In the 80th minute, Chang Sheng kicked the grounder of Jenny Xiong, the main striker of Javiers, and Javiers failed to counterattack quickly.

In the 84th minute, Chang Sheng easily took the header from the center back of Javiers, and Javiers corner kick failed.

In the 88th minute, Eugenes pulled Stewart down in the penalty area, Javiers took a penalty kick, Chang Sheng saved without hesitation, and Javiers failed the penalty kick.

In the 92nd minute of stoppage time, Harwells Jenny Bear and Stewart had a beautiful attack and passed the last defender. It was one-on-one again. Chang Sheng kicked Jenny Bear's shot coldly again. Haswells' last plea to save face was rejected.


Without hesitation, Chang Sheng directly added the 5 attribute points he obtained to his physical strength, increasing his physical strength from 45 to 50.

The rating also changed from "still weak chicken" to "healthy adult".

With the referee's whistle, the whole game came to an end.

The Ernst Abbe Stadium becomes a sea of ​​joy.

"Chang, you'll come to the press conference with me later." Many players in the red and white Erfurt in the locker room were still singing and dancing, and Sandy rarely had an old face.


"Well, it's you, and your performance today is well-deserved!"

Sure enough, at the press conference, Chang Sheng became the focus of reporters' attention.

A while ago, there was a lot of speculation about Chang Sheng and Red and White Erfurt. Today, Chang Sheng's performance was a powerful response to a group of people who ridiculed him as a parallel importer.

And the story of Matthews and Chang Sheng is worth digging, but the two have never come forward, and the reporters simply know the gap between Wolfsburg and them, and they don't know anything about other things.

Such as how Chang Sheng was discovered by Matthews.

"Maybe I'm too handsome, and then Matthews... I followed Matthews to the German Tank Country." Chang Sheng briefly told the story of his coming to the German Tank Country.

"How did you feel when you heard Thomas say you were a parallel importer?"

"I feel bad, Thomas? What right does he have to call me a parallel buyer."

Simple and direct, Chang Sheng did not hesitate to say what he did not deal with with Thomas.

"Is it true that Matthews took you for a month to find a trial opportunity?"

"Yes, we have been to every Bundesliga and Bundesliga club and in the end only Red and White Erfurt left me."

"Excuse me..." The reporter's questions came out one after another, incomparably numerous.

Compared with the liveliness on Chang Sheng's side, Harwells' side seems a little dull. Zachley Rossetti wanted his assistant to come forward for the conference, but he came to think about it himself.

"Our counterattacks were smooth, and the team members cooperated very well. They all played very well. I don't think it's a matter of strength."

"The luck of the Red and White Erfurt team is very good today. Of course, the goalkeeper is the key. Without him, it would be difficult to say the outcome today."

"I'm not unconvinced, but I have reservations about Sandy Webber's tactical play."

"Red and White Erfurt relied too much on the Dragon Country goalkeeper. He performed very well, but can you guarantee that he can keep it up?"

A strong sour taste permeated Zachary Rossetti's words. He couldn't eat the grapes and said that the grapes were sour. If Chang Sheng was in his team, he might have come up with more exotic new tactics.


"Chang Sheng is not a parallel importer. 》

Do you regret losing such a genius to Thomas? 》

"It wasn't the red and white Erfurt that Javiers lost to, but the goalkeeper. 》

"The bumpy road of a talented goalkeeper. 》

"The entire Bundesliga and Bundesliga rejected Chang Sheng, when did the Germans start to be arrogant again. 》

The media is like this. If you play well, they will try their best to praise you. If the wind direction is slightly wrong, you will be demoted. You don’t even know your own parents.

"Although I am very busy, I still took time to watch the video of this game. The performance of the Longguo goalkeeper made me not feel any genius. He just reached the first grade in the official competition. Goalkeeper standards, that's all."

"As for whether I will regret it? I'm sure, I don't regret it at all."

. . . . . .

Whether Thomas really regrets it now Chang Sheng doesn't know, he only knows that he regrets it now.

Looking at the baby in pajamas watching TV on the sofa in the living room, he had a headache, and he shouldn't have promised Reba to let this woman live with him temporarily.

Work-study, cheat, Chang Sheng is no longer the country boy he was a month ago.

He had known for a long time that the baby's family was good, and a person who could take 100,000 euros to help him without hesitation when he was down, needed to go to work-study?

"Come back?" Hearing the sound of the door, the baby looked back.

"Yeah." Chang Sheng heard the baby's soft words again after half a year. He didn't know what was in his heart. He pretended to be indifferent and walked to the kitchen with the vegetables in his hand.

Chang Sheng asked Hong Qing to help him find an apartment not long ago. He was still not used to living in the club dormitory. The boys in the youth team were a little too enthusiastic, and there were so many questions every day.

And there is no kitchen there, so he can eat the nutritious meal prepared by the club at noon, and he is not used to eating Western food at night.

So he decided to move out. He originally wanted to rub Matthews' house, but he didn't expect that he was sharing with others, so he rented another apartment by himself.

"Why don't I help you." The baby sat up from the sofa, the loose pajamas still couldn't hide her hot figure, Chang Sheng just glanced at it and hurriedly lowered his head.

"No need." Chang Sheng suddenly felt a tinge of blood in his nostrils, alas, why did he bother himself.

"Oh." The baby sat back in disappointment.

Hear Ba said that after Chang Sheng went out to find a place to live, she didn't know why she wanted to return the plane ticket back to China. By the way, I just wanted to find a job during the holidays, and the money at home was not earned by myself. She also has to support herself like Reba.

However, after taking a peek at Chang Sheng's back, she didn't know what she thought, and her face was blushing.


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