After the referee blew the whistle to end the game, Li Shiguang immediately went to the visiting team's coaching bench. Although Ferguson's face showed that his emotions were on the verge of exploding, he still gave Li Shiguang face and did not pretend not to see Wenger and slip into the player tunnel like last time. After resting with the players in the locker room for a while, the best player of the day, Toure, was called to the mixed interview area for an interview, and Li Shiguang brought captain Kompany to the post-match press conference. As soon as he sat down, a reporter couldn't wait to stand up and ask questions, and the questions were quite aggressive! "Hello, Mr. Li. Sir Ferguson just mentioned in an interview that the reason why Manchester United lost the game today was largely because Leeds United had the home advantage. Do you agree with this statement?"

Hearing this question, Ferguson saw that Mascherano's suspected handball was not shown a yellow card by the referee in the first half, and the subsequent scene of him pestering the fourth official instantly appeared in Li Shiguang's mind.

Looking at the logo on the reporter's clothes, it was a reporter from the Manchester Evening News. Li Shiguang understood in his heart, and a smirk appeared on the corner of his mouth, looking at the other party with a playful look.

"Mr. Reporter? What's the point of asking this question? This is Elland Road, not Old Trafford. Isn't it normal that more fans cheer for Leeds United? I think even if Manchester United comes here to play an away game, they won't get more cheers than the home team!"

"But Mr. Li, you know I'm not talking about the home advantage in this regard!"

"Oh? Then what does this reporter mean?" Li Shiguang looked at the reporter who asked the question with a puzzled look. The corners of his mouth rose slightly, with a hint of sarcasm.

"Is it that the Leeds United players are more familiar with the grass of Elland Road?" He deliberately emphasized the tone, making this sentence sound provocative.

Li Shiguang's ridicule caused most of the reporters on the scene to laugh.

The reporter from the Manchester Evening News blushed, and seemed to be a little angry at Li Shiguang's remarks. "Mr. Li, please answer my question directly. Friends present should know that I am referring to the fact that Mascherano committed a handball foul in the first half but did not receive a yellow card!"

"Oh? So Mr. Ferguson said that Manchester United lost the game today because of the referee's problem?" Li Shiguang looked puzzled.

"That's not the case! But I think what Mr. Ferguson said makes sense. This kind of unfairness did happen in the first half..."

"Watch your words, Mr. reporter!"

Li Shiguang's face sank, and he looked righteous. At the same time, his tone became extremely serious, interrupting the reporter who was still talking.

"If you watched this game, even if it was just a slow-motion replay, you wouldn't make such a nonsensical statement. I absolutely don't believe that Mr. Ferguson would say such a statement in an interview, because he and I both have absolute trust in the English Football Association! Okay, this question ends here. Please ask the reporters who want to ask more questions in the future to be more reliable, OK?"

It is indeed the same as what Li Shiguang said. Ferguson just said that Leeds United has the home advantage, but what exactly is the home advantage? Ferguson didn't explain it in such detail as he said...

Li Shiguang's remarks made the reporter speechless and he had to sit down in dismay.

The other reporters stared at Li Shiguang with wide eyes, repeatedly confirming in their hearts whether the man who righteously said that he absolutely trusted the FA was the same Li Shiguang who had criticized the FA some time ago...

Then, another reporter stood up: "Mr. Li, we all know that Leeds United did not perform very well in the previous rounds of the league. In your opinion, does Leeds United's victory over Manchester United today mean that the team's status is gradually recovering, and what is Leeds United's ultimate goal this season?"

Li Shiguang nodded: "Indeed, everyone knows that our game tasks this season are quite heavy. Now we are fighting on three fronts, and we will also join the FA Cup after the Christmas schedule. Some time ago, due to the too dense schedule, Leeds United suffered a lot of injuries, which affected our status, but fortunately, the rest some time ago allowed us to adjust back, which is also a big part of the reason for today's victory."

After a slight pause, he looked down at the people below who were all bowing their heads.

Looking at the reporters who were tapping their heads on the keyboards, Li Shiguang had a slightly arrogant smile on his face.

"As for the goal of this season, the championship, the league championship or the Champions League championship is fine! If I can get both, I will be even happier!"


Did I hear it wrong!

The reporters who were still tapping their keyboards all raised their heads and looked at Li Shiguang in disbelief.

"Uh...Mr. Li, did I hear it wrong, or did you just say the League Cup championship?" The reporter who asked the question just now had not sat down yet, and he continued to ask.

"Mr. Reporter, you didn't hear it wrong, I did say the Premier League championship." Li Shiguang shook his head, and then added, "Or the Champions League championship."

"But... But Mr. Li, have you seen the standings? You know, Leeds United is only ranked 12th in the league after 7 rounds..." Directly ignoring the words "Champions League" from Li Shiguang's mouth, another reporter stood up and expressed his opinion.

"So what's the problem?" Li Shiguang's tone was still flat. "You also know that only 7 rounds of the league have passed, and there are still more than 30 rounds of games to play. Who knows the result before the last game? And today's victory over Manchester United is a good start, isn't it?"

"Leeds United won today, but there are many strong teams behind them. Leeds United will also visit Old Trafford in the second half of the season. At that time, Manchester United will have the home advantage. I really don't know where your confidence comes from." Perhaps because he felt that Li Shiguang's remarks were too shameless, the reporter of the Manchester Evening News who had been criticized before stood up and refuted again, with a very contemptuous tone.

"Haha." Li Shiguang glanced at the jumping clown, "Mr. Reporter, what is your name? Let's make a bet!"

"Charles, Charles Walters." Charles raised his face and reported his name.

Li Shiguang stared at him with his eyes fixed on him: "Okay, Mr. Charles, let's make a bet. If Leeds United wins the league or Champions League this season, I want you to publish an apology article for today's question in the Manchester Evening News under your name for 30 consecutive days, and vice versa, okay?"

Fuck, 30 consecutive days! And he apologized in his own newspaper! Li Shiguang is going to kill Charles!

The reporters present all looked at Charles with interest, wanting to see if he dared to accept it.

Charles naturally knew Li Shiguang's intention, but he still thought that Li Shiguang's statement of winning the league championship was too arrogant, so after a little thought, he nodded and accepted the bet.

After the press conference, Li Shiguang had to go back to the locker room again. He also had to tell the players about the holiday arrangements for this week, but just as he walked to the door of the locker room, before he had time to open the door, a crisp female voice came from behind him.

"Li, long time no see~"

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