Football Should Be Played Like Me

Chapter 78: Courageous Moral Fashion Award

"What do you mean?" Maldivini actually already somewhat understood what Manero meant. The reason why he asked this was because he wanted to know Manero's specific plan.

"As I said, Lu Yang will never cause trouble, but if he gets into trouble, he will never back down." Manello said, "The trouble this time lies with Kubo, everything is Kubo. It was caused by Bo, public opinion already has the answer.”

"Going back to your tenure... This summer, your Star Italia project has been a huge success, but again, that doesn't cover up the dilemma of Italy being out of the group stage at the World Cup this year."

"We all know that it's not your fault, you're just taking the blame for your predecessors. But there's no way, who made you the current president of the Italian Football Association? Someone has to stand up and take responsibility for this, right?"

Manieiro laughed: "After the World Cup was out, the national team coach was swept out of the house, of course he was the culprit, but this method cannot be repeated over and over again."

"Next year's European Youth Championship, the next year's European Cup, if the Italian team doesn't make a breakthrough in these two competitions, you... No, if you don't get a good result in the European Youth Championship, you may be in trouble next summer. ."

"After all, although the performance of the Italian team has nothing to do with you, the president of the Football Association who took office recently, the national youth team has always been in charge of your people, and you can't get rid of it."

Manello said a lot.

Maldivini turned his eyes and said, "So, do you think Lu Yang is the key to leading the team to good results in next year's European Youth Championship?"

Manello shook his head.

Arthas snickered.

This is the IQ crushing of top midfielders against defenders.

When it comes to doing things, Manello is too good at it.

In Alsace's mind, there is only one person who can fight Manello in this kind of twists and turns, and that is the one who everyone only sees is tough enough but ignores how smart he is - Lu Yang.

What's more... This is the result of Manello and Lu Yang's discussion.

As soon as he called Kubo and left the restaurant, Lu Yang called Manello and gave him some advice on the follow-up.

After chatting with Lu Yang, Manello said to his younger brother Alsace, "This is the reason why I am willing to tell Lu many things, because he is also very likely to help me in some aspects. He has this Ability, but only if he has enough information."

It was only then that Alsace understood why Manero and Maldivoni had decided to support Sanremo and Lu Yang, and Manero would personally inform Lu Yang. In fact, he had said it before. In theory, he would tell him the most. Sotu and the president of Sanremo are enough, there is no need to let a player know.

Looking back now, if Lu Yang didn't know that the Italian Football Association was going to support him and the team, how could he have mentioned the things that Manello would communicate with Maldivini next?

Is he really just a football player?

Are you sure you don't want to run for Italian Prime Minister in the future?

"The problems of Italian football are not created overnight, nor can they be solved overnight. Do you really think you can change the Italian team's weak performance in international competitions in a short term?" Manie Luo shook his head and said, "Instead of expecting this, it's better to expect you to win the big lottery."

"I mean, you have to let more people see the different side of Italian football under your leadership. Let everyone see that Italian football is getting better! Even if the results of the competition are weak, as long as people feel The team is full of confidence and you have enough time to really transform Italy."

"You need time more than anyone!"

Maldivini's appointment comes after the biggest scandal in Italian football.

He's here to clean up the mess.

But at the same time, the forces of the old school have not completely retreated, they have only been temporarily hidden, and they are still entrenched in all aspects of Italian football.

So Maldivini's first term has reached the last year, but he still does not have much say.

It can be seen from the fact that his people can only take over the National Youth Team.

The national team and major parts of the league are not in his control.

Want to really make something, unless he has a second term.

But for now, there is little hope.

This is also the reason why Maldivini took the slant of the sword this summer, engaged in the Italian star, and hoped to create a grassroots miracle of Italian football some time ago.

He needs to restore trust in Italian football and wants people to know that Maldivi is not doing nothing.

But this approach, in the eyes of Lu Yang and Maniero, is a relatively inferior approach.

The reason has already been mentioned above, it is too difficult.

The really good thing is to get the fans out of football.

"Transferring conflicts is the best way to go before many conflicts can't really be resolved." Manello said, "It's time for Italian football to regain its former glory. But not from the most difficult results, but from public opinion. Start."

"The influence of Italian football has grown, and there are two ways of judging it."

