Fortunately, their room was only on the fifth floor, and they arrived in no time.

Along the way, the two bumped into the taxi. After getting on the bus, the two finally let go of their hands. At this time, Chang Sheng felt that he had woken up from his trance.

Why does the baby want to hold himself?

Chang Sheng's mind is full of question marks, what does baby mean, is it just holding hands or something else?

Chang Sheng wanted to think like that, but he didn't dare to think like that.

Baby is older than himself, maybe he just treats himself as a younger brother just like Reba.

Baby looked at Chang Sheng's dazed expression, but his anger didn't make a dent in his heart. He really was an idiot, and he couldn't see such hints.

But fortunately, she still has a second set of plans. Although Hot Bar has no experience like her, she still has a lot of bad ideas.

Just adhering to the idea of ​​gradual progress, the baby decided not to use it temporarily.

Speechless all the way.

In the end, the two managed to reach the beach before the sun went down, but Chang Sheng was stunned when they got out of the car.

Most of the people on the beach are basking in the sun, Chang Sheng feels a little bit unacceptable, is this too **** 12?

Seeing Chang Sheng's blank face, the baby couldn't help but chuckle.

"Don't make a fuss, this is a foreign country, don't look at it very rudely"

Chang Sheng regretted coming to the beach a bit, he didn't know that foreigners like to fuck by the beach.

At this time, the baby had already spread the beach cloth, she casually smeared sunscreen and then lay down, coming to the beach to bask in the sun to supplement vitamin d is her main purpose.

"Aren't you going to swim?" Chang Sheng asked suspiciously when he saw that the baby was already lying on the ground.

"Changzi, you don't have to go swimming when you come to the beach. For example, I prefer to bask in the sun. The baby felt that it was inconvenient to talk while lying on his stomach, so he turned over.

Chang Sheng hurriedly looked away.

"Changzi, you should also put on some sunscreen, now the sun is still a little big, even if you go swimming, you can easily get sunburned. 99baby picked up the sunscreen and threw it over.

"Sunscreen is also waterproof." The baby smiled charmingly.

Although the baby's throw was sudden, it was just a trifle for Chang Sheng. He grabbed it in his hand as soon as he grabbed it. Seeing the baby's gesture, Chang Sheng took off his clothes and took it out and started wiping it on his body.

"How do you feel?" The baby blinked, looking at the faint outline of the muscles on Chang Sheng's body, she suddenly felt a little embarrassed.

"It's weird..." Not only was the sunscreen feeling weird, but the baby's eyes made him feel weird, so he turned his back subconsciously.

"Hurry up and go for a swim, you'll have to go back to eat in a while." The baby jumped down angrily, and looked at a lot of meat.

"Oh." Chang Sheng saw that the baby didn't want to go into the water, so he could only walk carefully to the beach by himself. There were quite a lot of people on the beach at this time. something to look at.

In fact, the baby is not too accepting of this kind of picture, and she has absolutely no feeling for swimming. If Chang Sheng said that he liked her, he would not want to come here. It is not only women who are ** on the beach.

After a bumpy road, Chang Sheng finally stood in the water.

As the waves came and receded, Chang Sheng was a little dazed. As a child who grew up by the river, who wouldn't like to make a fuss in the water, but the ebb and flow gave him an unprecedented feeling.

Chang Sheng stood motionless, feeling the fine sand on the soles of his feet being carried away by the waves, and finally his heels were completely suspended in the air. This feeling made Chang Sheng's feet surge with strength, and he jumped hard and plunged into the water.

Chang Sheng, who entered the water, was like a bird flying out of a cage.

This is his favorite swimming style. Although the wind and waves at sea affected his speed a little, the long-lost feeling made him feel refreshed.

Finally, when he couldn't hold his breath, he pushed up hard, and suddenly the entire upper body was exposed to the surface of the water.

Haha, so cool.

Chang Sheng was breathing heavily, although there was a fishy smell in the sea, but he didn't care at all.

Aside from the sunbathing people on the beach, he felt a little uncomfortable. He felt that this trip was worth it. He was also human and needed to relax.

The hard days in Wolfsburg were like a sword hanging over his head, always reminding him to maintain a good performance, so going home every day and training hard became his daily life.

Although Sandy also persuaded him not to work too hard, Chang Sheng always felt insecure, and for Sandy's persuasion, he only slightly reduced his training volume.

Long-term mental tension makes Chang Sheng show fatigue from time to time. When chatting with the baby, he will occasionally show a tired face. Women are generally very sensitive, and the baby has noticed it early.

So this time she pulled Chang Sheng out to let him release some pressure.

And of course completing her secret plan.

Chang Sheng is not a fool either, he knows that the baby brought him to the beach this time is to relax him, so he is still very grateful for the baby, and there are people who care about him far away, which makes Chang Sheng more and more fond of the baby. .

He took a deep breath, and another savage stabbed him down, scurrying in the water ecstatically.

Finally, the people on the beach gradually dispersed, and Chang Sheng was also tired of playing, so he climbed ashore and walked towards the baby.

Baby was already dressed, she sat on the beach cloth and watched Chang Sheng approach with a smile.

"Come on, wipe it." The baby handed over a towel. Chang Sheng didn't know why there were always various things in a woman's bag. He took the towel and glanced at the baby's bag strangely.

"Changzi, did you have a good time today?" the baby said and handed over his clothes.

"Well, very happy." Chang Sheng nodded.

"Then continue to come tomorrow?" Baby said with a smile, but she saw Chang Sheng's cheerfulness in the water, swimming to the east and west for a while.

It is completely different from his cautiousness on the beach.

"Hehe, good." Chang Sheng replied while watching the baby fold the towel, put it in a small bag and put it into the small bag, and then fold the beach cloth and put it in another small bag and continue to stuff it into the small bag.

But her bag didn't change after it was installed.

How did she do it?.

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