After hearing the whistle, the players from both sides left the field one after another.

The TV broadcast gave more shots to Toure, who helped Leeds United equalize the score, and also captured the scene of Li Shiguang pulling Toure and patting his shoulder intimately on the sidelines.

Toure's performance in the first half was indeed worthy of Li Shiguang's praise. Most of Leeds United's threatening attacks were launched from this point, and he also helped his team equalize the score.

In the away team's locker room, because the score was equalized not long after the lead, Manchester United's players seemed a little low in morale after returning, and no one spoke.

Ferguson had already yelled once on the field before, and seeing this, he did not continue to criticize his players, but began to encourage everyone.

"Don't be discouraged, guys. We didn't lose the game. There are still 45 minutes left. We ignored Toure in the first half. This is not entirely your fault. It was also my fault. I didn't expect Leeds United to make such a change in the midfield." Ferguson looked at Carrick and gave his favorite disciple an encouraging look. "We have to make some adjustments next, Wayne..."

After hearing his name, Rooney looked up at Ferguson.

Ferguson thought for a while and began to make arrangements: "You have to retreat in the second half. Dimitar can be the only one on the front line. I need you to do more work in the midfield."

"Yeah." Rooney nodded.

Then Ferguson looked at Scholes, who was a little out of breath: "Paul, can you still run?"

Scholes nodded: "It's no problem to run for another 20 minutes."

"Okay, when you switch from offense to defense in the second half, you retreat a little deeper, and help defend the No. 8 of Leeds United with Michael. Don't let him have the opportunity to pass the ball forward or start easily. Don't save energy. I will let Park prepare to replace you."

After Scholes nodded in response, Ferguson clapped his hands and said to his disciples: "Everyone played very well in the first half. Although it was a bit regrettable at the last moment, they equalized the score, but it's not a big problem. I want you to maintain the suppression force in the first half from the beginning of the second half, and try not to give them the opportunity to organize a quick counterattack!"


In the home team's locker room, Li Shiguang, like Ferguson, was also making adjustments in the second half.

"Everyone performed very well in the first half! Not only did they withstand the opponent's bombardment to a great extent, but they also quickly equalized the score. I think Alex must be making adjustments at this time, after all, he just suffered a big loss from Yaya."

Li Shiguang's description immediately caused the players to laugh. Cannavaro even took the lead and patted Toure on the shoulder and started to make a noise. Toure's black face was flushed a little.

After laughing, Li Shiguang pulled over the whiteboard next to him and started talking while drawing.

"I don't know if Alex will choose to make a substitution in the midfield, but I know he will definitely guard against Yaya in the second half."

"Assuming they don't make substitutions, he will most likely withdraw Rooney to the front midfielder position and let Scholes move back to help Carrick defend Yaya. If that's the case..."

Li Shiguang focused his attention on Podolski: "Lucas, I may need you to sacrifice a little. At that time, I may let Rivaldo replace you. When attacking, we play as double forwards. When defending, Yaya's position retreats and guards the midfield with Javier."


Soon, the 15-minute rest time ended, and the players of both sides stood on the court again.

Li Shiguang glanced at Ferguson, thinking that the old Sir really stabilized and did not make any personnel adjustments.

However, Lineker in the studio expressed some opinions on Ferguson's inaction.

"Okay, we saw that neither side made any adjustments during the halftime break, and they still used the lineups from the first half. But I can understand why Lee didn't make any adjustments. Today, his changes in the midfield showed good results, but Carrick has suffered several losses from Toure. Doesn't Ferguson plan to make any changes in this position? I thought he would send Park Ji-sung or Brown to strengthen the defense against Toure!"

Lineker's analysis had just ended, and before Blackwell could respond, the referee blew the whistle to start the second half of the game, so the two

I quickly turned my attention back to the TV screen.

In the second half, Leeds United kicked off first.

After the kick-off, Leeds United did not rush to attack, but kept passing the ball back and forth in the backcourt, while Manchester United's players followed Ferguson's instructions in the locker room and pressed forward, intending to force Leeds United to lose the ball by pressing in the frontcourt, and then directly attack.

In this situation, Bale, who was in control of the ball on the sideline, passed the ball horizontally to Mascherano in the midfield, who directly passed the ball back to Cannavaro behind him, and Cannavaro kicked the ball to the left after receiving the ball.

There, Bale had already advanced at high speed and had surpassed Evra.

"Woohoo... a precise long pass from Cannavaro." Seeing Bale successfully get the ball, Eddie Gray began to shout excitedly, "Bale is very fast, but Evra is also chasing closely behind him!"

Indeed, although Bale received the ball, he did not completely get rid of Evra who was chasing him closely behind, and because he had to dribble the ball, his speed slowed down and he was about to be caught up by Evra.

"This way, Gareth!"

But fortunately, Toure's voice appeared on Bale's right in time. He didn't think about it and directly passed the ball in the direction of the voice with his left foot.

Seeing Bale pass the ball, Toure quickly shook Carrick who was gently pulling his jersey, and wanted to rush over to catch the ball.

But what surprised Toure was that he just ran forward two steps and saw a red figure appear on the path of the football, and directly poked the ball to Ferdinand at the front of the penalty area.

"Ah~~ It's a pity, Scholes appeared in front of Toure in time and intercepted the ball." Eddie Gray's voice was full of regret.

On the side of the court, watching Scholes return so deep, Li Shiguang touched his chin and looked at Ferguson next to him.

Hmm? Something is wrong!

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