"One is that the influence of Italian football spreads to the whole European football, and there are more Italian stars in other leagues ... It is not easy."

"The other is that in Italy, the influence of football can catch up or even surpass the influence of other forms of entertainment, such as music, TV series, horse racing, golf, basketball, etc.!"

"The former can't be done for a while, the latter... Isn't this an opportunity?"

"This is not a war between Lu Yang and Kubo, my old captain, this is a war between football and music! We must win this battle, we must let the whole of Italy and even the whole of Europe know that Italian football stars It is extremely just, and they can be role models and idols for the whole society!"

"Sophia, one of the biggest traffic in Europe is on the edge of Italian football, we must not let her go! Lu Yang is our only contact with her, Lu Yang is here, Sofia is here, and the attention of men all over Europe is here. !"

"This time Lu Yang is standing on the natural moral high ground, we can't lose at all!"

"We want the music world to be submissive, and we want them to praise us for our toughness, decisiveness and justice! This battle will not only turn many music fans into potential fans, but also let all sectors of society know that you are Maldivian. Stepping on the face of the Italian music scene with Italian football, you are an amazing person and you deserve re-election!"

After a passionate speech, soon, the sound of clinking glasses came from the office.

It was obvious that both of them drank a lot.


The next day, as the famous bad boy, Cooper's navy has already begun to be dispatched.

There have been many articles on the Internet accusing Lu Yang and Sophia of improper interactions.

Not long after Lu Yang turned seventeen, and Sophia was twenty-eight, this age was a natural attack point.

Likewise, Cooper also slammed Sophia's new film, saying it was a one-step badass.

He also criticized Lu Yang, edited and reassembled Lu Yang's tough defense on the court, creating the image of Lu Yang as a bad guy on the court.

For this, Cooper spent a lot of money.

But it was all worth it, he gained a lot of traffic again, and his new song was also released, which got a high click-through rate.

Many Cooper's fans followed these black materials and began to attack Sophia and Lu Yang's social platforms on a large scale under the guidance of Cooper's staff.

But at noon, the Italian Football Federation officially released a statement.

Italian Football Federation President Maldivini held a public press conference, and then said in front of more than 100 media: "Today I invite everyone to come, mainly because there are three things to inform you."

"First, after the Football Association's careful investigation of the registered player Lu Yangyu's fight with a musician, and with the evidence from the police, witnesses, parties and other parties, we must strongly condemn..."

"Just censure?" Maldivini was interrupted rudely.

The reporter from the "Republic" was very indignant, and directly stood up and asked: "Is it just condemning Lu Yang? He did such a bad thing, is it the attitude of the Football Association? No fines? No suspension? I even think he should be punished. Permanently ejected from the game, he does not deserve to be a professional player, he shames the game of football!"

The scene fell into an eerie silence for a while.

Many people showed the appearance of watching a good show.

You must know that among the more than 100 media invited today, more than 30 are authoritative media from other countries.

After all, this is a rare press conference of the Italian Football Association. The last time it was on this scale was when the previous president announced his willingness to be responsible for the goal-fixing incident and voluntarily resigned.

"I think you have misunderstood." Maldivi was very personable.

"It's better, I hope you can give a satisfactory explanation to so many media present!" The reporter from the Republic Daily was very arrogant.

Maldivi nodded and continued what he just said: "So, we have to strongly condemn... Cooper!"

The Republic Daily reporter nodded, thinking to continue, let me see how many punishments you have imposed on Lu Yang, have... wait? What did he just say?


Do not!

Why Cooper?

what's the situation?

Manello did not pause because of the reporter's brain downtime. He said in a rich tone: "Cubo's discrimination against women is not allowed by any group, especially the Italian Football Association!"

"The first thing is that Kubo and his works are strictly prohibited from appearing in the official matches, broadcasts, interviews, articles, etc. of the Italian Football Association. The Italian Football Association unilaterally bans Kubo indefinitely! Until he sincerely opens up to women all over the world. Apologies, until the public apology to the football association registered player Lu Yang!"


The entire press conference was an instant sensation.

Many reporters showed incredible expressions.

If this is Maldivini's personal attitude, it is understandable that no one can interfere with his thoughts.

But he was speaking on behalf of the Italian Football Federation.


What kind of existence is the Italian Football Federation?

