Rhine Football News is a Manchester newspaper with a small circulation but a good reputation for gossip about football.

On the front page of today's headline, a photo of Chen Huan and Rooney standing on the field was published, but in the center of the photo was a huge thunder symbol, which at first glance seemed to separate the two people into different spaces. Above the photo

, there was a line of eye-catching large characters :

"Manchester United's new star is suspected to have broken up with captain Rooney!"

Under the eye-catching headline, the reporter of this article made up the content based on the performance of the two on the field and some abnormal behaviors of Rooney recently.

It even quoted many rumors that were spreading wildly on the Internet. The main theme of the reporter's full article was only one - Rooney had broken up with Chen Huan, and now the two had a big fight in the locker room. The problem was even serious enough that the club had to choose one of the two to stay and let the other leave.

This article, which was mixed with a lot of rumors, personal speculations, and conjectures, was quickly reposted on the Internet, and then this article began to be popular all over the Internet.

"Is this true? Oh my god, no wonder Rooney hasn't been given a chance to start recently"

"Yes, I have a friend who is interning in Manchester United. He said that Chen and Rooney had a fight in the locker room. Rooney didn't win the fight and was thrown to the bench by the coach."

"Don't listen to the nonsense above, Rooney is just in bad shape! Don't spread rumors!"


This article, which caused a lot of heated discussion on the Internet, soon attracted the attention of Manchester United officials. On the morning of the training day, Van Gaal was called away by the club chairman for a meeting. The first-team players and staff seemed to understand the ins and outs of some things. Manchester United's originally relaxed training atmosphere quickly became solidified.

At the Carrington training base.

The afternoon sun seemed to dispel the winter chill. Chen Huan received a pass from Carrick, turned with the ball and faced De Gea in front of the goal. He swung his ankle continuously, tricking De Gea into giving up his body center, and then shook his ankle and kicked the ball into the goal with the outside of his foot.

"Damn it, I got fooled by you again."De Gea said softly as he got up from the ground.

"Thank you for letting me do that."

De Gea was about to say something else, but suddenly stopped, lowered his head and began to tie the laces of his sneakers

"Chen. A slightly deep male voice sounded from behind him.

Chen Huan turned his head and saw Rooney standing about one meter behind him, lowering his head and tapping the ground with the tip of his shoe.

"Rooney, what's the matter?" Chen Huan asked suspiciously. This was the first time Rooney took the initiative to talk to Chen Huan since he became the core of Manchester United's offensive end.

"Are you free tomorrow? My wife Colleen would like to invite you and Timothy to dinner at my house. She is a good cook, maybe……"Rooney only said half of his words, but he stopped and looked in the other direction with Chen Huan.

Coach Van Gaal had returned and was walking towards the two of them.

"What else to talk about?" Van Gaal forced a smile, but it was obviously not sincere.

"Rooney invited me to his house for dinner……"Chen Huan answered honestly

"Is this something we should talk about on the training ground?" Van Gaal's eyebrows twitched slightly, and his tone became stern.

"No. Rooney replied

"Then hurry up and train!" Van Gaal raised his voice and yelled.

Chen Huan and Rooney ran away quickly.

Van Gaal turned his head and glanced at the other players and team staff who were whispering, and yelled again,"Are you saying they didn't say anything about you? Immediately, do what you should do, I don't want to say these words for the third time!"

""Yes." All the players ran away quickly.

Van Gaal turned his head and suddenly grinned from an angle where no one could see, and this smile was from the heart.

When Rooney took the initiative to communicate with Chen Huan, it meant that some problems were being solved, which was definitely a good sign.


In front of the door of the garden villa, Timothy turned his head and whispered to Chen Huan before knocking on the door:"There are reporters"

"Got it."

Timothy knocked on the door three times. After a moment, the cherry wood door was opened from the inside. Rooney and his wife Colleen stood in front of the door.

The two women smiled and greeted each other, while Chen Huan just nodded to Rooney.

"Please come in."Rooney made a gesture to invite Chen Huan inwards, and then led Chen Huan into their villa.

The restaurant in the villa was filled with a wide variety of delicacies, of course, these were all healthy foods suitable for professional players.

Timothy seemed to have known Colleen before, and of course, it might be because the two women were so familiar with each other, they soon laughed because of a certain topic.

Seeing this, Chen Huan and Rooney, two men who had nothing to say, looked at each other, and then smiled and shook their heads.

After the meal, Colleen took Timothy and said that she wanted to visit the back garden, and the two women ran away, leaving behind the men who were a little restrained and embarrassed.

"Hey, we……"Rooney spoke first, trying to find a topic

"You want to talk to me about the team, right?" Chen Huan didn't want to beat around the bush, he looked at Rooney and asked directly.

Rooney was slightly stunned, then nodded.

"Listen," Chen Huan said directly without any tact,"Actually, I don't care what you think, or what your status is in Manchester United, etc. The club has paid me more than 10 million pounds in salary, so this season I only care about whether we can win the league championship trophy."

"What? Wait? Let's rethink our thinking. You want to... win the league championship?" Rooney felt that he couldn't keep up with Chen Huan's thinking.

"That's right, I want the league championship this season." Chen Huan repeated what he had just said.

"We have defeated Chelsea, Manchester City, Arsenal, Liverpool and Tottenham, so why can't we win the league title?"

Rooney was in a trance again when he heard Chen Huan say that, as if he suddenly woke up.

Yes, although Manchester United was ranked sixth last season, they have climbed out of the quagmire of a bad start this season and have entered the top four.

The Premier League title seems to be something to look forward to.

Rooney suddenly felt very ashamed. His salary was much higher than Chen Huan's, but because the other party was somewhat similar to Ronaldo, his condition had declined so much.

"Yes, you are right, our goal this season is to win the league title."

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