This time, at the front of the penalty area, Chen Huan did not choose to pass the ball. He moved from the left to the middle, which was a good opportunity for him to shoot with his dominant foot.

Chen Huan shot the ball with the inside of his right foot before the Foxes' center back Morgan blocked it.

The ball bypassed Morgan and two Foxes players who jumped up, and turned to the upper right corner of the goal.

Chen Huan's body collided with Morgan's, but he kept watching the trajectory of the ball before he fell, until - Foxes' goalkeeper Schwarzer rushed over from the right and bravely shot the ball out with both hands.

"Damn, I should have pressed it.……"Chen Huan's last thought before he lost his balance and fell was to reflect on the flaws he had just made in handling the ball.

"boom——"As Chen Huan fell to the ground, cheers suddenly rang out in Old Trafford.

Chen Huan looked up blankly, and then he found that the ball had actually rolled into the goal.

"Chen, are you okay?"Valencia ran over and asked.

Chen Huan stood up and asked blankly:"No, but what about the ball?……"

"It was Falcao, the ball bounced to this kid's feet, he raised his leg and shot it in." Valencia had a smile on his face

"This kid is really lucky.……"Chen Huan smiled.

Now they were 2:1.


"The ball went in!"

In the Longguo Sports Channel, Xiao Zhan shouted excitedly,"This time it was Chen Huan who faced the defense from the left side, passed his defensive teammate, and cut inside to shoot. We can see that when Chen Huan got up after being hit, there was a bewildered look on his face. Obviously, he didn't know how the ball went in at first."

The screen began to replay the whole process of the goal.

"Chen Huan was holding the ball on the wing, facing De Laet. In fact, we can see that De Laet's defense was already in place. When facing Chen Huan's attack with the ball, he did not choose to rush over to press immediately, but blocked Chen Huan's space to handle the ball with his right foot."

Coach Zhang began to conduct a professional analysis

"After Chen Huan saw that De Laet was not coming to steal the ball, he actually used a few tricks to trick De Laet into kicking the ball, but De Laet still did not stretch his legs and retreated to wait for his teammates to come over.

At this time, the attack and defense of Chen Huan and De Laet on the screen began to slow down.

"Until something went wrong. It was here. You can see that Chen Huan was clearly trying to dribble the ball to the side, and De Laet followed suit and stretched his body. At this time, Chen Huan suddenly changed direction and wanted to cut inside, and De Laet also shifted his center of gravity. At this point, we can actually say that De Laet's defense was very good and excellent."

"Next, look at how Chen Huan handled the ball.

When he noticed that De Laet adjusted his center of gravity to follow him, he once again handled the ball in the opposite direction.

At this time, De Laet reacted and wanted to come closer, but his center of gravity could not be adjusted, so he staggered back two steps and almost fell.

Then Chen Huan cut inside and shot, but the ball was blocked by the goalkeeper and bounced under Falcao's feet.

This time the supplementary shot resulted in the final goal.


Xiao Zhan and Coach Zhang finished their analysis and said with a smile:"De Laet was actually quite wronged this time, because he really couldn't keep up with the frequency of Chen Huan's feet, and he had done everything he could to the end."

Coach Zhang:"Yes, that's right"

"But it's a pity that this goal can't be counted as Chen Huan's assist, otherwise Chen Huan would have completed a perfect record of one goal and one assist today."

"Hahaha, yes, it's a pity, I'll try to get another assist later."

After Falcao scored, neither Manchester United nor Leicester City could score again.

Both sides had several chances to score, but failed to do so in the final shot.

The game was added with three minutes of stoppage time. When the time was up, the referee did not allow the Leicester City team, who had the ball, to complete the last attack and ended the game directly.

When Chen Huan left the field, the Old Trafford stadium once again rang with shouts calling for him to stay.

"I admit that I am a little jealous of this kid."Carrick, who was following Chen Huan, said to Rojo.

Rojo shrugged his shoulders, smiled and said nothing.

Chen Huan sneaked out of the back door of the stadium after finishing various post-match activities as usual. Because of his baseball cap and mask, he was not caught by the crowd. He just heard the fans who walked out of the stadium but were reluctant to leave and shouted loudly from afar.

On the way back to the villa, Chen Huan had a brief telephone conversation with his agent Mendes.

"Yes, the rumors in the media are not false. Real Madrid made an offer to Manchester United, but it was not as exaggerated as 75 million euros, but 60 million euros."

"Well, have you started talking to the club about my salary?" Chen Huan asked

"Not yet, I'm waiting for Manchester United's top management to contact me. Don't worry, they're getting impatient." Mendes' voice was very confident on the phone.

Chen Huan suddenly remembered the Asian Cup that was about to start in February. Some of the matches in the Asian Cup might conflict with the club's match days.

"I need to include in my new contract that I can freely choose to participate in national team games. They can't prevent me from returning home because of the conflict between league and national team games."

"No problem, this is standard. Are there any other special requirements?"

"No more, thank you"

"You performed very well on the field today, Chen, keep it up, you will become the next Ronaldo or Messi, I guarantee it."

"Thank you for your good wishes." Chen Huan hung up the phone.

At this time, the car had already left Old Trafford, and the fans celebrating the victory gradually decreased. Only the cheers and singing from afar floated over.

They seemed to be still singing the catchy song"Chen, please stay for us", but it was no longer clear.

Although it was winter, the night in Manchester was still lively because of Manchester United's victory.

Chen Huan believed that if he wanted, he could knock on the door of every household in Manchester, and the other party would warmly invite him to spend a wonderful night.

"I find that I am almost in love with this place." Chen Huan turned his head and said to Timothy who was driving.

Regardless of whether he would leave Manchester United for other teams in the future, he already understood that Manchester United had become more than just a team for him.

"I think it is more urgent for you to get a driver's license as soon as possible.……"Timothy stopped talking halfway. Chen Huan had already fallen asleep leaning against the car window.

Timothy smiled, but stopped talking and reached out to turn off the music that was playing.

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