"I'm sorry to disturb everyone." Kate quickly wiped away her tears.

"Chang, I wonder if you can meet Blaise when you have time, he is very depressed now, he only smiles when he is watching you play."

Me? Chang Sheng's face was sluggish, but looking at Kate's eyes full of anticipation, he couldn't refuse, and the surrounding passengers began to persuade him, so he agreed without hesitation.

There was a round of applause in the carriage, and then one after another, people came to look for Chang Sheng's autograph to comfort Kate. Fortunately, there were not many people on the train this morning, and it didn't take long for Chang Sheng to recover.

"Kate, give me that autograph again, and a pen." Chang Sheng turned to Kate after the last fan took the autograph with satisfaction.

She hesitated to find the pen and paper just now, and handed it to Chang Sheng.

Chang Sheng thought for a while, and then added a sentence below, which was the most impressive sentence when he was learning German, and he felt that it should be helpful to Blaise.

That is.

Through suffering, towards joy.

This is a famous quote of Beethoven, a famous musician in the German chariot country, and his life is the condensed of this sentence.

Beethoven was born in a poor family, his father was a tenor singer in the local court choir, 100 mediocre and alcoholic.

His mother was the daughter of a great court cook, a kind and docile woman, but she was tortured by life after marrying Beethoven's father and died when Beethoven was 17 years old.

And all of this is just the beginning. What's more difficult later is that Beethoven suffered from otitis media when he was a child and was not well treated, which eventually led to his hearing problems when he was 26 years old.

However, even under such suffering, he still composed a total of 9 symphonies, 35 piano sonatas, 10 violin sonatas, 16 string quartets, 1 opera, 2 Masses, 1 oratorio and 3 Cantata, in addition to a large number of chamber music, art songs, dance music.

His works have a very profound influence on the development of world music, so he is honored as "Music Saint", and has an extremely lofty position in the world symphony music industry.

And most of the songs were composed when he was 26 years old with weakened hearing.

Especially after he was completely deaf in his 40s, he insisted on creating a series of works such as "Solemn Mass" and "Ninth Symphony".

In the German chariot country, Beethoven has long been incarnated as a spiritual symbol (bcag), and his famous saying is naturally a household name.

Kate looked at Chang Sheng's added sentence, her eyes suddenly became hot, and the tears that had just stopped dripping down again.

Chang Sheng hurriedly took out a tissue and handed it over.

He didn't expect that the sentence he added would arouse Kate's tear ducts again, women are indeed made of water.

Fortunately, the woman still looked strong, and it didn't take long for Kate to stop crying.

"I'm sorry, Chang, I don't know why I'm saying this. I'm sorry to disturb your mood." Kate is telling the truth. Normally, she would never confide in a person she just met, even if he was Red and white Erfurt star.

It's just that Chang Sheng has a kind of gentleness and kindness that no one else has. A woman's intuition is very sharp, and Kate is one of the best. In addition, she is a top student in psychology, and she always uses it unconsciously when she contacts people. Take up your own profession.

It's just that this time the use of it has loosened my sturdy heart.

The eyes are the windows to the soul. Although the face of the man around him barely meets the standards of a handsome guy, there is a strange color in his eyes. Although these iron men do not have the temperament, the toughness and gentleness contained in them attract you. Read on.

He is a man who knows how to love.

Also a good listener.

Chang Sheng didn't know that he had been labeled as a 'listener' by Kate, he just shook his head without mind: "It's alright, you don't need to apologize, and I decided to go back to see Blaise after the holiday, to When should I contact you.

"Really? Thank you so much." Kate said as she quickly took out her phone.

The two write down each other's numbers.

This made the people next to him envious, but this time they did not swarm up, and everyone still has this restraint.

I don't have the tragic life of the beautiful woman beside Chang Sheng, so it would be rude to ask for a phone call.

"Chang, you are really kind, you make me feel like a while..." Kate chatted with Chang Sheng again.

"A gust of warm wind, yes, just a gust of warm wind, I can't imagine that you are like this in reality, this is very different from you in the game. 35

"Oh? What am I like in the game? This one caught Chang Sheng's interest.

"You are more powerful in the game. You are like a lion, patrolling your own territory with your head held high. Football is like a prey. If you dare to come to your territory and run wild, you will be photographed with one paw." said here Kate deliberately raised her head and pressed her right hand in a dignified manner.

Chang Sheng was amused by her expression, and seeing that Kate's mood was much better, he also laughed.

"Is there such an exaggeration? I just used it to scare the opponent. In the 33 game, Chang Sheng knew that he was really cold, but this was a secret taught by his goalkeeping coach and fitness coach Sandy.

The goalkeeper must not appear to be bullying. It is not that no one has done the incident of ramming the goalkeeper.

This move is not bad, at least for now Chang Sheng has not suffered any injuries.

"Yes, you are completely different from the real you in the competition. If I go back and tell my classmates, they will definitely not believe that you are so gentle in daily life." Kate nodded affirmatively and said only. But before she knew it, she began to induce Chang Sheng to speak, through facial expressions and tone of voice.

Kate didn't know that she had an occupational disease before she graduated, but before Chang Sheng responded, Kate continued: "Chang, I really envy you for having a perfect family."

Kate firmly believes that only living in a loving family can cultivate a person with the temperament of Chang Sheng, so she did not hesitate to express her envy.

"...No, I'm an abandoned baby." Chang Sheng smiled bitterly, but his tone was very calm, as if he was talking about something trivial.

He didn't know why he wanted to tell his life experience, maybe it was Kate's frankness to him that he couldn't help but want to be frank.

"Abandoned baby!?" This answer made Kate's heart turn a huge wave. This is impossible. She has come into contact with many orphans in the orphanage, and teaching these orphans is one of the extracurricular practices of their psychology department.

Even the most cheerful orphan still harbors a hint of fear, helplessness and even hatred in his heart, but Chang Sheng's answer was completely calm, and Kate could hear that he was not pretending to be calm.

How is this possible, there is no such saint in the world, the more psychology, the less Kate believes there is a saint.

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