After the halftime break, the physical fitness of the players of Paris Saint-Germain has also recovered a lot. After re-adjusting their mentality, the players of Paris Saint-Germain also worked hard to launch high-pressure pressing in the frontcourt. They knew very well that if they didn't work harder, their Champions League journey would be over after this game! So the pressing pressure that Paris Saint-Germain could launch in the frontcourt was also very high. Soon, the Dortmund players were also intercepted by the players of Paris Saint-Germain. And after all, Dortmund was passing the ball in the backcourt, and Paris Saint-Germain could launch an attack at the first time after being intercepted. But it's still the problem mentioned before! After Lin Jie activated Pepe's experience card, his experience was greatly improved! With his 91 defensive awareness, 88 steals, and 88 interceptions, it can be said that his defensive performance is quite good!

Although it is not possible to directly lock Messi like after using the skill [Death Coil].

But through Pepe's experience, Lin Jie's defensive position selection, arrival speed, and position selection are more reasonable than before.

Moreover, Lin Jie's good attributes combined with Pepe's small moves on the defensive experience enable Lin Jie to often make certain interference at relatively critical moments!

Thus affecting the overall offensive rhythm of Paris Saint-Germain.

Coupled with his terrifying burst of flying clouds and mist, even if Messi used a fake move to shake off and complete the pass, he can quickly make up for it with his experience.

Paris Saint-Germain's offense once again fell into the embarrassing situation at the last moment of the first half.

Time passed quickly like this.

Paris Saint-Germain coach Pochettino on the sidelines was quite anxious.

He expected his players on the field to make changes.

If the situation on the field still cannot be opened, then he will have to make a desperate adjustment!

The most critical point on the field is undoubtedly Lin Jie!

Although Paris Saint-Germain's short pass cooperation is quite good.

However, as long as Lin Jie is near the penalty area, with Pepe's defensive experience, Lin Jie can basically rely on Tengyunjiawu to make up for the defense.

But as the four players on the front line of Paris Saint-Germain are all top-level attackers!

Soon they discovered some small details of Lin Jie's defense.

For example, the cooling time of Lin Jie [Tengyunjiawu]!

Although they can't specifically estimate that Lin Jie [Tengyunjiawu] has a five-minute cooling time.

But they can roughly judge from Lin Jie's rhythm of returning to defense that Lin Jie actually has a period of time that is slightly slower!

This is undoubtedly a breakthrough point worthy of their attention!

However, after trying it, Paris Saint-Germain's offensive players found that this is basically a false proposition.

Because Dortmund's overall defense line was relatively compact.

Although they were able to seize the opportunity when Lin Jie was a little slow in returning to defense for a while, they still couldn't ignore Lin Jie's own 99 speed and the defensive experience gained from Pepe's experience card!

Several times Messi and Di Maria's coordinated attacks were successfully blocked by Lin Jie.

Time entered the 65th minute of the game.

Paris Saint-Germain, who were watching the game on the sidelines, became more and more anxious, because there was less and less time left for their home team!

And just when Dortmund's players thought that this wave of Paris Saint-Germain's offensive frenzy was basically over.

After all, the physical energy of the two Argentines who attacked must have been exhausted after these 20 minutes.

According to the normal rhythm, this period of time is also a rare breathing time for both sides, and they will not launch a large-scale offensive again.

Just when the Dortmund defensive players were slightly relaxed!

Suddenly Di Maria quickly dribbled forward and passed the ball to Messi before Bellingham reacted to interfere!

Messi, who was holding the ball at the top of the penalty area, retreated decisively after seeing Lin Jie's defense.

He did not choose to move into the penalty area as before, but continued to test along the Messi corridor he was most familiar with, looking for a long shot opportunity!

Although Lin Jie had Pepe's defensive experience, he could often appear in key defensive positions and could also interfere with Messi through some small confrontational moves, which made it very uncomfortable.

But compared to the one who used [Death Coil]

After that, the defense that gave Messi a strong sense of suffocation was still slightly weaker.

