The game has already started for 15 minutes. This may be the most painful 15 minutes that Leeds United players have ever experienced on the field, because their passes can hardly cross the half court. After the game started, Manchester United showed strong pressure at home. Ferguson seemed to have studied the style of play of Leeds United last season. After the opening, Manchester United played the high-pressure game. The main outlet of Leeds United is Modric, who is the brain of the entire Leeds United. It seems that Ferguson has a clear understanding of this set of Leeds United. Therefore, whenever Modric got the ball, Scholes and Rooney would not hesitate to stick to him and use their physical advantages to defend him tightly. At the same time, the experienced Keane hovered beside Deisler like a ghost, ready to act at any time.

Several times, Modric had to rush the ball due to fierce pressure from the opponent, but these passes often lacked accuracy and strength, and were successfully intercepted by the quick-eyed Keane halfway. As a result, Leeds United has always found it difficult to organize a truly threatening attack, and the game situation has become increasingly stalemate.

"Oh, the ball was intercepted again. Leeds United is in danger if this continues!" Su Tao said. "Modric passed the ball under the double team, but Deisler was intercepted by Keane just after receiving the ball. Manchester United immediately organized a counterattack, and Keane passed the ball to Giggs on the left."

"Beautiful, Giggs took advantage of Milner and Mascherano not forming a siege, and suddenly changed his move and got through the middle of the two. Now he has a clear road ahead!"

After passing the two, Giggs accelerated suddenly and took the ball towards the penalty area. Silva saw that Giggs was about to break into the penalty area, and had to come to defend, but when he was about 2 or 3 meters away from Giggs, the experienced Welsh veteran directly knocked the ball to the middle, where Van Nistelrooy was waiting for his pass.

In the penalty area, Van Nistelrooy was closely guarded by Kompany as he was about to receive the ball, and Chiellini was also wandering around Rooney. Just when everyone thought that it was difficult for Van Nistelrooy to get the ball due to Kompany's interference, the Dutchman turned around at the moment he was about to receive the ball and directly leaked the ball to the back point. Ronaldo, who had been waiting at the back point without being guarded, made a beautiful volley and changed the score to 1:0.

This goal made Li Shiguang, who had been directing on the sidelines, very angry. He couldn't help but yell at Ribery, who was upset because he knew that it was because of his loss of position that this goal was caused: "Frank, what are you doing! Keep an eye on that Portuguese guy, okay?"

Although Li Shiguang had done his best to prepare for this game, after all, the ball is round, and even if he had a system, he couldn't calculate everything on the court in advance.

10 minutes later, Ronaldo made a breakthrough on the right. Ribery had no choice but to use foul tactics after being passed. Not only did he receive a yellow card, but also Manchester United got a free kick about 23 meters away from the goal.

Then, Ronaldo, who was in excellent form today, kicked a perfect falling leaf ball and broke Schmeichel's ten fingers again.

Just 25 minutes into the game, Manchester United led Leeds United 2:0 at home.

Seeing Manchester United score another goal, Ere Gedi, who was sitting in the studio today, shouted painfully with his hands on his head: "It's terrible, Ribery's condition today is really too bad. Leeds United is too passive now. Effective offense has been slow to organize. They have to attack again when they are two goals behind. Let's see how Li will adjust later!"

After Ronaldo scored this goal, Li Shiguang had seen on the system panel that Ribery's game status had changed from normal to poor. He knew that these two mistakes caused the team to lose the ball, which had affected Ribery's confidence.

Looking at the system panel, Li Shiguang was considering whether to replace Ribery.

But if Ribery was replaced at this time, Li Shiguang knew that it would hit his self-confidence even more, and he might need many games to rebuild his confidence, which would undoubtedly be detrimental to the player's development.

And seeing that Ronaldo was celebrating wildly, he had already scored twice in the first 25 minutes. His morale was high. Even if he replaced someone, he would not dare to say that he could definitely defend him!

Thinking of this, before the game started, Li Shiguang quickly signaled Milner to come over.

As soon as Milner ran to Li Shiguang, he heard his coach say: "James, in the next 25 minutes, you and Frank will retreat to the back line. You two don't need to press the midfield anymore. Then let Vardy come back to the midfield to participate in the defense. We will directly park the bus in the backcourt and kick the ball forward to find Falcao if there is a chance. Manchester United's morale is high now. We have to avoid it first to cheer everyone up. We will make adjustments during the halftime break later."

Hearing Li Shiguang say this, Milner looked at Li Shiguang in surprise.

The team was already two goals behind, and everyone could see that the two goals were Ribery's mistakes. Milner thought Li Shiguang was going to replace Ribery, but he didn't expect that his coach didn't even mention the substitution.

But after more than a year of cooperation, Milner has developed the habit of unconditionally trusting Li Shiguang, so he hurried back to greet his teammates to stand according to Li Shiguang's arrangement.

Watching the picture of Li Shiguang and Milner talking on TV.

Su Tao said: "We saw Li Shiguang called Milner to the sidelines to give instructions. It seems that he is preparing to make a substitution. Now Leeds United is two goals behind, and adjustments must be made!"

Beside the TV screen, netizens were also discussing Leeds United's poor performance after the opening.

"Look, what did I just say? Less than 30 minutes, conceded 2 goals, how can we win?"

"My damn Ronaldo is really strong!"

"Giggs and Ronaldo are flying together, and there are probably not many teams in the Premier League who can defend them. Look at Leeds United's performance in the past half hour. I don't know what shit they stepped on in the last game to beat Chelsea!"

"To be honest, Giggs is old, and he should be able to defend after his physical fitness declines. Ronaldo is really deadly. Leeds United is probably going to lose this game."

"Look at Leeds United's action, it should be a substitution! The substitutes are already warming up."

But unlike everyone's expectations, Li Shiguang did not make a substitution after Milner returned to the court.

Leeds United set up a bus and completely gave up the ground attack. After getting the ball, they just kicked it through the midfield to find Falcao. Of course, this relatively simple tactic did not score a goal.

As their physical strength gradually declined, Manchester United's offensive gradually slowed down, so the last 20 minutes of the first half ended relatively flatly.

After the referee's whistle sounded, Li Shiguang walked to the player's tunnel as soon as possible.

He had to go back to the locker room to prepare, but before he walked into the tunnel, Ferguson's voice came from behind.

"Li, it seems that you are not well prepared today."

Li Shiguang turned his head and saw Ferguson looking at him with a smile on his face.

Although they are now opponents, they had a good cooperative relationship before, so Li Shiguang was not angry about Ferguson's slightly teasing statement just now.

He just smiled slightly and replied: "Alex, there are still 45 minutes, the ball is round, who knows what will happen in the second half, right?"

Then, he turned around and walked into the player's tunnel.

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