
The referee blew the full-time whistle and the Newcastle United midfielder kicked the ball out of the field.

The Old Trafford stadium was filled with the cheers of tens of thousands of fans.

"Well done." When Chen Huan walked down from the sidelines, head coach Van Gaal came up to him, hugged Chen Huan and kissed him on the cheek.

"I did what I should do."Chen Huan also hugged the head coach back.

When Chen Huan entered the locker room and took off his jersey and sneakers, the phone in the closet suddenly rang non-stop.

Chen Huan opened the closet door and took a look. The caller was the agent Mendes, who had not met for a few days.

As soon as the call was connected, Mendes' laughter rang out. Chen Huan did not see his face, but he could already imagine the Portuguese man laughing from ear to ear.

"A wonderful performance, you were elected MVP of this game, congratulations"

"Thanks, I'm in the locker room and can't keep talking on the phone"

"I understand." Mendes stopped laughing."Remember what I told you about Long being the spokesperson for a mobile phone brand? We have reached a preliminary agreement. In addition, I received news that Adidas and Nike both want you to be their brand spokesperson...Okay, let's discuss the details when we meet. I'll go to your house tomorrow night?"

"No problem."

After hanging up the phone, Chen Huan held the phone and leaned against the door, but he still couldn't calm down, so he couldn't help but lower his head and cover his mouth and laughed.

Whether it was Long Wei or becoming a spokesperson for a sports brand, it was a huge income for him.

And who would complain about having too much money?


In the second training session after the match day, Manchester United captain Rooney was late for the entire morning, and he did not show up at the Carrington training base until the afternoon training session started.

Just when the first-team players thought that Van Gaal would criticize Rooney angrily, the Dutchman simply kept Rooney on the sidelines away from the crowd.

No one knew what Van Gaal and Rooney talked about, but there was nothing unusual in the subsequent training. Rooney trained with the first-team players as usual, but he was very silent and basically did not communicate with others.

Van Gaal was still as usual. He still roared loudly at the players who did not meet the training standards, and the first-team players were all on edge.

""Keep your eyes open." Chen Huan said to the silly Englishman when he was training with Wilson in the same group.

"There is an old saying in Longguo that is very suitable to describe the current atmosphere in the team:"The storm is coming and the wind is blowing in the building." Chen Huan said it again in English and said it to him in Longwen.

"Feng Yuyu is here to serve you." Wilson imitated Chen Huan's words.


"The annual endorsement fee is 7.5 million pounds?"Chen Huan's eyes widened, and he couldn't believe the number.

"You heard it right." Mendes picked up the wine on the table, took a sip, then frowned and said,"Chen, I beg you, you are now a millionaire with an annual salary of tens of millions of pounds, can you not use the discounted table wine from the supermarket?"

"You are right, we bought this in the supermarket when we came back from Carrington, because this is the only kind of wine on the shelf. Since Chen doesn't drink, this is the only bottle we have at home."Timothy came over with a plate of roast beef and said with a smile

"For Christmas." Mendes raised his glass into the air and took a sip.

"By the way...do I need to go back to Longguo to shoot Longwei's commercial? Manchester United has been playing a lot of games lately, and I'm worried about……"

"I have considered this. Longwei will send a crew to Manchester before the Spring Festival, and the ad will be one of Longwei's main ads during the Spring Festival."Mendes looked like he had already figured it out.

"7.5 million pounds... I don't know how to spend it." Chen Huan leaned back in the comfortable chair and couldn't help converting the dragon coins. According to the current exchange rate, this is equivalent to 75 million dragon coins.

Mendes couldn't help but chuckled when he heard it. He said,"Dear Chen, this is the first time I see someone worrying about how to spend money. Do you know Cristiano Ronaldo under my management? He just bought a private yacht for 30 million pounds recently. And after deducting taxes and my commission from your 7.5 million pounds endorsement fee, you will only get 5 million pounds. If you want, you can spend it all in a flash."

Chen Huan felt very painful when he heard it,"What about the endorsement contracts of Adidas and Nike?"

"It is still in the initial communication stage. These two big companies are very cautious in choosing spokespersons. But don't worry, their endorsement fees will definitely not be less than that of Longwei Company.……"At this time, Mendes's cell phone rang. He glanced at the incoming call, gestured to Chen Huan and Timothy, picked up the phone and went outside to answer it.

When he came back, he blurted out a bombshell.

"Chen, I just received a call from Real Madrid. They said that Mr. Florentino likes you very much. If you are willing, we will make an official offer to Manchester United in the winter window."

"Real...Real Madrid?"

"Yes, it is Real Madrid."Mendez confirmed again.

Chen Huan stood up from the chair. He now felt that his brain became very confused.

Real Madrid is the most successful football club in the 21st century.

And Real Madrid is about to create the"champion legend" since the reform of the Champions League in the Champions League.

As the saying goes, if a player can't play in Real Madrid, he still has a chance to play in Manchester United.

But if a player can't play in Manchester United, he can only go to a lower team.

The words are rough but the truth is that Real Madrid is the world's largest and unique giant team.

And after joining Real Madrid, you will stand on the most dazzling stage in the world. In the spotlight, there will be countless off-field benefits.

And Real Madrid has never been stingy with salary.


"No." Chen Huan gradually calmed down and said to Mendes:"No, I just want to stay in Manchester United now."

Mendes looked at Chen Huan without saying anything, as if asking why

"If I go to Real Madrid, I may not be able to guarantee enough playing time. I need stable and sufficient playing time, and my firing rights will definitely be transferred to Ronaldo. Real Madrid already has a superstar wearing the No. 7 jersey. Salary is not my first consideration now. Do you understand what I mean?"

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