Football: Start With Emperor Eye, With Full Defensive Power

Chapter 78: Treasures from the Dragon Kingdom

"The meeting.

After announcing the discipline, Sandy let the tired players go back to the room. Of course, lunch was specially prepared for them. Because of the tiredness of the journey, Sandy directly asked the hotel to arrange the waiter to deliver the package to each room.

"It's really unpalatable." Philip ran to Chang Sheng's room with a plate, and Chang Sheng's appetite had already begun to like to comment on the food.

"Chang, did you bring the salty sauce at home?" Sure enough, this is what Philip was thinking about.

Salty sauce? Obviously it was tempeh sauce, Chang Sheng reluctantly took out the tempeh sauce he had worked so hard to make, but as soon as he opened it, Philip dug out a large piece with a spoon, and Chang Sheng quickly covered the lid.

"Philip, you can't eat too much of this stuff."

‘Chang, you are the only one who takes the team’s nutritionist’s words seriously. There are many people who secretly drink alcohol, so what if you didn’t see them. ""

"Then eat less, this is the last jar.

"Oh, alright, but I'll go with another spoonful." Philip looked expectantly at the small jar in Chang Sheng's hand.

Chang Sheng had no choice but to give him more food. He began to regret cultivating Philip's taste. Now he is completely accustomed to eating Chinese food, and even his chopsticks are no different from those of Longguo.

Seeing Philip leave, Chang Sheng breathed a sigh of relief. Tempeh sauce is not that easy to make. If you want to make it delicious, you have to take time. He didn't want to sacrifice a lot of training time to make the tempeh sauce to be eaten all at once.

It's just that Chang Sheng was destined to be killed by Philip, and within a few minutes, Philip brought a group of people into Chang Sheng's room.

"Chang, the sauce you made is really delicious. Philip said you still have a lot. Can you share some with me?" Before Philip could speak, Shelley spoke.

Looking at the anticipation of the old captain of the red and white Erfurt team, can Chang Sheng refuse?

Forget it, I'll do more in the future. Thinking of this, Chang Sheng nodded. Seeing Chang Sheng's agreement, everyone swarmed up.

You sentence me to a sentence, and it is instantly divided.

"Often..." Philip scratched his head in embarrassment.

Chang Sheng glanced at him angrily, there are really few people in the German chariot country who are as arrogant as him and show off, but Chang Sheng is not such a stingy person, he waved his hand and said: "Forget it, a bottle sauce only

"No... No, I didn't say that." Philip shook his head repeatedly, and then he pointed to the jar in Chang Sheng's hand: "Can you give me the jar?"

What's the use of a jar?

Chang Sheng thought about it and passed the jar over.

"Thanks!" Philip grabbed the jar, then stuffed a loaf of bread in the set, and took it out after turning it hard.

Then he opened his mouth wide and took a bite, followed by a look of satisfaction.

Is this possible?

Chang Sheng was stunned, but what happened later made him open his mouth even more.

After seeing Philip doing this, Donomie took the jar and followed Philip's example to turn the inside of the bread around, and then smashed it and chewed it.

Watching the two of them eat with relish, Webster also tried it.

Then Shelley, then Eugenes, then Sandy. . ooo

Wait, when did Sandy come in?

Then the jar is as clean as when it was purchased.

Do you want to be so cruel, the tempeh sauce tastes okay, but is it so delicious?

"Chang, the hotel's set menu is so bad, but with your sauce...the taste is incredible."5

"Yeah, Chang, I think if you sell this, you will definitely make a fortune.

"Chang, do you still have any at home? I want to bring some for my family to taste."

"It's so delicious, Chang, why don't you open a restaurant here, I go to it every day. 55


Everyone was overwhelmed by the deliciousness of the fermented fermented bean sauce, and they started talking, Chang Sheng was a little bit at a loss as to who to answer.

"Would you like to go to my house to eat something after the game?"

"Okay. 39

"No problem, Chang, you should still have sauce at home, right? 35

"Is it a family gathering? Can I bring my family?

"I'll definitely go."

Chang Sheng felt that he couldn't handle it, but fortunately, Sandy coughed heavily at this time.

"If you win this game, I will give you an extra day off, but if you don't win, you will have to go to the party after training. 35

"No problem, head."

"We will try our best to taste Chang Sheng's sauce again."

"For the party!"

"For the party!!

. . . . . . .

A group of people shouted in Chang Sheng's room.

After a day's rest, the mental outlook of the red and white Erfurt team has been very different, and a group of people confidently rushed to the Kefanarimi Stadium.

Big towns are big towns, and the Kifanarimi Stadium is much bigger than the Erfurt Stadium in Red and White Erfurt.

However, there were not many fans in the stands, and the stadium seemed to be very empty.

Jerry Aubrey doesn't mind the number of fans, after all, Chemnitz 58 has only been promoted from the amateur league to the first stop of the professional league - the German third.

Chemnitz 58 still has a fan base, but after being in the amateur league for a long time, fans are reluctant to come to cheer for the home team. As long as the team's performance is getting better and better, Jerry Aubrey believes that it can accommodate more than 30,000. People's Kefanarimi Stadium is sure to fill up again.

Isn't his opponent, Red and White Erfurt, a living example. At the time, their fans were poor, but now? As long as it is Erfurt's home stadium, the basic game can be full.

Red and White Erfurt is a small city of only 100,000 people.

Of course, the red and white Erfurt's offensive football is also one of the reasons to attract fans, but as pragmatists, Jerry Aubrey and the current team director Bridges Alves are not impulsive masters.

Relegation with points and relegation depends on the situation. This is the core purpose of Chemnitz 58. Now there is basically no problem in relegation, but they still do not have much confidence in taking three points from Red and White Erfurt.

Therefore, to deal with the red and white Erfurt, naturally one is the main goal, so the use of the iron barrel formation is also inevitable.

"."5-5-0, Chemnitz 58's (obtained) purpose is very clear, although it is a bit conservative, but I also think this is the best way for the Bundesliga team to deal with the red and white Erfurt at present . "

Bob of Red and White Erfurt TV was still explaining the game as usual, which made the Red and White Erfurt fans sitting in front of the TV extremely unhappy.

If it weren't for Chemnitz 58 being a little far away, most people would be willing to go away with the team, but now they can only sit in the bar or in front of the TV at home, watching this Erfurt but not Red and white Erfurt fan guy commentary.

"This guy is just a mess." Gallup, who was wearing the No. 30 jersey in front of the bar, said angrily.

"Yeah, I really don't know what the TV station thinks, but Gallup, I want to buy you a drink." A man next to him also wearing a Chang Sheng jersey said, but his red hair was unusually conspicuous.

"Another rauchbier. 39 The redhead snapped his fingers at the bartender.

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