After 30 minutes into the first half, neither side scored, and Dortmund’s attack was simple but more threatening.

It’s just that partner Rafio didn’t take his chance.

After 38 minutes into the game, Borussia Dortmund once again had a chance.

Before the two opposing players closed together, the ball was distributed at the feet of the pulling Rafio, and the young player who wasted Ye Feng’s two brilliant passes was very helpful, he dodged the angle of the shot and hit the right side of the penalty area.

The opposing goalkeeper reached for the save, but did not touch the football.

The ball hit the back post and bounced into the net.

Scoring in his first start, Rafio went crazy and he ran at high speed.

So much so that the players who chased and celebrated him behind could not catch up with him. It wasn’t until he was sliding close to the ground that his teammates captured him.

The goal gave Dortmund an advantage, and seeing the goal, the long-pent-up enthusiasm of the away fans finally began to be released.

Applause rang out, slogans were shouted, and the shouts of one more went on and on.

Jurgen jumped up from his seat and immediately sat down again.

He told himself to be personable, personable.

Now is not the time to celebrate, he wants to give fans and opponents a false impression of confidence.


Although Ye Feng did not score a direct goal, he assisted one, which made him happy.

Dortmund are ahead on the road, but Offenbach Kickers have not given up, there is still a lot of time and there is still hope.

Dortmund’s players did not expect this goal, which further stimulated the fighting spirit of the opposing players, and they must now score.

Offenbach kickers began to attack aggressively, and even the opposing head coach took another back, replaced it with high school forward Nizo, and put two players with fast and good passing on the wing to deliver shells in the middle.

Offenbach players have one thing in common: if you score a goal, you have a chance.

Dortmund’s players did not stick to the counter-attack, and Jürgen laid out the tactical intention of continuing to suppress the opponent’s space of movement after taking the lead.

Don’t make anyone feel comfortable, the ball is thrown from under anyone’s feet and the person who loses the ball must snatch him back.

Run desperately, replace it when you have cramps.

Anyway, these young players still have a lot of opportunities, and if they perform well this time, they can be promoted from the youth team.

Under Dortmund’s frantic pressing, Offenbach Kickers’ players have almost lost space to move and time to think.

Can only mechanically play to the rhythm of Dortmund, Ye Feng, who has been regulating and directing in the midfield at this time, suddenly cast his crazy magic dribbling.

Directly swayed past Cléman, at this time, Clément had already lost the original acceleration and reaction, and was directly swung by Ye Feng, but he couldn’t catch up.

Facing central defenders Kamara and Sacco, Ye Feng pretended to pass the ball on the side, but suddenly accelerated and rushed into the box from the narrow space between the two.

Seeing this, Sako and Kamara immediately “closed the door”, but they did not expect Ye Feng to have such courage.

In panic, he was unstable for a while, and the door did not close, but Ye Feng knocked over.


The whole stadium seemed to have overturned, and a huge roar erupted.

With a height of 1.80 meters, Ye Feng actually knocked over Kamala and Sacco who were more than 1.90 meters, and the stunned fans suddenly let out an exclamation.

This is about the same probability as a motorcycle knocking down a tank, which actually happened on the field at this moment.

Goalkeeper Lucas also did not expect that his two central defenders were so wasteful, and when he attacked, Ye Feng had already fallen to the ground and poked before he got the football.

The football flew straight from under Lucas’s armpit to the bottom of the net, and Ye Feng and Lucas also knocked together.


Dortmund lead by two goals!

After scoring the goal, Ye Feng rushed to the Jiaoqi area with excitement, kicked the Jiaoqi into the air, and then scolded in Chinese: “I’ll go to your uncle’s!” ”

“GO………………! GO……… AL! Ye did what a strong centre-forward Lewandowski and Barrios couldn’t. He knocked two centre-backs to the ground to score a goal, and Offenbach kickers’ backline was like a wall of paper in front of Ye. It’s amazing, amazing speed and power, it’s hard to imagine! ”

The commentators were all calmed by Ye Feng’s performance, this is simply a superstar, constantly inciting the emotions of the fans.

This time Borussia Dortmund is crazy on the bench, damn it, such a squad can also score two goals, it’s unbelievable.

Especially Jurgen, he was ready to give up, but Ye Feng and this group of young men gave him such a big surprise.

Who wants to give up if they can win the game.

The first half ended 2-0.

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