Chen Huan stopped the ball at his feet with his back to the Uzbek team's goal. This time he did not pass the ball back, but used his body to hold Kapadze while observing the positions of other Uzbek defensive players. No.

8 Jeparov and No. 17 Tursunov rushed over from the left and right sides, and with the addition of Kapadze, they wanted to strangle Chen Huan with the power of three midfielders.

Chen Huan sank his shoulders to the left, and then made a dribbling motion with his feet.

Kapadze and Tursunov immediately stretched their legs to prevent Chen Huan's sudden dribbling, but at the moment they stretched their legs, Chen Huan turned around and faced the Uzbek team's goal in an extremely chic and agile posture.

"Damn, it was Cruyff who turned around!"Kapadze's face changed.

Fortunately, at this time, No. 8 Jeparov on the other side was not fooled by Chen Huan's fake move. This player who has played in the K League of South Korea for many years rushed towards Chen Huan quickly.

"Let's compete in speed!" Chen Huan gritted his teeth and accelerated with the ball.

Bale's speed suddenly broke out at this moment, and Chen Huan's figure shot out like an arrow.

Jeparov was shocked and reached out to grab Chen Huan's jersey, but the latter did not stop but accelerated to break free when faced with someone pulling his jersey.

Uzbekistan's central defender Sholakhmedov moved out from his position, facing Chen Huan, blocking Chen Huan's forward path.

Chen Huan did not choose to pass Sholakhmedov again, but directly kicked the ball to the opponent's back

The center forward of the Dragon National Team, Liang Dai, had already advanced to that position, and Chen Huan's pass landed just in front of his left foot.

Liang Dai used his right arm to hold off the pressure of another center back, Muraganov, and at the same time exerted force on his left foot to shoot. Although his left foot was not his dominant foot, he could not force himself to adjust to his dominant foot to shoot under such circumstances.

The opportunity was fleeting - he had to give it a try.

Liang Dai's left foot kicked the ball forward, and the ball rushed to the ground, bounced off the ground, and refracted towards the goal.

""Bounce shot!" Uzbekistan's goalkeeper Nesterov was ready to save the ball from the near corner, but the ball bounced off the ground and bounced towards the far corner of the left goal post.

He stretched out his arm with all his strength to try to stop the ball in mid-air, but his arm missed.

Just as the ball was about to be reflected into the Uzbek team's goal, the left back Denisov, wearing the No. 19 jersey, had already rushed over.

Denisov rushed into the goal, blocked the ball out of the goal with his body, and immediately took the ball out of the Uzbek team's penalty area.

Longguo's winger Xiao Rong, wearing the No. 11 jersey, rushed over at an accelerated speed, trying to get the ball back through a quick press.

Facing the press, Denisov suddenly dribbled the ball in the opposite direction and passed Xiao Rong cleanly. At the same time, the full-back who once played for the Russian Premier League giants Moscow Central Army and participated in the Champions League looked up to observe the situation in his own frontcourt.

The Uzbek team's front trident, No. 11 Sergeyev, No. 9 Ahmedov, and No. 7 Haidarov, are attacking the back line of Longguo at high speed.

Denisov did not hesitate, and suddenly sent a high-altitude ball to the backcourt of Longguo National Team.

Zheng Jun was accelerating towards his own half at this moment. At the same time, Longguo's two central defenders Ma Wei and Chen Mo were also returning to defense, while using small movements to interfere with Sergeyev and Ahmedov.

The football flew across half the field and fell to the front of the Longguo National Team's penalty area. Sergeyev resisted Ma Wei, but this fierce physical confrontation also caused his center of gravity to be in a state of trouble. Sergeyev completed a shot before his body was about to lose its center of gravity.

The football flew out-rushing towards the Longguo goal.

Longguo national goalkeeper Zhao Qianming did not take the initiative to attack, but stayed in front of the goal.

And this time, it was because he did not attack that he saved the ball from the bottom line in the far corner of the goal.

"God of Wealth bless you……"Ma Wei got up from the ground, looked at Zhao Qianming apologetically, and whispered softly



There was also a sound of people sucking in their breath on the Longguo Sports Channel.

"Coach Zhang, to be honest, when Sergeyev shot the ball, I broke out in a cold sweat. I was really afraid that he would score."

"I feel the same way."

The game footage began to replay, starting with Chen Huan using a Cruyff turn in the frontcourt to break through the double team of three Uzbekists.

"It depends on Chen Huan." Coach Zhang said with emotion:"I want to say that this is the charm of a star player. In fact, we all know that the opportunity just now was not an opportunity at all, but Chen Huan was able to turn around in the double team and then send a threatening pass. This is his role in the Dragon National Team."

Xiao Zhan echoed:"Yes, the Uzbek team should be careful. Even if you have three people, it is difficult to completely let Chen Huan go."

"Liang Dai's shot was also very well completed. We can see that he first used his body to withstand Muraganov's impact in the semi-air, and then shot with force. His left foot is his non-dominant foot. In this case, he tried to score through a rebound, and he almost succeeded. If it weren't for Denisov's magical defense at the end, I think he would have scored first."

"Yes, Uzbekistan's counterattack was just as sharp. When Denisov passed Xiao Rong with the ball, we saw that Uzbekistan's offensive trident immediately charged our defense, and then Sergeyev completed a shot."

"Yes, Ma Wei obviously suffered in the physical confrontation with Sergeyev. Was his defensive action deformed? The physical confrontation between the two was too brief, and I could not see it clearly."After both players completed a threatening attack on the target, the game almost fell into a quagmire again.

Uzbekistan's defense became tighter, especially since Chen Huan almost broke through Uzbekistan's midfield defense by himself, which made them more alert.

"Quick, follow him!" Kapadze not only followed Chen Huan himself, but also paid attention to directing his teammates to follow other Longguo players to achieve the effect of trapping Chen Huan. Longguo also tried to bypass Chen Huan to attack. Among them, Tang Chi made a low-quality cross in a forced breakthrough on the wing, but the Uzbek defensive player in the penalty area quickly destroyed the ball.

So far, until the end of the first half, neither side had any chances.

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