There are more than 4.5 million registered players in Italy, not to mention fans. Italian football has been at the top level for decades, only in the last decade has it fallen from the big teams.

But every game, everyone will still acquiesce that Italy is a strong team.

It can be said that the Italian Football Association is much stronger than any entertainment company in Italy.

Not to mention Cooper and the music company behind him, even the entire Italian music company combined may not be able to be more powerful than the Football Association.

Don't forget, behind the football, there is spinach!

"The second thing, before the next round of matches, we will specially award Lu Yang the Italian Football Award for Virtue and Morality! This is an award we have just established to recognize and encourage Italian players to do more outside the stadium. good thing."

"For a long time, we only focus on some bad guys and football hooligans. But in fact, there are more high-quality players in football. Such as Manello, such as Soto, such as myself, such as Carlisle, such as Ancare Leigh, such as Perrotta, such as Izerite, etc.”

"What we should promote is these positive people and things. In principle, this award does not limit the number of places and time. Any player who has made a major event that is beneficial to the society can receive this award."

"Football players will tell the world with their actions that they are worthy of respect and trust. Their fierceness on the field is for those who support them. But they are also willing to pay and contribute to everyone outside the field!"

"And Lu Yang is the first football player to win this award!"

As soon as this statement came out, there was warm applause from the scene.

In any case, anyone involved in football will be moved to tears and deeply moved to hear this.

With great power comes great responsibility.

Most athletes are physically stronger than ordinary people. If they are willing to protect ordinary people, why does the world need superheroes?

Every athlete willing to protect ordinary people is a superhero, isn't it?

For a time, the applause was thunderous and enduring.

So much so that it took five minutes for Maldivoni's last notice to say: "Finally, on behalf of the Italian Football Association, I publicly stated that if the lawsuit between Lu Yang and Kubo is established, then the Italian Football Association will do its best to help Lu Yang. win this case."

"At this time, we have contacted Sir David Panick, who is very concerned about this incident!"

Soon, there were a lot of tsk tongues in the field.

Sir Pannick, this is a ruthless character in England. He is the chief legal adviser to the British royal family, and his status in the legal world is equivalent to that of Mello in football.

He is featured in many well-known global events.

This is literally the third bomb of the day!

The Italian Football Association has completely stated their attitude, and they want to call the shots for a small player from Serie C!

When the news broke, all the players who played in Italy were shocked.

Seriously, anyone wants official help when they are in trouble. But what are the chances of such a thing actually happening?

The Italian Football Federation has now told the players, 100%!

The Football Association is always willing to call the shots for the players at all costs!

If we talk about the previous public opinion, it is concentrated in the football and music industry.

Then when the Italian Football Association made a statement, this matter has reached the point of national attention and participation in Italy. Even the whole of Europe is paying close attention to this matter.

Premier League star Best said: "If I have the opportunity, I would like to play in Italy. Their football associations value and care for players and are at the forefront of world football! The Premier League should learn from them. We have too many players on the field. has been treated unfairly.”

The famous Premier League villain Tesri: "If I played in Italy in my early years, I might not have the reputation of a villain at all, so that today's children are still afraid of me, which makes my commentary and youth coaching career. Very frustrating."

"In fact, in addition to being tough on the court, I have been brave in private many times. I once rescued two girls from five gangsters, and I was broken a rib. But the fans and the coaches But he accused me of forgetting that I was a player and hurt the team's record because of off-field fights and injuries, which was the biggest reason why I left the team in the first place!"

Italy's No. 1 star Izelet: "I admire Lu Yang's courage. I hope to be a man like Lu Yang. I will never let my beloved woman suffer any harm in front of me. Maybe I am a lot of people on the court. My role model, but off the field, Lu is now my role model!"

And it's not just football.

American Hollywood actresses, African-American female singers, British young female movie stars, French female directors... People who don't know think that something earth-shattering has happened in the entertainment industry.

The last time the entire European entertainment industry exploded so much was because Sofia reported and exposed the unspoken rules of many male and female stars of the old Italian director.

And this time, it was also Sophia, her rumored little boyfriend beat up the Italian male singer and caused a football war in the music world.

Five years have passed, and Sophia's influence has not diminished.

The only thing that has changed is that, five years ago, Sophia retired sadly despite winning and losing.

And five years later, Sophia and her rumored boyfriend won beautifully and became the light of the right path!


