On the wing, Chen Huan, who had sent the cross, also sighed softly, but he quickly gave a thumbs up to Falcao, who looked apologetic, to encourage him.

Then Chen Huan made a"don't boo" gesture to the fans.

"Thanks, Chen." Falcao patted his chest and forced a smile at Chen Huan.

Manchester United fans were already dissatisfied with Falcao, a striker who was bought at a high price but did not play many times. At this moment, they were ready to"boo", but they stopped forcibly after Chen Huan made a"don't boo" gesture.

The game continued - in the 37th minute of the first half, Manchester United's pass near the midfield was intercepted by Andy King and directly passed to Schlupp on the wing. After receiving the ball, the latter went to the side.

Valencia, who was supposed to defend Schlupp at the time, lost his position because of his forward run.

"damn it……"Midfielder Blind gritted his teeth and ran from the middle to the side, while Schlupp had already reached the bottom line along the side.

Although Manchester United's defense was fast, there was still some confusion at this moment.

Under such circumstances, Schlupp first went to the bottom to attract Blind's defense, then suddenly turned inward again, and then completed a very curved cross with his left foot.

In Manchester United's penalty area, Leicester City's Kramaric carried Carrick and jumped up to head the ball.

The football was immediately reflected to the goal at the front point. De Gea made a diving jump in the air and opened his arms to use his arm span advantage to block this almost certain goal.

The players of both sides followed the football with their eyes and began to run. At this moment, the two people closest to the football were Vardy of Leicester and Valencia who came back to defend.

The two positions were close, and either of them had the possibility of grabbing it first.

Chen Huan was also returning to the penalty area quickly at this moment.

Valencia and Vardy collided, Vardy withstood the force from Valencia and shot the ball with his right foot before falling.


With a dull thud, the football flew out of the ground, drew an arc, and just bypassed Rojo who was filling in the position, and rolled into the goal.


There was a not-so-loud cheer from the Old Trafford Stadium. It was from the Leicester City fans who were traveling with the team.

After scoring the goal, Vardy excitedly rushed to the corner area. He shouted loudly to the diehard fans of the Foxes in the distance, and his facial muscles trembled slightly due to excessive excitement.

"ah——"Vardy roared loudly at the crowd. His teammates surrounded him from all directions. Vardy was still roaring. It seemed that tears were sliding down from the corners of his eyes. They mixed with sweat and disappeared.

"I will become a qualified Premier League player, I will score goals against big clubs, I will lead the team to victory after victory, and I will make all those who thought I had no football talent regret it!"


While Leicester City was celebrating, Chen Huan slipped to the sidelines and picked up a bottle of mineral water to replenish his water. Other Manchester United players were doing the same.

They didn't want to stand there stupidly and watch the Leicester players celebrate their goal.

"Hey, Chen, Di Maria, come here." Van Gaal handed the two to him, patted their shoulders and said,"You Di Maria will go to the wing to receive the pass later, you will be more comfortable playing on the wing, right? Chen, you wait until Di Maria leaves the shadow striker position, you go forward, or you two can switch positions, anyway, make their defense in the ribs mess up and create a chance to score a goal, do you understand?"

"no problem""Got it." Chen Huan and Di Maria answered together. Vardy's celebration was over at this time. The two teams returned to their respective positions and prepared to continue the game.

This time, Manchester United kicked off near the center circle, and Falcao passed the ball back to Di Maria.

When the Argentine was holding the ball, the Leicester City players had already rushed over quickly, intending to use the crazy scramble tactics to take the ball away while Manchester United was unstable.

"ha——"Di Maria was not afraid of pressure. He tricked a defensive player into stretching his legs by shaking twice. Then Di Maria accelerated and passed the opponent with the ball into the wing.

"Give it to me!" Chen Huan accelerated from the midfield position to the shadow striker position and raised his hand to ask for the ball.

Di Maria immediately sent a low ball to Chen Huan's right foot with his left foot. At the moment when Chen Huan received the ball, the opposing defensive player Drinkwater used his body to"resist" Chen Huan, trying to use the strength of his body to push Chen Huan away.

This was Drinkwater's tried-and-tested trick when facing the enemy's offensive players, but Chen Huan did not stretch his legs to touch the ball. Instead, after being held up, he staggered to the side a few steps and let the ball pass.

The ball slipped past Chen Huan's feet and fell to Rooney's feet. The Manchester United captain immediately took the ball to the Leicester City penalty area

"Beautiful cooperation!"In front of the Manchester United coaching bench, Van Gaal's eyes lit up slightly.

Since Rooney is willing to cooperate or integrate into the offensive system with Chen Huan as the core in the frontcourt, the former"core" of Manchester United can bring more changes to the team's offense.

For example, when Chen Huan does not touch the ball, Rooney can act as a player who attacks with the ball. It's like there are two core players in the team, one is the real core, that is, Chen Huan, and the other is the pseudo-core, that is, Rooney. When the real core Chen Huan is restricted, the pseudo-core is bound to get the opportunity to handle the ball because the opponent team is marking Chen Huan.

Just like at this moment, just when Rooney was about to enter the top of the arc of Leicester City with the ball, the opponent's defensive players came late.

Rooney did not choose to break through by force. After attracting the attention of the defensive players, he passed the ball to the wing.

Manchester United 's full-back Valencia came forward to control the ball. Facing the retreating Leicester City full-back De Laet, Valencia did not choose the traditional full-back passing tactics, but took the ball and took the initiative to approach De Laet.

""Come, come and steal my ball." Valencia held the ball near the baseline and provoked the Blue Fox's full-back.

De Laet got excited and immediately moved over and raised his leg to intercept Valencia's pass.

""Fooled!" Valencia feinted, got rid of De Laet's defense and rushed into the penalty area of Leicester City from the bottom line.

"damn it……"The Foxes' center back Morgan had no choice but to speed up and rush over to defend the position of De Laet who had been passed.

At this moment, Leicester City's defensive focus was seriously out of balance, with a large number of defensive players all in the penalty area, while there were many gaps outside the penalty area.

Valencia had already noticed a good passing line, and before Morgan stretched his legs to intercept the ball, he used his left foot to pass the ball out of the penalty area in an inverted triangle.

And where was Chen Huan waiting at this moment?

"Don't let him shoot!" Blue Fox goalkeeper Schwarzer yelled

"Damn it, why is no one watching him!"Andy King roared angrily as he rushed over from the side.

At this moment, Chen Huan had adjusted his posture and accelerated towards the football.

Valencia's pass was just right, and Chen Huan didn't need to make too many adjustments.

His left foot locked on the left side of the football, and his core strength drove his right leg to shoot the football.


With a muffled sound, the football flew into the sky.

The football drew an arc in the air, bypassing the Leicester City defenders who jumped high, and went straight to the upper right corner of the goal.

Schwarzer suddenly jumped up and stretched his body in the air, waving his fists in an attempt to keep the football out.


Schwarzer only felt a gust of wind passing by his ears, and the next moment a black and white object passed in front of his palm and shot into the goal.


The Old Trafford stadium was like an explosion, countless Manchester United fans jumped up, waving their hands and cheering loudly.

""Chen! Chen!"

The fans roared crazily.

At this moment, Chen Huan had already accelerated towards the corner area. In the stands near the corner area, many fans had already made fist-bumping movements.

Chen Huan jumped high as they wished, completing his iconic leap and punching movement.

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