And Messi naturally felt it after this period of confrontation!

This also made him more suspicious of Lin Jie taking drugs!

"This kid, it seems that there is more than one drug!"

"The suffocating defensive intensity in the first round is obviously gone!"

"It seems that another drug is used today!"

Although Lin Jie was tested during the halftime break, there was no problem.

But in Messi's opinion, this drug must be very new!

A rough test during the halftime break can't detect it at all!

It requires more sophisticated instruments after the game to measure it!

If he can still play a beautiful cooperation or even score a goal in the face of Lin Jie who takes drugs during this period, then he can whitewash everything!

So this time he also chose to take a long shot in a familiar position!

Of course, if there is no chance, then he believes that without the suffocating feeling in the first round, he can also complete the pass with his own ability!

Lin Jie basically guessed Messi's idea by looking at Messi's actions, and decisively chose to get close to him and interfere with him!

Although Pepe's experience can't bring Messi a terrifying suffocation like [Death Coil].

However, that kind of small action in the confrontation also made Messi quite uncomfortable.

Facing Lin Jie's close defense, there is basically no space for long shots!

It should be noted that as Messi retreated, Paris Saint-Germain's other offensive trio Mbappe, Neymar, and Di Maria all quickly advanced at the same time, like three sharp swords, piercing the core part of Dortmund's defense!

Although the ball was at Messi's feet, they still chose to advance, after all, they also believed that Messi would definitely make a beautiful pass at the critical moment!

Because today they also saw that Messi's defensive state against Lin Jie was obviously much better than in the first round!

And the most important thing is that Dortmund's defensive core player, Lin Jie, was pulled away by Messi's retreat!

Back to Messi, facing Lin Jie's frequent physical confrontation, Messi was also dodging left and right, relying on his body advantage to firmly control the ball under his feet.

However, there was no space for the long shot he had expected.

Just when this wave of excellent offensive opportunities of Paris Saint-Germain was about to be blocked by Lin Jie.

Messi's vision also noticed Verratti who came up to respond!

He immediately chose to pass the ball.

Verratti, who received the ball, obviously observed the situation on the field better than Messi, who was closely guarded by Lin Jie.

The moment he got the ball, he passed the ball to Mbappe on the left who had quickly advanced to the top of the arc on the left side of Dortmund!

This pass can be said to be quite fatal, just hitting the defensive loophole of Dortmund!

Because the most critical point, Lin Jie was pulled out by Messi!

And with Neymar and Di Maria's forward advance, and Messi holding the ball in the ribs.

In fact, Dortmund's attention was more focused on Neymar who was advancing from the middle and Di Maria who was advancing from the right!

After all, these two points were the closest points where Messi could pass the ball and the two points where he had the best chance of receiving the ball!

Although Mbappe was also advancing on the far left side.

But it was not easy for him to receive the ball in the first place at that position.

After all, Lin Jie had already rushed out to find Messi at this time, and even if Messi could complete the pass, he would definitely not be able to pass that far.

Not to mention that Messi wanted to pass the ball to Mbappe who was advancing on the left, but there were still Dortmund's defensive players in the middle of him!

As long as Mbappe couldn't receive the ball at that position, no matter how he ran, it would be an empty run.

So Dortmund's defensive attention was focused on Neymar and Di Maria.

It was unexpected that Messi chose to knock the ball back to Verratti who came forward to receive the ball!

Verratti made a beautiful through ball transfer, which happened to hit the gap in Dortmund's defense!

Witsel and Akanji were both moving in the direction of Neymar's forward advance.

It just opened up the gap for Verratti's pass!

And Verratti's pass was just right!

Mbappe got the ball!

Mbappe rushed into the penalty area again at the first time, basically another chance to score a goal!

Facing a top giant like Paris Saint-Germain, Dortmund's defense needs to guard too many offensive players!

The pressure on Dortmund's defense is too great, which has caused the current situation.