On November 17, in the fifteenth round of the Italian Serie C, Sanremo challenged Welce away.

This is the most special Italian Serie C ever.

It is also the most star-studded moment at the Welce Stadium.

Maldivini, president of the Italian Football Association, came to the scene and presented the trophy symbolizing the Moral Style Award to Lu Yang before the game.

"I will always be willing to fight for justice!" This was Lu Yang's only acceptance speech.

In an instant, there was thunderous applause over the Welce Stadium, which lasted for more than five minutes!

In the stands, many Serie A stars came to the scene. They were proud of the little player named Lu Yang, because he gave the name of football player a different brilliance.

To put it simply, this has provided a huge help for each of them to transition to other industries in the future.

Word of mouth is something that sometimes needs to be accumulated, and sometimes it needs to explode, which is mysterious.

Likewise, there are more female stars than stars in the stands.

TV, movies, music, variety comedies, models, celebrities, etc., all of them compete for beauty, but they all come to support Lu Yang.

Some people may want to take a peek at the popularity, but some people really want to "pick up" Lu Yang.

No matter how famous Sophia is, she can't hold back these waves of the Yangtze River.

They are all actresses, who doesn't have an A4 waist and long legs, a nine-headed body and big headlights?

Once the clothes are taken off, the man can't stop it.

Sophia is not worried about this.

If you can help me cure Lu Yang's straight male cancer, make him cold-hearted and insensitive, and make him have a "sexual" interest in women, I would like to thank you and the whole family!



With a whistle, the game officially began.

After the game, "Republic" conducted an in-depth analysis of Lu Yang's playing style.

They define Lu Yang as a bankrupt version of the classical attacking midfielder and sweeping midfielder.

They believe that Lu Yang's various skills are far from being on a par with the excellent classical attacking midfielder. The only thing worth mentioning is his large running range and defensive ability.

The biggest disadvantage of Lu Yang is that he can't curve the ball.

Whether it's shooting or passing, even free kicks are so straight, straight up and down.

This analysis is not precise.

But what makes people a little bit troublesome is that the tactics they analyzed to contain Lu Yang happened to hit Lu Yang in the waist a bit.

In the previous few games, after Lu Yang's shooting characteristics were analyzed, he really did not have a lot of opportunities to kick his feet in the ribs.

But the attacking style of the front midfielder and the discussion with Moric gave him a stronger sense of passing, so he got an assist and scored twice in the last game.

But if he is also blocked on the passing route, then he is really a bit embarrassed.

In other words, it is difficult for his teammates to create a real killing intent.

On the one hand, it is difficult for Lu Yang, who has no ability to curve the ball, to always pass good shots.

On the other hand, the other frontcourt teammates who were locked up kept spitting up.

Sanremo is naturally hard to win.

And if you want to do both at the same time, only a bus can do it!

So today's Welce decisively chose to put the bus.

5311, Gou to no avail.

The five-back tactic is too much, not to mention that among their three midfielders, there are still two midfielders standing in the midfielder position, covering the rib area on both sides.

This is definitely the most serious targeting of Lu Yang in history.

It is also the biggest test for Sanremo with Lu Yang as the core.

Welce almost completely gave up the attack, and today it was clear that a draw would be required.

So in the first half of the game, it was hard to see the extreme.

No matter how Lu Yang interspersed and ran, there were only four players in Sanremo's frontcourt.

And the other party has seven people.

Sanremo left back Rondo and right back Matthias are a central defender and a defensive right back, neither of them have the ability to step forward to help the offense.

Latuidi is also the pure king of sappers.

Only Welsage was able to get ahead at times, but five was still far fewer than seven.

Sanremo has a lot of possession, but not many real chances.

Even the king of running, Lu Yang, was marked by a defensive midfielder and a central defender, each responsible for Lu Yang's running in the left half and right half.

And if Lu Yang chose to retreat to catch the ball, they would not go up rashly and just wait for Lu Yang to come over.

Lu Yang's beautiful passing skills are indeed powerful. It is easy for Shenlong to pass a person by swinging its tail, but Lu Yang, whose attributes such as tight ball handling, ball control, and dribbling have not reached the level of a star, after passing one person, It is often difficult to cope with the continuous steals of more people.

That kind of explosive performance of one over three or one over four is hard to come by.

