April 22nd.

Castilla hosts Fernlabrada.

Due to Raul’s remarks in the post-match interview, some media also came to pay special attention to this game, wanting to see what kind of player Raul said ‘the future of Real Madrid’.

As the leader of La B this season, Fernlabrada’s head coach Casmond does not think that Lin Chen is as good as everyone boasts.

Casmond believes that the reason for Castilla’s big victory in previous games is often because Lin Chen was scared and began to shrink his defense in less than half time.

In this way, the original leader Castilla played very relaxed, and his own players could only passively accept Lin Chen’s wanton attack.

So in this game, Fernlabrada chose to take a direct approach to Castile to see who attacks sharper!

Raul was also a little surprised to see Fernlabrada put up a 3421 formation, this was the first time that someone dared to form a back line with only three defenders in front of Lin Chen.

However, thinking of Fernlabrada as the current leader of the league, naturally has his arrogance.

At 6 p.m. local time, the game officially began.

In the face of the opponent’s attack, Seoni was also a little panicked under the pressure, and directly gave the ball to the opposite striker Ruben at the back.

The rest of Castilla’s backcourt players may not have expected that there would be someone who dared to play against him, and was inattentively rushed directly into the box by Rowen, facing goalkeeper Moha, and Rowen directly scored the ball.


Just two minutes into the game, Castilla was scored, which everyone expected.

Raul was very upset at this time and shouted directly to the players.

“Is the offseason too long and you forgot how to play!”

Castilla’s players couldn’t help but feel ashamed when they heard this.

Fernlabrada’s head coach Casmond was also very happy when he saw Raul’s face

This is Castile? That’s not all.

However, this mood was quickly wiped out by Lin Chen’s lightning equalizer goal.

Opening fifth minute.

Castile adjusted his mental state and prepared to fight with the Fernlabrada team, which was bound to completely subdue the arrogant Fernlabrada team.

Lin Chen also had the same idea, how could he let others steal the limelight in his first game that he could play the whole game.

In the middle circle, Seoni handed the ball to Alex, who was hovering on the touchline, and because Fernlabrada took a three-back formation, the latter received the ball without being hindered and rushed to the front of the penalty area.

Then he kicked straight and handed the ball to Lin Chen, who inserted diagonally into the box.

Fernlabrada naturally would not let Lin Chen take the ball so easily, and central defender Fran followed Lin Chen closely, wanting to force Lin Chen out of the penalty area.

But Lin Chen ignored Fran’s harassment and directly brought the ball into the small penalty area.

When Lin Chen stepped on the small penalty area, he directly got up and hit the goal, and the ball almost slid to the goal against the touchline.


Within three minutes, the match was pulled back to a draw.

It was equalized so quickly, and now it was Casmond’s turn to be upset.

But the Castilla players did not celebrate too much, and even the fans simply applauded Lin Chen.

Seeing this, Casmond also had a trace of doubt in his heart.

‘Don’t you celebrate your goals? ’

But where did Casmond know that he had completely angered Castile!

The game started again, and Castile gradually stabilized the situation.

Thirty-fifth minute.

As soon as the Fernlabrada team was about to break in with the ball, they were forced down by Seoni and Federico together, and then hung a long pass directly into the box.

The players of the Fernlabrada team were also a little confused when they saw this ball, which is where to kick.

But in the next second, Lin Chen appeared in the forbidden area!

It turned out that at the time of the steal, Lin Chen had already run to the opponent’s penalty area, and at the moment of Siony’s pass, Lin Chen crossed the last defender and faced the penalty area!

In the penalty area, Lin Chen did not hesitate in the face of the flying ball and directly volleyed!

‘Boom! ’

The ball flew up at high speed and fell again, straight into the goal.

World Wave!

In the midst of an exclamation from the fans of Castilla, the ball also went into the net.


Casmond finally felt something was wrong, but it was too late.

With another burst of fans’ celebrations, Lin Chen scored with a header in the penalty area!


While the opposing goalkeeper was still upset, the half-game ended.

After a short break, the game starts again.

The following time seemed to become Lin Chen’s solo performance.

Header scored! Steal goals directly in the box!

Lin Chen kicked with his head and scored goals one after another.

When the score came to 5-1, Lin Chen had also completed the five-son denko!

The Fernlavrada team has been completely blinded, what kind of monster player is this, it can’t be guarded at all!

Casmond’s face turned livid at this time, and his 3-guard formation was completely inadequate in front of Lin Chen, as if he was being teased by the opposite side like a toy!

Raul was completely shocked by Lin Chen’s performance at this time, and couldn’t help but wonder where Lin Chen’s limit was!


PS: Is there anyone else? TAT, ask for flowers, evaluation tickets, monthly passes, ask for all kinds of data!!

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