Longguo, Yuanhong City.

In the backyard of a townhouse located in the suburbs of the city, Xiao Meng, a real estate agent in a neat suit, opened the glass door connecting the living room to the backyard.

""Uncle, aunt, the backyard of this house is really unique. This yard covers a large area. It is very convenient for you to grow some vegetables, flowers and pets when you are free." Xiao Meng introduced to the rather shabby-dressed father and mother Chen with a smile.

If it were in normal times, Xiao Meng would definitely not even look at such middle-aged and elderly people.

Because he knew that such people were not his target customers.

But today's business is different. He knows in his heart that although these two middle-aged people look shabby, they have a good son.

That is, the most famous football player in Longguo now-Chen Huan.

Even he, a"non-fan" who usually does the only football-related thing is to follow others on the Internet to curse the national football team, knows Chen Huan's name, which shows the other party's popularity in Longguo.

"This yard is really nice."Mother Chen's eyes lighted up slightly when she saw the spacious backyard. She no longer works outside and the most she does is to dance square dance with others. If she can have a yard to tend to some vegetables, it can help relieve her boredom.

Chen Huan is also very satisfied with this townhouse, but he is still reluctant to spend money.

"Our old house is still habitable, and it can be renovated and repaired."Father Chen glanced at the back garden.

"Yes." Chen's mother also put away the desire in her eyes after hearing this.

In fact, if Chen Huan hadn't been urging them to look at the new house on the other end of the phone, and later directly ignored their wishes and bypassed the real estate agency they contacted, she and Chen's father would not have come out to see these.

"Uncle, aunt, this house is really not expensive, and our property is also cheap, and we can buy it for 17 million including decoration."Xiao Meng quickly persuaded

"Seventeen million?!" Both Chen's father and mother were shocked.

"Let's not watch it anymore. Let's go. This is too expensive." Chen's mother quickly took her husband's hand and left.

"Ring Ring Ring——"

At this moment, the phone in Chen's father's pocket suddenly rang.

Chen's father paused and took out his phone. The video request displayed on WeChat was Chen Huan's.

"Hello, Xiao Huan." Father Chen raised his phone and smiled.

"Dad, Mom, are you looking at houses here? Turn your phone over and let me see it."Chen Huan said with a smile on his face on the other side of the ocean.

Father Chen turned the camera over and took a picture of the living room of the villa. Mother Chen said,"Xiao Huan, this costs 17 million. It's too expensive."

Chen Huan on the other end of the video had also seen this house type when he contacted the agent before. Now he took a look through the video and found that the villa where his parents lived had been simply decorated and could be moved in with just a suitcase.

And he could also see that his father and mother were actually quite satisfied with the house, but they were just reluctant to spend money.

""Meng, we have already decided on this house. You don't need to bring other people to see it. I will ask a lawyer to discuss the specific procedures with you." Chen Huan talked directly to the agent Xiao Meng through Chen's father's mobile phone.

Seventeen million dragon coins is undoubtedly a sky-high figure for ordinary people, but this money is not expensive for a professional player with an annual salary of 10 million pounds, which is nearly 100 million dragon yuan.

""Okay, Brother Huan, everything is very formal here, don't worry." Xiao Meng was very happy, after all, if this order was successful, he could get a huge commission.

Father and Mother Chen were anxious, they felt sorry for Chen Huan's money.

But Chen Huan said before his parents could speak:"Mom, the villa here is quite big, send my aunt and uncle over during the New Year. If nothing unexpected happens, I will have a competition during those days, so I can't go back to accompany you."

"Xiao Huan, this house is too expensive. We can go and see a cheaper one.……"Chen's mother was still reluctant to spend so much money, so she quickly persuaded

"Mom and Dad, I have something to do here, I'll hang up first. That Xiao Meng, that's it, the lawyer will come to you in the next few days."After Chen Huan finished speaking, he ended the video call without waiting for his parents to say anything.

""Xiao Huan? Xiao Huan?" Father Chen wanted to say something else, but the video had already been disconnected.

"Uncle and aunt, it's a great thing that Brother Huan is so filial to you. Besides, this little money is nothing to him. If you two live well in China, can't he be at ease playing football in a foreign country?"

After hearing this, Chen's father and mother finally stopped trying to stop him and happily accepted it all.


Manchester, Carrington Training Base, training day.

During the group attack and defense training, Carrick passed the ball to Chen Huan in front of the crowd. Facing the ball, Chen Huan turned to face the goal, then volleyed the ball without stopping or adjusting.

In mid-air, Chen Huan's right foot hit the lower part of the football with force.


With a muffled sound, the football shot towards the goal guarded by De Gea like a cannonball.

The next moment, the football passed the crossbar of the goal and shot directly into the sky.

"I didn't kick it well." Chen Huan smiled and shook his head.

Rooney on the side said:"You used enough force and shot quickly, but you didn't hit the right spot when you touched the ball."

Rooney's experience and suggestions as a top striker are very valuable for reference. Chen Huan nodded slightly, understood where he had gone wrong just now, and smiled and said:"Thank you very much."

"All for the championship." Rooney responded with a smile.

Just as the attacking and defending teams retreated to prepare for training again, Van Gaal, who was a little further away, clapped his hands and shouted,"Stop, Chen, stop training, the club's top management is waiting to see you in the conference room."

Chen Huan waved to his teammates and pushed down from the sidelines.

"Boss, do you know why the top management is looking for me?" Chen Huan did not go directly to the meeting room where the club's top management was, but first found Van Gaal to communicate.

"It should be handling your contract"

"They should go directly to my agent."Chen Huan took off his sneakers and put on a pair of comfortable sports slippers.

Van Gaal shrugged and did not respond to Chen Huan's words.

Maybe many people think that a team should renew contracts with those people in the transfer window, buy those people, and then clean up those people. All of this is done by the head coach.

But in fact, in the five major leagues, especially in the giants, these tasks are not actually within the scope of the head coach's job.

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