After Manchester United kicked off for the fourth time, the referee blew the whistle to end the 90-minute game. The two sides took a short break and entered the half-hour overtime. In the blink of an eye, the five-minute break was over. In fact, the two coaches had no more cards to play in the game. The physical strength of the starting players of the two teams was basically exhausted. Other things such as player strength and team technical and tactical level had to be put aside. Now the competition was about which team had stronger spiritual attributes and more tenacious will! When the players returned to the field to prepare for the kick-off, the camera also gave close-up shots to the players on the field in time. Unlike the end of the first half, the young men of Manchester United are now the ones with their heads down and dejected. From a close-up shot, you can see that captain Neville keeps clapping his hands and shouting to his teammates to encourage everyone.

On the other hand, although most of the players of Leeds United are panting with their hands on their thighs, the audience in front of the TV can already feel Leeds United's determination to win this game from their eyes full of fighting spirit!

"Okay! Friends at the scene! To be honest, I'm a little excited. The last time I saw such a turbulent game was the last time. Hahahaha, just kidding, the overtime will start soon. Let's see who is the final winner of this game!"

Lineker's ridicule slightly dispelled the tense atmosphere at the scene, causing the fans to laugh. A moment later, the referee also blew the whistle to start the first half of the overtime game with a little smile.


The first half of the extra time had been played for almost 10 minutes. Although Scholes and Neville on the field had tried hard to mobilize the enthusiasm of their teammates, after all, they were tied after leading by four goals. This huge gap made most of the other players very frustrated. The low morale made Manchester United unable to organize an effective attack. Several obviously good opportunities did not form threatening shots in the end.

Ferguson saw the poor performance of the players, but he had no substitutions in his hands and could only stand on the sidelines and yell at the players who made mistakes, trying to make his beloved disciples sober up.

Li Shiguang obviously also discovered this, so once Manchester United got the ball, he immediately yelled for Leeds United players to rush up and press, hoping to make Manchester United players feel the full pressure in this way. The results of this pressing method are remarkable. Leeds United frequently counterattacked in Manchester United's half in the past 10 minutes and finally completed the shot.

But this kind of high-intensity running also made the boys' physical strength, which was already running out, consumed faster. Milner and Lahm had already suffered cramps.

Just now, Li Shiguang took the time to open the system and took a look. He found that except for Neuer and Modric and Ribery who came on in the second half, the physical strength of other players had dropped to single digits. But like Ferguson, he had no substitutions and could only stand on the sidelines and worry, hoping that his players' willpower would be stronger than the opponent's...

Looking at the Leeds United players who were almost exhausted but still actively fighting on the field, whether it was the on-site commentator Lineker or the neutral fans who did not belong to either side, their positions unconsciously began to lean towards Leeds United.

This may be a common problem for spectators in competitive sports. When your position is neutral, the relatively weak but very tenacious side will often make you unconsciously hope that the final winner is the weak side.

Neutral fans in the stadium are like this now. Once Leeds United gets the ball and starts to attack, they will immediately welcome their thunderous cheers, as if they are Leeds United fans for ten years.

And Leeds United responded to their enthusiasm!


In the 12th minute of the first half of extra time, Manchester United made another mistake in their own half, and it was a fatal mistake!

This was originally a very ordinary sideline ball. Ribery kicked the ball out of bounds in a fight with Neville. Neville, who took the sideline ball, did not choose to pass the ball back to Vidic on the back line, but threw the ball to Park Ji-sung standing in the midfield.

The nearly 110-minute run made the Koreans, known as "Park San Lungs", a little overwhelmed. In the past, if teammates kicked the sideline ball, they would have been in trouble.

If the ball is thrown to him, he will definitely run over to catch it as soon as possible.

But now the excessive consumption of physical energy has caused a brief blank in Park Ji-sung's brain. Looking at the football flying towards him, he did not run over immediately. Instead, he hesitated for a moment, thinking that he might as well stand there and wait for the football to land.

But at the moment when he was stunned, the sound of rapid running suddenly sounded behind him.

"Oh no!" Park Ji-sung was shocked, but before he could react, a figure had already rushed in front of him.

"Alonso! He rushed out from behind Park Ji-sung! He sent a beautiful through pass!" Lineker shouted.

Alonso did not stop the ball. After passing Park Ji-sung, he immediately sent a through pass with his arch of the foot. This pass was very beautiful, and the position was just between Neville and Vidic. Ribery's reaction was also quite fast. When he saw Alonso starting from behind Park Ji-sung, he turned around and ran towards the bottom line of Manchester United.

"Ribery stopped beautifully, but Vidic had already approached, and Neville was desperately chasing him from behind on the right. The two tried to block Ribery's position from the left and right to prevent him from going into the penalty area! There was no other way, Ribery could only take the ball to the bottom line, hoping that he would have a chance to pass the ball!" Unconsciously, Lineker's live commentary had already taken on a bit of personal emotion.

"Fuck, when did you become a Leeds United fan!"

"I pass the ball to your face, will you speak!"

Manchester United fans under the commentary desk had already started to curse, you are a neutral commentator, why are you here to make a promise?

But as Lineker said, Ribery was really uncomfortable now, Vidic blocked his position, and the experienced Neville kept pulling the corner of his clothes with his hands in the blind spot of the referee's vision.

Seeing that there was still about 2 or 3 meters to the bottom line, the hearts of Manchester United fans gradually relaxed.

But at this moment, Ribery suddenly touched the ball with his foot, and then quickly moved his body back and stopped. Obviously, Vidic and Neville did not realize that Ribery would do this. Under the influence of inertia, the two rushed directly out of the baseline.

Seeing Ribery get rid of the defense, Van der Sar in front of the goal could no longer bear it, and immediately rushed out to block the angle of Ribery's shot.

But before Van der Sar fell, Ribery lightly flicked the ball with his left foot, and then he passed Van der Sar in front of him from outside the baseline and caught up with the ball, and then gently pushed the ball into the empty goal.....


Leeds United completed the reversal! !

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