Chapter 0199 – The Bat Legion Scores Another Goal! The dawn is dawning!!!

In an instant, the football was at the feet of Gonzalo Guedes.

The player is quite fast, and as Valencia’s left-back, he is currently the best player in the squad in terms of shooting and breakthrough technique

To a large extent, Gonzalo Guedes is also Valenci

One of Ya’s main goalscorers.

It’s just that tonight, the player Gonzalo Guedes did not get a particularly good opportunity to play his strength!!

In the blink of an eye.

Gonzalo Guedes received the football up front.

On the Real Madrid 513 Delhi side, the player who played against Gonzalo Guedes was Odriosola.

The player is defensive and has great speed, and getting rid of Odriosola is not an easy task.

But nevertheless.

Gonzalo Guedes is still showing his attacking talent.

After catching the ball, suddenly swoop!

Force accelerate!!

Relying on the explosive power of a short time, it was instantly completed.

Gonzalo Guedes was still a little stronger, he took the lead in acceleration, successfully using his absolute speed advantage to eat Odriosola raw from the outside

The latter is completely devoid of any means.

The only thing he can do is foul!

However, Gonzalo Guedes also did not give the Real Madrid right-back a chance, and after getting rid of it, Gonzalo Guedes made a direct pass action!

In a flash.

The football quickly drew a beautiful arc in the air.

And then!!

Fell steadily into the restricted area.

At such a crucial moment, players such as Ramos and Varane, two central defenders from Madrid, came to Rodrigue.

Every Real Madrid player knows it.

In Valencia’s current attack, the only player who can pose the most threat to Real Madrid’s goal is Rodrigue!!


This time the Real Madrid defender chose the target, Rodrigue’s personal ability is indeed very strong, and this player has a super ability to steal points, and Rodrigue’s physical fitness is extremely strong.

But this time Gonzalo Guedes did not pass the football to Rodrigue, but to Gamero in the box!!

The latter received the football and it was on the line of the big penalty area.

In this position, there is not a single defensive player interfering, which undoubtedly gives Gameiro a chance!

He didn’t disappoint his teammates!

When the opportunity was made, he shot straight at the goal of Madrid! Stone shattering!!

Football is like a bow and arrow that has just popped out.

In an instant, go straight to your opponent’s goal!


Although Real Madrid goalkeeper Courtois was quick enough to react, unfortunately, Courtois still couldn’t touch the football!!

The only thing he could do was watch the football fly into the goal he was guarding.

Gamero’s shot was a success! He managed to penetrate the opponent’s defensive system.

Gamero was quite excited after the goal!! He waved his arms wildly at the Valencia fans in the stands.

The score has been shortened to three to two.

Valencia finally sees the light of victory!! Sports 5 studios.

Shen Jian’s emotions were also quite excited.

“Valencia scored again!!”

“Three to two!”

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