Monday's training day was mainly recovery training as usual.

Rooney entered the training ground as usual, not early but not late, to start warm-up training.

Everything was normal, which made many Manchester United players who were worried about conflicts secretly relieved.

Even Van Gaal had a normal communication with Rooney, everything was normal

"I was scared to death." During lunch, Wilson placed the plate next to Chen Huan, glanced around, and continued:"I almost thought Rooney would pick a fight with you today."

Chen Huan took a bite of the sandwich, chewed it for a few times, and noticed that Wilson was looking at him with surprised eyes, so he said:"Why don't you eat?"

"Why aren't you worried at all?"

"What am I worried about? There is nothing between me and Rooney."

Wilson took out his phone, skillfully opened the social platform, and then clicked on the comment section of Chen Huan's personal poster article released on Manchester United's official platform after the game yesterday.


Chen Huan was speechless.

A quarrel had already started in the comment section, and the two sides of the quarrel were obviously Chen Huan's fans and Rooney's fans.

And the beginning of all this was because Rooney's fans first mocked Manchester United and Chen Huan.

"Let's eat. I don't care about this at all."Chen Huan retracted his gaze.

This is really normal. When a player becomes famous, quarrels between fans are inevitable.

Just like the fans of Messi and Ronaldo have been attacking each other for a long time.

"You are too calm, Chen." Wilson looked at Chen Huan with awe."I must learn from you.!"

"The culture of the Dragon Kingdom is extensive and profound. You should study it well."


The Hull City Football Club's office building is a white three-story building standing on the banks of the Hull River.

Steve Bruce, a former English football player with white hair and now a meritorious coach of Hull City, stood in front of the window and looked at the players running hard on the training ground and turned around with a sad face.

"Can anyone tell me where Manchester United's Chen will appear in this round of games?"Bruce raised his voice, but still tried his best to remain calm.

In the small office, the head coach's"think tank" composed of scouts, consultants, assistant coaches and some miscellaneous club personnel only had ten people in total.

"Boss, we have tried our best to collect information about Chen. We have watched every video of his games frame by frame, including the Panda Cup game where he played for the Dragon National Team. But we really can't tell where he will appear in this round of games, because he……"The assistant coach hesitated for a moment, then said,"Because he seems to be able to play all positions except center back and goalkeeper."

"Oh my god……"Steve Bruce put his hands into his hair in pain.

"We have lost seven games in a row in the league, damn it, if we want to stay in the Premier League this season, we have to play every game from now on as a final!" Steve Bruce finally exploded, he roared at everyone:"In this game against Manchester United, at least we have to draw and get one point, you go and figure out what position Chen Huan plays when he falls to the ground!"


Carrick made a long pass to Chen Huan. Before he touched the ball, thousands of cheers rang out in the Old Trafford stadium.

""Don't even think about getting past me!" Livermore rushed towards Chen Huan.

Chen Huan flicked the ball with his toes and dribbled it to the right front. Chen Huan then accelerated and passed by Livermore like lightning.

""Chen!" Van Persie launched an attack from outside the penalty area to the penalty area. On the other side, Di Maria also rushed forward to find a position to receive the ball.

Chen Huan did not rush to pass the ball but raised his head to observe the situation in the Hull City penalty area.

Michael Dawson, one of the three central defenders, had turned around to follow Van Persie who suddenly moved forward. In front of Chen Huan, the other two of the three central defenders did not move out to create pressure on Chen Huan at the first time, but chose to defend their positions and did not give Chen Huan the opportunity to challenge them.

"Since you've given me space, I won't be polite."

Chen Huan chuckled and took a step forward with the ball.

He was going to shoot directly before the top of the arc!

Crescent Moon Scimitar!

Chen Huan's left foot landed firmly on the left side of the football, and then stabilized his body. He controlled his core to twist and exert force. When his supporting foot almost formed a 45° angle with the ground, the inside of his right foot slammed into the football.


With a muffled sound, the football whistled up and flew towards the upper right corner of the goal.

A crescent arc!

Goalkeeper McGregor exerted force with his legs and rushed to the upper right corner of the goal like a catapult arrow.

But he was still a step slower.

The football turned into the upper right corner of the goal, and Chen Huan scored a world wave outside the penalty area.


Old Trafford was once again in turmoil.

The fans of the Theatre of Dreams never hesitated to give their favorite players applause and cheers.

Chen Huan rushed to the corner area, jumped high, and punched the air.

On the huge score display screen at Old Trafford, Manchester United led Hull City 4:0.


"Did Aguero score?"

After Chen Huan scored, Van Gaal did not celebrate, but turned around and asked the assistant coach about the situation of Manchester City's top scorer.


"What a shame, Chen is going to be tied with that Argentinian for the top scorer again"

"There is nothing to regret, boss. With Chen's current scoring efficiency and his physical condition, he will definitely win the Premier League Golden Boot this season."

Van Gaal's face brightened up again when he heard this. He hugged his assistant coach and said with a smile:"You are right, Chen is really like a monster. There is no discomfort in his body. I should not say he is a monster, but an angel given to me by God.……"



In front of the Hull City bench, Steve Bruce showed off his footwork as a former England international - he kicked the water bottle in front of him and broke it.

Their prediction of Chen Huan's position failed.

They finally predicted that Chen Huan would continue to play as a left winger against Arsenal, but in this game, Chen Huan appeared in the position of attacking midfielder.

"Damn it, if we want to stay in the league, we must have a player like Chen.……"Steve Bruce said angrily

"Maybe we should go to the Longchao League to look for players, maybe there is the next Chen Huan there." The assistant coach's eyes lit up and he smiled and made a suggestion.

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