Soon, the first half ended 0-0.

The fans are a little helpless, the game is really dull.

But the female stars don't think that they don't know the ball at all, they just come to shoot some materials to make it easier for their studio to post pictures to gain popularity.

They even put on makeup at halftime, and continued to rock for Lu Yang in the second half, blowing kisses and winking.

Fifteen minutes later, the second half began.

Lu Yang began to try some risky offensive tactics.

He made two consecutive left-footed crosses in the left flank.

Because only a C-shaped ball from the left foot from the left rib can give both Sogel and Fernandez a chance to score.

If a right-footed cross is made, it is an anti-C-shaped ball, and you can only choose one of the two places to drop after the middle.

But Sauger and Fernandez were guarded tightly and failed to score twice.

Welce even made a brilliant counterattack for it.

If Najib had long legs and stabbed away the football in the confrontation with the opponent's center, the opponent would have been able to single-handedly.

In the 80th minute, Sanremo began to get restless.

Rondo and Matthias also began to press on frequently.

But instead, it gave the opponent a chance.

After the opponent blocked a shot and successfully controlled the landing point, he directly hit behind Mathias.

Welsach was already in the frontcourt, and the gap was huge.

Fortunately, under the special effects of the two-layer perpetual motion machine, Lu Yang's speed increased, and he chased back directly from the front court. He also blocked the shot with a slide before the opponent kicked and blocked the football.

Welce therefore missed the last scoring opportunity of the game.

A minute later, the situation changed.

Matthias, who returned to the defense, made up for the mistake, controlled the first landing point of the football, and then passed it to Versage.

Welsage dribbled the ball forward, the opponent retreated, and the formation was complete.

Maybe because of this bus approach, they missed the goal, but again, San Remo didn't even think about scoring their goal.

Welsage saw Bayzami's movement, but the right back quickly approached Bayzami, and the pass was passed by Bayzami, who could only fight for the top and could not show the speed advantage.

Versage reluctantly passed it back to Lu Yang.

Lu Yang came up.

Lu Yang charged towards the middle road with the ball and stepped on bicycles in succession.

The opposing defender is tired of defending.


With his toes to the right, Lu Yang easily passed one person.

But the opponent's two central defenders came immediately.

Soger pulls to the right and takes away a centre-back.

In theory, if Lu Yang can pass these two central defenders, he will be facing the goalkeeper.

But in fact, this is not easy to operate, because the positioning of the opponent's two central defenders is very particular.

Left front, right back.

After Lu Yang chose to pass the left central defender from the left, the shooting space was very small, and the opponent's right back was also recovering.

Go right past the left central defender, then the opponent's right central defender can just complete the steal.

Similarly, if Lu Yang chooses to shoot, there will be no chance on the left side because the opponent is coming up.

The right side is also not, because the opponent's position is to the right, blocking most of the shooting angle.

If Lu Yang has a curling shot, he can try to hit the door with his right foot and bypass the opponent.

But he didn't.


Lu Yang raised his right foot.

The opponent's right central defender looked bitter, his hands behind his back, ready to use his body to withstand Lu Yang's shot this time.

But despite the pain, the defense was successful this time...?

The football flew to the right without touching the defender.

Because it wasn't a shot.

Instead, the outer instep of the right foot suddenly picked the ball to score the ball.

The ball floated past the right central defender, but at the same time, it passed around the right central defender and was behind the central defender who was following Sauger on the right.

Sogel made a counter-run, and catching the ball was a single shot.


Sogel shot, with solid basic skills, he is sure of everything!

He was in charge of running out of chances, while Lu Yang and former Morich were in charge of bringing the ball over.

Today's Lu Yang did it!

Say sorry to Moric who is not on the team, but the team really doesn't seem to need you very much, haha!

The net flipped, and all the stars on the scene applauded.

Finally scored!

Who invented this **** bus strategy?

Welce players looked lonely.

Perfectly defended the entire game, only to lose at the last moment, which really dampened the enthusiasm of the players.

"Outer instep! What did I see? Lu Yang used a beautiful instep pass just now. The football flew out between the two central defenders in front and behind, and found Soger!"

"It was definitely a great pass!"

"Passing the ball from the outside of the instep has made Lu Yang's passing two-way selective. Now he has the ability to threaten the left and right sides at any point, and he does not have the forward swing before the pass. It is extremely difficult to defend."

