Football No. 10: God's Perspective

Chapter 90: Conflict between Generals and Commanders

Yes, the whole first half was surrounded by people attacking half-court.

The French were indifferent.

During the halftime break, Perrin went back and forth with a few words from those who focused on the key points. Change of tactics? Formation adjustment? No!

The meeting adjourned.

The score was behind and it was another crucial knockout match, but the meeting at halftime was very short.

From the inside out, the French give people a feeling of being powerless and absent-minded.

"Can Wang Po play?"

The national football team leader quietly pulled the translator and the head coach aside and asked.

The Frenchman's expression suddenly became determined, and he shook his head to clarify his attitude.

The translator on the side also looked at the national football team leader helplessly. There was nothing he could do if the Frenchman didn't nod.

Change sides and fight again, the second half of the game begins.

On the scene, the national football team failed to reverse the decline, and there was still a lot of noise in front of the goal.

This kind of crushing between the strong and the weak is disappointing.

How high everyone's expectations were before the game, but how desperate they were now, a game back to before liberation.

The two teams are not on the same level at all.

The attacks don't stop, the mad attacks don't stop.

The national football team members were already in a state of panic, and they were in constant panic. Even if they broke the ball, they just made a hasty clearance with their big feet, obediently returning the initiative to others.

"Will there be a substitution?"


The stubborn Frenchman was sulking. He had used up two substitutions and still didn't look at Wang Po on the bench.

When the game reached the 78th minute, the national football team's physical strength was exhausted and the players could no longer run.

Both fans and commentators are questioning the French's formation.

Why not go to Wang Po? There's no time left for the game, it's too late.

The Frenchman seemed to be angry at such remarks. He was about to call for a defensive midfielder to use up the last substitution, but was stopped by the national football team leader. Wang Po said, "You go."

The Frenchman shook his head angrily.

The national football team leader ignored it and asked Wang Po to change his equipment.

The national football team has abused me thousands of times, but I treat the national football team like my first love.

If the club's senior management and head coach had treated him like this, Wang Po would have given up his job long ago.

Did he miss the French? Wang Po put on his equipment and appeared.

"There is not much time left for the national football team. Wang Po comes on the stage. Can he lead the team to a desperate situation like he did in the group stage?"

The commentator in front of the TV cleared his throat and cheered up.

When the fans who supported the national football team, whether in person or in front of the TV, saw Wang Po on the stage, their already desperate hearts were once again filled with hope.

However, just as Wang Po was waiting for the dead ball to enter the game, bad news came, and the Australian team expanded the score advantage through a header.

Still Cahill!

Heading nightmare, disappointing.

It was 0 to 3. This score seemed to have sentenced the national football team to death.

Before Wang Po came on the court, both the coach and the team leader communicated with him about his position on the court.

According to his analysis while sitting on the court, it was no longer possible to save the defeat based on the familiar midfield. Only by trying to get closer to the Australian team's goal could we find some opportunities.

Another round of violent attacks is over.

The ball possession changed and the national football team got a goal kick opportunity.

Dalei hit Wang Po with a big kick in the frontcourt. Behind him was the tall Australian center back. He tried his best to bounce and land. Since Wang Po was not an opponent around him, he could only use a clever move.

With a tentative step forward, the Australian central defender who was defending closely also moved his position.

This is an extremely critical point.

Wang Po took a step forward just to avoid the ball's landing point, thereby creating opportunities for himself to avoid the close defense.

The Australian central defender doesn't know why. For him, people are more important than the ball. This is a habitual defensive action.

Seeing the ball hit the ground, Wang Po suddenly turned around and accelerated, moving like a circle, avoiding the Australian center back. The latter did not react in time. When he noticed it, it was too late. He wanted to intercept the ball, but found that his judgment was wrong. There was a mistake, and the ball went over his head and passed behind him to Wang Po's feet.

Accelerate, move forward, single-handedly, face the goalkeeper, and deftly push the ball to equalize the score.

There was no celebration, Wang Po silently ran into the goal, picked up the ball and ran towards the center circle to prepare for the kickoff.

1 to 3.

After only 3 minutes on the court, Wang Po scored with his first ball.

However, there is only the last 6 minutes left for the national football team.

still have a chance.

After getting the ball in the frontcourt, Wang Po made consecutive changes of direction on his bicycle to pass the defensive midfielder. Facing the oncoming central defender, he changed direction and dunked past his opponent and entered the shooting range. No matter what, A powerful shot once again blasted through the Australian team's goal.

2 to 3.

The national football fans who had been depressed for the whole game were excited and cheered.

They saw hope. Wang Po brought them hope. Is there a miracle? They originally believed and waited for the miracle to appear.

Unfortunately, it was too late. When the ball was kicked out, the referee blew the final whistle.

There were 3 minutes of injury time, and only 1 and a half minutes were given.

It's really disappointing to end in this way. Maybe this is the strength of the host country's home court.

Of course, the focus of this game is not that the referee did not give enough stoppage time, but why Wang Po was replaced with so little time left.

Based on the performance of the last ten minutes, as long as Wang Po wins in the morning, it is entirely possible to equalize or even overtake.

The two goals failed to save the team. This time, the performance of the magic boy was perfect, but no longer magical.

The pit dug by the national football team was too deep.

The head coach made a serious mistake in the substitution, and this defeat was to blame.

Facing the crazy questions from the media after the game, the Frenchman gave his own answer, "Wang Pei is not suitable for my system, and his physical fitness is not enough to support him to play the whole game."

As soon as this was said, there was an uproar. The doubts about this issue not only did not disappear, but intensified.

For a time, the head coach of the national football team became the target of public criticism.

Of course, there were also reporters who found Wang Pei to verify this issue.

"You who can ask me this question, I doubt whether you are a professional football reporter. Do I have any problems with my physical fitness? Do you need to ask me?"

Facing the domestic media, Wang Pei mocked them.

Being able to play the whole game in the high-level Bundesliga, what's the matter, the Asian arena has surpassed the five major leagues?

Still not physically fit? Poor excuses.

Public opinion continues to ferment, and the impact of this incident is developing in an uncontrollable direction.

"Wang Po, why don't you just issue a statement to explain, this incident has too wide an impact."

Unable to bear the pressure, the top leaders of the national football team called Wang Po through the team leader.

The Asian Cup is over, and Wang Po is still hanging on to these people? Ridiculous, if it's not about the honor of the national team, do you really think you are a piece of cake to bear this?

"Well, okay, I will issue a statement."

After hanging up the phone, Hamburg has already started to act.

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