Anya took the materials collected by Dortmund and found Nan Guo, director of the competition department of the Football Association, hoping that Nan Guo could find the main leaders of the Football Association to put pressure on the Island Football Association and withdraw the appeal against Ye Feng.

It’s just that the head of the football association, Xi Yalong, deserves to be called Xi Politics, and his political consciousness is still very strong, knowing that Ye Feng’s matter is not just a football incident.

In the face of increasingly cold relations between the ** and the island countries, he is worried that the ** media and official support will attract protests from the island countries, which in turn will attract the attention of the General Administration and high-level officials.

With the World Cup group stage out, his position became less and less secure.

If there is another leak in this regard, he will have to step down.

This kind of thing is not unfounded, during the Asian Cup China-Japan final and the East Asian Final Four, the ambassador of the island country to the ** once protested to the **, believing that the island players were treated impolitely in the **.

This is contrary to sportsmanship.

Therefore, Xi Yalong refused to come forward with various excuses, and also declared that he would severely punish Ye Feng.

Finally, the head of the football association announced that the national football team would never hire a player like Ye Feng who had no professional ethics.

That is, Ye Feng can be said to have said goodbye to the national football team, unless some miracle occurs.

As soon as this announcement came out, it immediately caused an uproar among ** fans, is this football association going crazy!

Such a good player says no, don’t?

People are difficult to find with lanterns, ** this is to push the genius out.

Instantly, countless fans on the Internet have cordially “greeted” the families of the insiders of the Football Association.

It’s just that no matter how these hundreds of millions of fans make trouble, it can’t change the decision of the football association.

There are still some sane fans who think that this is a good thing, the national football team is half dead, even if Ye Feng is powerful, leading a bunch of “white chopping chicken” players, it is difficult to do anything.

Now there is no fetter of the national football team, perhaps Ye Feng’s development is even greater.

Finally, FIFA and AFC penalties also came out: Ye Feng was suspended for 10 games and fined 50,000 euros.

Hearing that Ye Feng was suspended for 10 games, Dortmund’s head Raubal was a little hesitant.

In the end, Ye Feng is still a player who has not participated in any official league, and he can’t even be called a player directly.

Suspended for 10 games, who knows if Ye Feng will still be so powerful by then.

Ten games for a famous player is enough to affect his state, let alone Ye Feng, a player who is not yet official.

So Raubal wants to give up Ye Feng a little, he believes that the club’s goal this season is to compete for the Bundesliga title, uncertain factors, or give up early.

Klcap Jürgen was somewhat convinced, after all, genius is not uncommon in Europe.

However, coach Jurgen soon changed his mind and insisted on signing Ye Feng immediately on the condition of the main player.

Although the coach of the Bundesliga does not have as much power as the Premier League, at the insistence of Jürgen, Laubar still asked Ye Feng to prepare a contract with the same as Hummels.

As for why Coach Jurgen suddenly changed his mind and insisted on signing Ye Feng, of course, it was Ye Feng’s system reward contract.

With this contract, Ye Feng signed a smooth contract with Dortmund without any obstacles.

Anya signed the contract on behalf of Ye Feng and Borussia Dortmund’s club manager

The annual salary of 5 million euros is only before taxes.

However, the liquidated damages are as high as 50 million euros, in addition to the goal and assist awards.

When Anya told Ye Feng the content of the contract, she found that her employer was not surprised at all, as if it was a matter of course.

“Xiao Yezi, aren’t you surprised at all? This contract can only be owned by Dortmund’s main player Hummels, but I didn’t expect Coach Jürgen to think so highly of you and sign such a high annual salary. I was going to take you to find the next one, and you know what a ten-game suspension is. ”

Anya looked excited, according to her agreement with Ye Feng, her commission also had 400,000 euros.

This is the most money she makes, and even more so if there are other advertising contracts.

“What’s so strange about that, I have that quality and it’s their honor for coach Jurgen to sign me. Then they will know that I am far more than this price, and now they have earned. ”

Ye Feng said lazily.

But in his heart: “What’s strange about this, labor and management have professional contracts, and they can sign wherever they want.” But it’s only now, just starting my career in Dortmund. ”

Since Dortmund officially signed a contract with Ye Feng, Ye Feng has been training seriously with the team.

Even more diligent than other team members, because he knows that only hard training can fully bring out the attributes of this body.

Finally, on September 30, in the fourth round of the Europa League Cup, Ye Feng’s ban ended.

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