"At the same time, the outer instep pass has a certain arc, which makes the work of blocking Lu Yang's pass more difficult."

"Break the game! Sanremo successfully broke the game, relying on Lu Yang's golden pass to break the deadlock! They are likely to usher in a wave of consecutive victories in the future, because I really can't think of any way to stop Lu Yang!"

The game restarted. In the 90th minute of the whole game, Lu Yang made a breakthrough in the middle again. After Shenlong swayed his tail, he connected with the Bengbu roundabout and resisted the opponent's two central defenders. In the same way, they could not give Lu Yang any more. Space passes the ball with the outside instep.

However, during the Bengbu slalom, Lu Yang knocked the ball with his back to the opponent's heel and sent the football from the opponent's crotch into the penalty area.

Then Lu Yang turned to get rid of the opponent's defense and rushed towards the football.

Soguerla took one person away, the penalty area was empty, and Lu Yang's catching up with the football was probably a goal.

The opponent was helpless and could only pull Lu Yang down, but he forgot that during the confrontation with Lu Yang in Bengbu, the three had already entered the restricted area.


Yellow card and penalty kick!

Very clear judgment!

Welce's two central defenders who focused on defending Lu Yang fell on the field and sighed.

too difficult!

This game is so hard!

To be honest, they would rather face Izerite than Lu Yang.

Izerite might beat them in an instant.

But Lu Yang often beats them when they always feel that they have been defended.

The former gap is bigger, but the latter is more cruel.

"Oh, we can see that the two players in Welce are in a very bad state, they are a little bit broken. I can understand the mood, this kind of mood is just a little bit desperate every time."

"But that's why Lu Yang is always trusted. He almost failed every time, but he was able to succeed! This dramatic adrenaline boost is stronger than football where one side crushes the other. ."

"Lu Yang came to take this penalty, there is no doubt. As the current league scorer, any team he cares about in Serie C should be the first penalty taker."


Lu Yang's shot was done overnight. The quality of the free throw was not high, but the opponent's goalkeeper made a wrong judgment.

"Lu Yang! Lu Yang! Lu Yang!"

Fans at the scene began to shout Lu Yang's name, including Welche's fans.

Because today is indeed Lu Yang's day.


The fifteenth round of the competition was as if it had completely opened up Lu Yang's two veins.

In the next two games, Sanremo has won, and once again came to a five-game winning streak.

With two shots and one pass, Lu Yang led the team to tightly bite the Serie C leader, and began to stage a good show of two dragons playing with the opponent.

When everyone mentions the strong Serie C team, Sanremo can no longer be ignored, and they will be included in it.

In the past seventeen rounds, both Bayzami and Fernandez have four goals and three assists. Although their performances were not satisfactory at the beginning, this data at least proves that they are not the kind of players who fall off the chain.

Sogel's seven goals and three assists, plus the tactical role, no one will say that he is not a powerful center anymore.

Ratuidi scored one goal and three assists, and Welsachi scored two goals and two assists, explaining what it means to be a sapper and also have a spring. Their assists mainly came from the through ball to Lu Yang.

The only downside is that Sanremo's two full-backs can't really help the team's offense, leaving their front and back in a disjointed state.

But Lu Yang acted as a perfect bond, revitalizing the front and back of the court.

But this play is not without flaws.

The reason Suotu wanted Lu Yang to try Morich's kicking method first was because Lu Yang's current kicking method had two fatal flaws.

The first is that this style of play consumes a lot of players on the wing. If there is no reasonable rotation, injuries are prone to occur, especially the two wing forwards.

The second is that the consumption of Lu Yang is too great.

Moreover, Lu Yang started every game and was often in the audience. Although he didn't know how a "child" who was still growing had such physical strength, to tell the truth, Suo Tu was really worried about using Lu Yang badly.

If Lu Yang had not had in-depth communication with Suotu on this issue, Suotu would have replaced Lu Yang in 75 minutes.

But Lu Yang rejected this arrangement. He thought he had the ability to play the whole game, he would not be tired at all, and he could have fun for another three days and three nights.

Especially the sentence "I'm the kind of player who doesn't get tired of running, you know the feeling"!

A word you know is worth a thousand words.

Young adults like to export, trying to tell the world what they feel.

