The two sides of the two sides have been separated.

Time goes back to the day after Li Shiguang communicated with Morse.

After finishing a day of training, Deisler received a call from his agent Neubauer after packing up. Neubauer told him the location of a restaurant and asked him to come over to meet him as he wanted to talk to him about something.

Although he was a little confused about Neubauer's mysterious tone on the phone, Deisler, who had just arrived at Leeds United not long ago, didn't think about the transfer at all on the way there. He had just gotten better recently and thought Neubauer had found him a new commercial endorsement that needed to be interviewed.

But after arriving at the restaurant, as soon as he sat down, Neubauer said excitedly: "Sebastian, there is a club that wants to buy you, and the salary is three times the current one!"

Neubauer's words startled Deisler. He was very satisfied with the life in Leeds. The media once used "rebirth" to describe his performance during this period, and he himself agreed! But the only dissatisfaction and regret after the recovery is that the salary is a bit low. When talking about personal treatment before, because of the poor condition, he thought it would be good to have a place to play, so Deisler did not fight for this. Now that the condition has recovered, he occasionally thinks of his salary and treatment, and he still feels that it does not match his performance on the court.

So his breathing became visibly rapid, and he said half-doubtfully: "This is impossible, Neubauer, I have only been in Leeds United for more than two months! Who would like me? And be willing to pay me such a high salary!?"

"Nothing is impossible, Sebastian, you are a genius! You were dragged down by injuries before, but now you have recovered, and you have also played nearly perfect data on the field during this period! Do you know? Just this afternoon, I received a call from Liverpool owner Moores. He expressed his determination to introduce you to me, promised you a starting position, and even directly tripled your salary. I think you have to think about it. This is a good opportunity to return to the giants and the national team. Think about next year's World Cup and the Champions League that will be involved soon!" Neubauer was very excited. If he could facilitate this transfer, he would get the second commission from Deisler in just half a year.

After Neubauer finished speaking, Deisler gradually calmed down. The knife in his hand unconsciously scratched the steak in front of him, and he whispered: "Let me think about it, let me think about it..."

In the end, Neubauer did not get a clear answer. Deisler said that he needed time to consider it. Anyway, there was still so much time before the transfer period, so he was not in a hurry.

In his heart, Li Shiguang treated him well, and he should not change his team in a short time. But on the other hand, the high salary and returning to the Champions League and the national team deeply attracted him. The collision of the two ideas made Deisler unable to sleep at night and lose his appetite these days. He felt that the depression that had been away from him for more than two months had come back again. And this not-so-good mental state was also directly reflected in the usual training, and was also discovered by the sensitive Li Shiguang!

In order to verify his guess, Li Shiguang called Allen as soon as he became suspicious and asked him to check Deisler's agent Neubauer, because Morse and Deisler had no intersection before. If his guess was true, the problem must be Neubauer!

Sure enough, Allen replied two days later. His little bee did see Neubauer in Liverpool recently, but there was no clear evidence that Neubauer had contact with Liverpool staff.

But combined with Liverpool's quick contact with Chiellini, this was enough to make Li Shiguang believe that Deisler's recent absent-mindedness must be related to Liverpool's offer!

This week's match against Portsmouth is on Sunday. Li Shiguang was ready to put Deisler on the bench, but starting from Friday's training, Deisler became serious again and his performance in training returned to normal, which made Li Shiguang temporarily put aside his thoughts. After all, there are many strong opponents in this month's games, including a direct confrontation with Liverpool. Considering how to win is Li Shiguang's top priority at the moment.

So in Sunday's game, Li Shiguang still let Deisler start the game. Except for Bale, all the main players returned to the team after recovering from injury. The lineup was basically complete and Leeds United won 2:0 away from home.

Leeds United, who defeated Portsmouth and won all three points, also surpassed Manchester City, which lost, in the standings and rose to 9th place.

However, Leeds United's victory did not cause much trouble. The focus of this round of the Premier League is Manchester United's match against Chelsea at Old Trafford.

In addition to the game itself, the trash talk between the two head coaches before the game was also a beautiful landscape, and the media mouthpieces of the two clubs also led the rhythm.

First, it was revealed that Ferguson looked down on Mourinho's bus tactics in training, and then Chelsea had no foundation and relied purely on the Russians' achievements with money.

Then Mourinho also retorted that Ferguson was old and could not keep up with the times in terms of skills and tactics. The biggest proof was that he was 10 points behind him in the standings.

Finally, under the attention of the whole world, Manchester United defeated Chelsea 1-0 at home with Fletcher's goal. After the game, Mourinho's face was livid, and he left the stadium in a hurry without even shaking hands with Ferguson. Even the assistant coach was sent to the press conference after the game. For this reason, he was fined tens of thousands of euros by the English Football Association.

While the media was paying close attention to this game, Li Shiguang was already thinking about the tactics for the home game against Arsenal next week.

Arsenal is definitely an outlier in the Premier League.

When the trend of big and open games prevailed in the Premier League, Arsenal did the opposite, relying on delicate technology and tacit teamwork to gallop in the Premier League. In the 2003-2004 season, they not only won the 13th league championship trophy in the club's history, but also broke the record of Nottingham Forest and completed the myth of 49 consecutive unbeaten games in the Premier League. Although the rise of Chelsea last season made Arsenal only win the Premier League runner-up, they are still very competitive without being burdened with huge debts.

The one who brought these honors to Arsenal was the Frenchman - Arsene Wenger.

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