And pass to

Mbappe at the far end also happened to block the cooling time of Lin Jie's [Soaring into the Clouds]!

However, at this distance, it was too late for Lin Jie to return to defense.

Even if Lin Jie had the blessing of the Soaring into the Clouds skill during this period, he wanted to return to Mbappe's position but obviously couldn't keep up with the speed of the ball transfer.

In the end, Mbappe held the ball and faced Dortmund's last line of defense again, the goalkeeper, Kerber!

This time Kerber was obviously guarding against Mbappe's shot at the small goal, and attacked very cautiously.

But Mbappe used his signature shooting action of aiming at the far corner and shooting at the near corner, and deceived Kerber again.



In the 66th minute of the game, Mbappe helped Paris Saint-Germain score another goal, and the suspense of the game returned!

This goal was quite crucial for Paris Saint-Germain.

After all, the goal was left to Paris Saint-Germain at this moment, and there was still about 30 minutes of overtime to equalize the total score and drag the game into overtime!

It can be said that Mbappe's double goal pulled the team back from the edge of the cliff!

The suspense of the game is back!

"Hey! Boy, come on!"

"Aren't you defending me very hard? Keep coming!"

"I'm sure you must have taken some new drugs, and the midfield test didn't detect it, but you can't avoid the detailed test after the game!"

"Because your defensive intensity has dropped a level tonight!"

Obviously, after seeing Mbappe score another goal, Messi was also very happy, and immediately showed off in front of Lin Jie.

After all, this ball was largely created by Messi pulling Lin Jie out!

And Verratti's assist was still because of his pass!

Looking at Messi's face, Lin Jie couldn't help but sneer.

If he wants to increase his strength, he can use the last skill [Death Coil] at any time.

However, it is already the second half of the game, and it would be a complete waste to use it now.

However, Lin Jie did make a mistake in this wave of defense.

After all, he rushed up a bit fiercely in this wave, fearing Messi's long shot, which caused the team's defense here to be somewhat disconnected, giving Paris Saint-Germain a chance.

"Forget it, this is the credit of Mbappe and Verratti, and it has nothing to do with you!"

"To be honest, if Verratti hadn't suddenly appeared, I would have been able to steal the ball immediately!"

"Did Verratti's appearance in this ball also surprise you?"

"I saw that you could hardly hold the ball. You passed it the moment you saw Verratti. It must not have been planned in advance, right?"

"And Verratti's pass was also in his vision, and it has nothing to do with you!"

"Without saying too much, why don't you break the record of 0 successful breakthroughs first?"

"I admit it when I'm old!"

"Don't say that others are taking drugs just because you can't pass people every day!"

Listening to Lin Jie's unhesitating exposure of the nature of this goal and his embarrassing data record.

Messi chose to ignore it directly and walked towards the center circle without looking back.

After all, their team's total score was 3:4!

Still one goal behind!

Time is very tight!

Soon the game resumed.

Kick-off at midfield, Dortmund has the ball!

Obviously, after the first lead was unexpectedly equalized by Lin Jie, Paris Saint-Germain did not show active high-pressure pressing and rushing forward after the restart.

After all, they also know that the most important thing for them at present is to stabilize the current score, and then look for opportunities to equalize on this basis!

If Lin Jie scores another goal with a beautiful counterattack at this time because of the previous reasons.

Then this game basically declares that they have lost the chance to advance.

For Paris Saint-Germain, the most important thing at present is to equalize the total score while stabilizing the situation.

So after the kick-off, Lin Jie received special attention.

However, for Dortmund, the most important thing at present is also to maintain the current score, as long as they hold on until the end of the game.

They are still the ones who win the final victory!

But in this case, it is Paris Saint-Germain who is anxious!

After all, if it drags on like this, time is constantly passing!

As the coach of Paris Saint-Germain, Mauricio Pochettino couldn't wait any longer.

He also anxiously signaled his players to press forward and seize the opportunity to attack!

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