and I will answer every question. Please come one by one."

Hamburger stepped forward and stood in front of Wang Po. "How about this, after Wang Po finishes today's training, I will hold an interview?"

Hamburger's answer was polite and there was nothing wrong with it.

Frenchman Perrin is the head coach of this national team. His selection of players is different from that of previous coaches. In the big list, he is famous for his strong physique in various positions in the country.

Long before coming, Wang Po had heard of the name of this Frenchman, a fanatical and stubborn person.

After a simple communication with the head coach, Wang Po met his teammates.

To be honest, this is a big change from the players who appeared in the big list of previous national team training camps. Many of them are unfamiliar faces, and there is a vigorous vitality in the team.

Although everyone was very enthusiastic, Wang Po keenly felt that some individual old players did not look so friendly.

Hamburger also noticed this and quietly checked their background. Sure enough, they were all players of Yang Ming's company.

This is not surprising.

In the first training session, Wang Po did not get the vest that symbolizes the main force.

Six people in a group conducted confrontation training on a small field.

When Wang Po got the ball, everyone's eyes lit up, including the national football team players and coaches.

What is a star player?

Whether it is the rhythm of dribbling the ball, handling the ball, or the frequency of footwork, it is two levels higher than others.

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