The press conference ended in an extremely eerie atmosphere.

Likari was the first to leave the venue with a sneer.

The other reporters shook their heads and sighed, glanced at Xiao Chenhui with pity, and then left.

Monica Leota stayed.

Taking the initiative to come to Xiao Chenhui, he frowned and said:

"Xiao, you made a very unwise decision, do you know how many goals are needed for the top scorer in Serie B? At least 20 pcs! "

With Serie B halfway through, it means you're going to have to average one goal per game for the next half of the game!" And even more! "

Serie B has 44 games throughout the season, and that's 22 games in half a season.

Including the two games before the winter break, there are only 24 games left.

Inzaghi's face is also not very good-looking, it was he who personally excavated Xiao Chenhui, a future star.

He didn't want to see Xiao Chenhui depressed among the many geniuses and become the one who "hurt Zhongyong" the most.

"Miss Monica is right, even if you are asked to play the main striker, it is an unlikely task."

Inzaghi is still very optimistic about Xiao Chenhui, otherwise he would not use the word "unlikely", but directly said that it was impossible.

It's just that I want to win the top scorer in the half-way race, and the difficulty is really not a little bit bigger.

If Xiao Chenhui retires because of this gamble, Inzaghi will say that nothing can be accepted.

Xiao Chenhui himself did not have any worries.

Cracked mouth and smiled: "How do you know if you don't try?" Men, never say the word no! "

As long as Ronaldo's star card is upgraded to perfect integration as soon as possible, is it so difficult for the Serie B top scorer's golden boot?

And no matter how difficult the road ahead is, Xiao Chenhui will not make changes.

Insulting the Dragon Kingdom?

He Likari doesn't have that qualification yet!

Inzaghi and Monica looked at each other, and they were in Xiao Chenhui's gentle smile.

Captured the firmness of his heart.

Perhaps the words "Dragon Kingdom" are what Xiao Chenhui values the most, far more important than his career.

In this regard, Inzaghi and Monica could only sigh in their hearts.

I hope this kid from the Dragon Kingdom can do what he says.

2013 is already the era of information explosion.

The post-match press conference appeared in the news sections of major media early the next morning.

Milano Sport Newspaper: "The Dragon Country Boy's Big Bet! About to lose the last fig leaf of Dragon Kingdom football! Sky

Sports: "The Wind Chasing Boy is chasing his dreams, Brescia's next Baggio? Roma

Sport newspaper: "Ignorance does not equal fearlessness! Arrogance will eventually pay its price! 》


Although Xiao Chenhui is not famous, the major media did not use the front page headlines, but only described a small paragraph of text on the sub-page, but it still swept the whole network in an instant.

And except for Monica's Sky Sports, there is no one who is optimistic about Xiao Chenhui.

Fueled by the media, not only the people of Brescia City paid attention to this gamble, but also people from other places cast interested eyes.

Perhaps except for the city of Brescia, few people have heard of Xiao Chenhui's name.

But people know who Likari is!

Gold medal journalist for Le Sport Milano.

A figure whose every move can cause heated discussions on the Internet, he actually ran to Brescia to make a bet with an unknown Dragon Country kid?

That's worth paying attention to!

Many people were attracted by the content of this gamble.

There is speculation whether Xiao Chenhui can win the top scorer in Serie B, or Licari runs a lap naked in Brescia?

There was a lot of discussion on the Internet.

Xiao Chenhui ignored those.

After finishing the morning class at school, I immediately arrived at the training base in Brescia.

He is different from the rest of the pros.

On non-match days, he had to go to the Molbenho Secondary School every day for a half-day cultural lesson.

Although the father's concept is somewhat stubborn, no one can deny that cultural knowledge is indeed the ladder of human progress.

When it comes to professional players, higher cultural literacy can help players better read games and implement the tactics developed by the head coach.

At least that's what Xiao Chenhui thinks, and Inzaghi is also very supportive of him.

Because in the remaining half-day of training, Xiao Chenhui will always give a more committed attitude than other players.

Even more intense than the training intensity of others all day!

Training starts at 3 p.m., just like the game.

When Xiao Chenhui came to the training ground, the hour hand had just pointed to 2 o'clock.

It's still empty.

Changing into training clothes, Xiao Chenhui buried his head and practiced hard.

Free Training Points for goals or assists earned in matches.

Daily training is the same.

It's just a lot slower than the race.

But fly legs, no matter how small, are meat.

Xiao Chenhui will not miss any opportunity to improve his level.

Completing the perfect integration of Ronaldo's star card early is his most urgent goal at this stage.

Left-footed shots, right-footed shots, long-range shots...

One by one, footballs roared out from under Xiao Chenhui's feet.

It was accompanied by drops of sweat that fell from him.

An hour later.

Inzaghi and Brescia players arrived at the training ground.

See Xiao Chenhui's hard training.

Inzaghi nodded slightly, with an approving look in his eyes.

No genius comes out of nowhere.

Ninety-nine percent effort plus one percent talent.

will give birth to the word "genius".

Otherwise, you can only squander your talent like Ronaldinho, and then withdraw from the mainstream league early.

Only 33 years old, Ronaldinho has been back to Brazil for three full years.

Isn't he talented?

Apparently not!

Is falling prematurely not due to excessive indulgence?

No matter how good the talent is, if it is not supported by persistent efforts.

It's just a flash in the pan.

Therefore, Inzaghi recognized Xiao Chenhui's training attitude.

He firmly believes that this trend will continue.

Xiao Chenhui will definitely become a superstar in the future.

Compared to Inzaghi.

The eyes of Caracciolo, the team's first main striker, are not very friendly.

For Xiao Chenhui to replace him against Regina.

Caracciolo is obsessed.

And the bet between Xiao Chenhui and Licari, Caracciolo also knows.

This means that this kid from the Dragon Kingdom is destined to become his competitor!

The starting center is just that.

Caracciolo had previously sat firmly in this position.

Suddenly, a Xiao Chenhui appeared.

Of course he couldn't accept it.

Step into the training ground.

Caracciolo came to Xiao Chenhui's side.

Defiantly said: "Boy, the position of the main center belongs to me!" You'd better get acquainted and just announce your retirement!

Xiao Chenhui looked at Caracciolo with some dismay.

This is the declaration of territory?

In Xiao Chenhui's memory, Caracciolo was indeed an excellent striker.

During his time with Baggio, he gradually grew into the second flag of Brescia.

Later, Brescia was relegated to Serie B, and Caracciolo stepped up.

He played 82 games in two seasons and scored 46 goals.

Led the team back to Serie A.

With a good record, Caracciolo has also been selected for the Italian national team twice.

But this does not justify Caracciolo's provocation!

No matter who appeared in front of Xiao Chenhui, he wanted to play the role of a roadblocker.

Xiao Chenhui will use actions to let him understand one thing:

why are flowers so red!

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