Football: Start With Emperor Eye, With Full Defensive Power

Chapter 76: Let those who looked down on me regret before

Sandy feels that Chang Sheng still needs to add some knowledge on tactics. Although Chang Sheng has done a good goalkeeping job, a good goalkeeper can not only save, but also learn to command defense. Chang Sheng seems to be completely unaware of this. .

He never commanded the red-and-white Erfurt defenders to fill in according to the opponent's tactics.

But I can't blame Chang Sheng. It's a bit difficult for a rookie who has only been exposed to football for a few months to understand some tactical ideas.

Chang Sheng is also studying hard, but the progress is much slower than normal people, after all, he can't even recognize German.

But this time he felt compelled to tell Sandy what he had found, which might be the key to opening the game for Red and White Erfurt.

"Head, I found something wrong"

"Chang, why are you here?" Sandy "100" focused on the other half of the game, not noticing that Chang Sheng had left the goal.

"What did you find?" Sandy did not criticize Chang Sheng for leaving the goal without authorization. After all, learning to observe is the task he explained. Now it seems that Chang Sheng really observed something.

"I think why not have Eugenes, Meredith and Fuller all involved in the offense? I think I can keep the goal.

Sandy, who was watching Chang Sheng's words while looking inside, suddenly turned his head away.

Sandy stared at Chang Sheng for a while, and suddenly he slapped his head heavily with his hands.

I'm so stupid, really.

I clearly know Chang Sheng's ability, defensive counterattack, one-on-one is basically ineffective against him, I am still afraid of an egg.

Inherent thinking is terrible. It has become his habit to keep two defensive players in his own half. He didn't expect that one habit would make Red and White Erfurt fall into a dead end for so long.

Isn't the iron barrel formation's containment of Red and White Erfurt because of the large number of people? Now I will send all the players to attack. If you dare to 5-5-0, I will dare to 0-5-5.

"Chang, you are a genius!" Sandy praised Chang Sheng fiercely, and then he made a quick gesture to pause the game.

Sandy had all the first-team players crowd around.

"No defense." Sandy's first words were straightforward.

"Meredith, Eugenes, Fuller, the three of you have also pressed over, the middle is now your area, don't think about defense, and be more involved in offense.

Sandy was holding a magnet tactical board. After he moved the disc representing the three to midfield, he moved the positions of Webster and Macaulay forward.

"Webster and Macaulay, you two now play me in the attacking midfield position, remember your new role, and Donomie don't move, as for Frederick and Bernie on the wing, you two I don't need to be involved in defense anymore"

"Moving forward is our goal, press it all on me!"

"What about defense?" Shelley couldn't help but ask, but he regretted it just after asking.

With Chang Sheng here, what are you worried about defense?

Sure enough, Sandy glared at him and ignored him.

"Don't worry about the defense, all attack the enemy's hinterland, create chaos for me, and we will fight positional warfare.

"And remember not to be offside." Sandy let the game restart after arranging tactics, and he also lifted the reserve team's attack ban.

As the game progressed, Sandy's new tactics slowly paid off.

Although everyone was not quite used to the new position at first, they still implemented the tactical ideas very well. Slowly, chaos began to appear in the half of the red and white Erfurt reserve team.

Finally, a few minutes later, the first team got a good opportunity. Bernie crossed the penalty area and saw more than a dozen people grabbing a football. Because there was no numerical advantage, the defense seemed a little difficult.

After all, the action is too big, but a penalty kick will be awarded.

Heads were everywhere in the penalty area, and even Eugenes and the others from the first team ran in. This time it was really an iron bucket.

So the football was scurrying in the crowd, and after a while of confusion, Philip finally got the chance.

The chaotic battle situation made Dino nervous for a while, but this time it was even more unexpected. Dino didn't even raise his hand, he could only watch the football fly into the net.


In a difficult ball, Philip happily played a kneeling slide on the ground. It was not easy. Although it was only an intra-team match, he had been out of ball for an unknown time.

In addition to the two penalty games, Philip has not scored in four games...

"Philip!" Sandy shouted in dissatisfaction, the team game is not for you to celebrate.

Hearing Sandy's warning, Philip, who was still yelling just now, got up instantly, he didn't want to bear Sandy's anger.

In the following game, the second-tier team was lifted due to the attack ban, and also played several counterattacks due to confusion, but unfortunately every counterattack was ruthlessly stopped by Chang Sheng.

On the other hand, the first team played more vigorously because the number of people was not at a disadvantage. Although the scene was a little chaotic, the red and white Erfurt team's strikers were all olfactory.

Extraordinary is their weakness, but they are all good at grabbing points. 3:0, the first team completely broke through the iron barrel of the reserve team.

Good, that's it.

Sandy off the field was very satisfied. The iron barrel formation that had been bothering him for weeks finally found a solution. Of course, Chang Sheng's goalkeeping was so reassuring.

Sandy touched his chin, and the frown that had been furrowed was finally relieved.

Look how shameless you are!

"Chang, Liverpool have raised your price for you, 8 million for you, 4 million for Philip, and the salary will rise to 20,000 euros, what do you think. Chang Sheng received a call from Matthews as soon as he finished training.

"The club agreed?"


"Then I won't go to 0.6 either. 33 Chang Sheng shook his head.

"Okay, then I'm not going to coordinate." But after Matthews finished speaking, he couldn't hold back and asked, "Can you tell me why?"

"I'm used to it, and partly for the same reason you think.35

"Heh..." Matthews smiled awkwardly, it turned out that Chang Sheng had already seen it.


Yes, revenge is revenge, and he will not forget the contempt and rejection, nor will he forget the hard days of selling magazines.

Hannover 96 in the 2nd Bundesliga was willing to let Chang Sheng contact them because their chairman was willing to make up for their mistakes, and in the Bundesliga, Chang Sheng could show his talent faster, making those who looked down on them regret it.

Matthews wants to make them often feel miserable, Chang Sheng is the best executioner,

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