But mature people cherish words like gold, because those who understand will naturally understand, and those who do not understand will not understand.

Regarding running or not, Suo Tu has found a bosom friend.

Even though many media have attacked Suotu a lot on this point, Suotu and Lu Yang have both responded.

Suotu: "Lu Yang told me that if I replaced him in the middle, he would be very sad. He cherishes every moment of running on the court. This kind of Suotu spirit is worth learning from many players."

The reporters were stunned. Is this the spirit of Sotu?

You're really getting it all about bragging about yourself.

It can't be fixed for reporters.

Lu Yang also said: "Sweat on the court is my favorite thing to do."


Sophia smashed the phone angrily, and then asked the assistant to buy herself a new one.

Why don't you like sweating in other places?

Do you know grass?

Even if you really know "grass", but this grass is not another grass!

This man, sometimes makes people very fascinated... think of grass.

Sometimes it's very depressing... Sophia wants grass more!


Sanremo's winning streak has successfully stabilized a lot of melon eaters who came to pay attention to the game because of the Lu Yang and Kubo incidents.

Similarly, Italian football also has new traffic.

According to the data of the Football Association, in the past month, the attention of Serie C, which is not low this year, has soared tenfold, completely surpassing Serie B and becoming the league in the Italian football league second only to Serie A in terms of attention.

It is self-evident who the hero is.

Meanwhile, viewership figures for Serie A matches have risen significantly by five percent.

Don't look too much, the victory is going up.

You know, the viewing data of Serie A matches in the last three years has shown a downward trend.

And with the exception of Milan, the growth of fans of most Serie A teams has also slowed down significantly or even decreased.

Serie A is still like this, let alone other leagues.

The Italian Football Association's heavy-handed attack has received significant results.

Maldivini's support among fans and associations has greatly improved, and the topic of his re-election has also frequently surfaced, apparently taking the opportunity to build momentum for himself.

However, some media have also suggested that what should really decide whether Maldivi is re-elected should be the results of next year's European Youth Championship and the European Cup the next year, not those fancy things.

In this regard, the pro-Maltivini media and those people launched a tug of war.

Where can sponsors and broadcast fees come from without ratings?

Without high broadcast fees, where do most teams get their money?

How can you buy a football star without money?

Where can there be victory without a star? Where are the fans?

Their quarrels are endless.

It will last until the moment when the name of the next president of the Italian Football Association is announced.

For those who oppose Maldivini, the Italian Star, the grassroots miracle of the Coppa Italia, and the Italian Football Association's breaking circle fans, two of these actions have been successful.

But there is one more that can be interrupted.

That's the Coppa Italia.

If the last round of momentum, some people still don't know who is behind San Remo's label.

Then everyone understood after Maldivi set up the platform for Luyang.

Sanremo is the team of the team president Russell, the team of the head coach Sotu, the team of the core player Lu Yang, but... it is also the team of Maldivi!

How far Sanremo can go in the Coppa Italia also has a great influence on Maldivini to a certain extent.

Therefore, countless people in the know began to look forward to the next game between Benevento and Sanremo.

Especially after the Benevento side revised the starting lineup given earlier!

As I said before, Benevento played the Coppa Italia as a test match to determine their main lineup, and most of their players in the positions are the starting level of the strong Serie B teams.

But now, they have no experimental ingredients.

They also sent several main forces whose positions were relatively fixed.

They took out their strongest form!

Their team, in a state of complete running-in, even barely reached the Serie A level!

There is no doubt that Benevento's change is not for no reason. Some people indicated that they must eliminate Sanremo in this round of cup competition.

The impact of this lineup change is feels the crisis, but they don't have any room for adjustment.

In addition, Sanremo fans are also angry that the striker Vidian, who was originally arranged by Benevento to start, was changed to a substitute.

This is the biggest insult to Sanremo!

This is a disapproval of Vidian's strength, a distrust of Vidian's professional ethics, and a slander of Sanremo's products!

In this regard, Lu Yang said in an interview with the media: "As a friend, I regret that Vidian could not start. But as an opponent, I will be happy because our winning rate has increased too much. Benevento Can't people figure out who their best striker is?"

Lu Yang's words also made the fans of Benevento very angry.

A game that belongs to football, just because of some non-football reasons, the smell of gunpowder has become strong!

More and more people are following this game!

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