Football: Start With Emperor Eye, With Full Defensive Power

Chapter 22: The Nuclear Engines Of The Red And White Erfurt

Although such a red and white Erfurt is a little too dependent on Chang Sheng, Sandy doesn't care. He makes the best use of people and resources. With such a treasure as Chang Sheng in the team, those who don't make full use of it are fools.

"It's another weekend, friends, are you ready for a visual feast, yes, another feast, our head coach Sandy didn't let us down, yes, I've got the starting roster , now let's see it together."

"The first to come out is our young teenager, Philip, Philip, we have a hat-trick!"

Philip! Philip! Philip! Philip! The huge voices were in unison, and Philip beckoned from the stand proudly.

"And then there's our veteran Shelley, who is said to have started his second spring!"

coax! Well-meaning laughter came from the stands, but everyone then cheered and clapped desperately in support of the veteran who had spent a long time in Red and White Erfurt.

"Our scalpel Donomie!"

Nicole elicited a burst of cheers every time he read a name, but he paused deliberately for the last name.

"I understand that you are all waiting for my introduction, but I am not."

Coax, a huge laughter resounded from the stands again, and everyone raised their middle fingers to aim at the host.

"Oh, my dear friends, you have such strong tastes! I have hemorrhoids."

Hahahaha~ The stand has become a sea of ​​joy.

"Okay, no kidding." Nicole suddenly became serious.

"The nuclear engine of the new battleship Red and White Erfurt."

"The absolute heart of Red and White Erfurt."

"The strongest holy shield of red and white Erfurt."

"The absolute barrier of red and white Erfurt!"

"Our super rookie, the invincible goalkeeper with 0 shots in 180 minutes in 2 consecutive games, often! wowowowo!" After speaking, he put on the DJ that he had prepared for a long time, wowowo.

. . . . . . .

Unexpectedly, Nicole actually put a song.

The red and white Erfurt fans in the audience all admired Nicole's ability to associate, but this DJ song is popular all over the world, and Nicole's contact with Chang is really surprising.


The fans cooperated and shouted together when the song was in place. The whole stadium seemed to have become a DJ party. Nicole was very satisfied with the effect he brought. Although it was a little exaggerated, he felt that only in this way can he express himself. Love and thanks to Chang.

Thanks for the change he brought to Red and White Erfurt.

"Wowowowowo!" Philip also came to Chang Sheng's side.

"Chang, you are really everyone's darling, but I got a hat-trick in the last game. Why did no one play a tune for me? It's so unfair."

Philip looked at Chang Sheng pitifully, as if he stole the woman he loved.

"I'm handsome."



At 8 p.m., the match between Red and White Erfurt and Osnabruck started on time.

Red and white Erfurt is still the same attacking formation as before. Browning, the head coach of Osnabrook, saw that the red and white Erfurt was so aggressive, but there was a hint of helplessness in his heart. Osnabrook is the freshman of Depp. Son, is it necessary to be so fierce?

No way, still have to play defensive counterattack.

To be honest, Sandy's formation and tactical ideas can be seen by a head coach, and he also understands that defensive counterattacks are the best solution, but Sandy is so reckless.

As you can see, it can be seen that he is too lazy to change formations and substitutions, and he can fight back if he has the ability.

Osnabrook played tremblingly, but the red and white Erfurt played easily and happily. They once controlled the ball in Osnabrook's half.

However, Goddess of Luck is always so incomprehensible, the first threatening attack of the audience turned out to be Osnabrook.

The seventh minute of the opening.

Osnabrook's right back, Simon, made a big-footed clearance and passed directly to Bernal, who had been wandering in the red and white Erfurt midfield.

Bernal was also stunned at the time, watching his team being pressed and playing, he thought he would never receive a pass from his teammate in his life.

To be honest, he regrets being loaned to Osnabrook, but in order to train for the game, he can only listen to Mark's words honestly and not dare to be lazy at all.

However, I am from Frankfurt!

Although Bernal could not be the main force in Frankfurt, he can be regarded as a star in the official competition of the third class.

A light bicycle passed Eugenes, and after accelerating, he threw off Fuller who was chasing after him. Sandy saw a gloomy old face, and the red-and-white Erfurt defender was really a background.

But what can be done? A good defender is always the pursuit of every team, and a good defender is no less effective than a top striker.

Red and white Erfurt can't afford it.

Watching Osnabruck's Bernal ride the dust, the red and white Erfurt fans at the scene began to boo desperately. Although Chang Sheng's performance in the previous home game was amazing, they were afraid of this. It was a beautiful bubble, after all, how could the goalkeeper not be breached.

The boos echoed through the Erfurt Multipurpose Arena, as if they thought it would stop Bernal.

It's just that Bernal has a look of disdain. The boos of the Bundesliga are louder than yours, and there is that person from Longguo who likes to hype. Feel the shot of the Bundesliga striker.

Looking at Bernal's face that is getting closer, Chang Sheng is not thinking about him, he is still reminiscing about the DJ song just now, what kind of taste is this, Chang Sheng has never been like this one day One moment thinks more.

They are all identifying with themselves, and they are even willing to sing for themselves.

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