The focus battle at the Luzhniki Stadium reached the 60th minute of the game. The scoreboard still showed the score 0:3, with the defending champion Germany trailing the Netherlands.

Since the real-time score of another match in the same group at the Rostov Arena is 1:2, the bottom team South Korea leads Mexico. If the two games end according to the current score, the second place in Group C that advanced to the top 16 will still be It's Germany.

Germany head coach Loew saw that his team was unable to score goals and pinned his hopes on South Korea to defeat Mexico.

At the same time, he also hopes that the team can stabilize the current situation.

It doesn't matter if you don't score, the key is not to concede any more goals.

Once another goal is conceded, the goal difference between each other will be -3.

According to the same rules for the World Cup group points, we will look at the number of goals scored later. Germany and Mexico scored the same two goals. Then the next thing to look at is the points of the two teams, that is, the relationship between victory and defeat. Mexico is at the top of the group. The 1:0 upset victory over Germany in the round meant that Mexico would advance as second in the group if promotion was determined based on the outcome.

Considering this situation, Loew was thinking about whether to strengthen his defense, stabilize his defensive posture, and then wait for opportunities to score goals. After all, it is too passive to pin his hopes on South Korea to defeat Mexico.


But at this moment, the Dutch fans, Chinese fans and neutral fans in the audience burst into loud cheers.

Van Carey took the ball on the left, changed his previous style of continuously passing to his teammates, and suddenly dribbled the ball from the outside to overtake. Kimmich, who was strong in offense and weak in defense, reacted a little slower by half a beat, stretched out his foot to intercept and encountered nothing.

Khedira, who had already made up for the defense, rushed over regardless of the consequences. He knew that the team only needed to stop conceding goals to advance. To ensure that the team could advance, he was willing to do everything!

Fan Kerry noticed from the corner of his eye that Khedira rushed over aggressively. He pushed the football forward with the outside instep of his right foot, his right arm was close to his body, his center of gravity dropped slightly, and his body suddenly exerted force to the right, actively pursuing Khedira, who was in a physical confrontation, hit hard with his shoulder.

In the blink of an eye, Khedira felt the huge feedback force from Fan Kerry. She was shocked. She never expected that Fan Kerry, who didn't look strong, was so powerful that he was too unprepared to focus on his upper body. On the right, his feet staggered, and the grass was overwatered during the intermission, causing it to slip. His center of gravity was unstable and he fell to the ground.


Van Kerry won the physical confrontation. The Dutch fans, Chinese fans and neutral fans in the audience reacted conditionedly and shouted loudly. The German coach Loew, who was in deep thought, suddenly raised his head and saw this scene.

He obviously didn't believe that Van Carey, who seemed to have no muscles, would win the physical confrontation. He preconceived that Van Carey had committed a foul, but the referee Mark Geiger was indifferent, so he stood on the sidelines to express his strong dissatisfaction.

He Wei, the commentator of China Channel 5, raised his voice by an octave:"Van Carey's body is so good that even Khedira could be knocked down by him! It's so strong!"

At the same time, Van Carey also suffered a huge reaction force, but he had an initiative It was a force-generating action, and the strength and balance values ​​were over 90. The center of gravity of the body was controlled very well. He just staggered and did not fall to the ground.

After two or three adjustments, he regained control of the football and dribbled the ball from the offensive left to the penalty area.

Kimmich and Khedira were both out of position, and Süle was passively pulled out to defend. Affected by Van Kerry's strong ability to fight alone and break through, Hummels kept an eye on Luke De Jong while also paying attention to Van Kerry's movements..

This is especially true for Toni Kroos, who entered the penalty area to defend, and was ready to defend Sule diagonally.

Fan Kerry, who was about to enter the penalty area, slowed down and dropped his left shoulder. Süle, who turned slowly, knew that Fan Kerry was fast and often used his explosive advantage to bully the tall central defender. Eaten alive by Van Carey.

However, Van Carey's left shoulder sinking was just to deceive Süle and the defending Toni Kroos. His next move was the real killer move!

Using the huge reaction force brought by the pedal force of the left foot to reverse the center of gravity, the outside instep of the right foot leads the football sideways into the penalty area, adjusting in small steps to prepare for the bow and arrow.

Toni Cross didn't have time to think too much and moved over quickly.

The corner of Fan Kerry's mouth raised slightly, and he pushed the football outward with the outside instep of his right foot. The football rolled quickly from the left rib of the penalty area to the middle of the penalty area line close to the ground.

Central defender Jule had just regained his center of gravity. Another central defender, Hummels, was guarding Luke De Jong. Midfielder Khedira was knocked to the ground by a reasonable collision with Van Kerry. Toni Kroos defending Van Carey is equivalent to saying that the barriers in front of the two central defenders are not in place.

Wijnaldum decisively stepped in to participate in the attack. Out of trust in Van Kerry, he came to the no-man's land at the top of the penalty area. as expected!

As soon as it was in place, Van Carey's pass rolled close to the ground.

The passing angle and strength are just right, and it fully functions as a cannon. Wijnaldum adjusts his steps to meet the football.


The German fans in the audience suddenly realized something and burst into exclamations.

If Wijnaldum scores this goal, then... they will be eliminated!

Coach Loew rarely closed his eyes and prayed, hoping that God would be with them.

But at this time, many Dutch people are praying to God, hoping that Wijnaldum, who is facing football, can score.

Maybe God took into consideration the fact that there are believers on both sides and chose not to help each other.


Wijnaldum raised his right foot and kicked the football hard. The instep of his instep where he caught the ball was very accurate, making a crisp and muffled sound.

The football that rose from the ground was strong and heavy, without any rotation in mid-air. , flying from the middle of Toni Kroos and Hummels to the upper left corner of the goal.

Goalkeeper Neuer reacted quickly, but there was nothing he could do in the face of this powerful volley from less than 20 meters away, and his body was not fully stretched yet. , the football hit the net


The signature drawl of Sky Britannia commentator Andy Gray rang out.

China Channel 5 commentator He Wei was impassioned and eloquent:"Incredible game! Wijnaldum received Van Kerry's point ball and scored with a volley! The Netherlands leads Germany 4:0. If the two games end with the current live score, 1 : 2 Mexico, which is lagging behind South Korea, can advance to the top 16 of this season by relying on its advantage over Germany!"

"The game was so dramatic! Commentator Xu Yang said in surprise:"

Germany, which was two goals behind, was once considered to be out of the group. As a result, South Korea scored two goals in a row to overtake the score. Even if Germany lost to the Netherlands by three goals, they could advance to the top ten with a goal difference." The top six, but with Van de Beek scoring his first World Cup goal, Germany's humiliating promotion turned into a humiliating elimination! For the first time in the history of the World Cup, we missed the group stage!"

Deutsche Sky TV commentator Marcel Leif was furious and said angrily:"What a terrible game! Joachim Loew gets out! You are completely no longer suitable to be the great German men's football coach!!!"


The Dutch fans, Chinese fans and neutral fans in the audience were filled with excitement and cheers, which perfectly set off the heartbreak of the German fans.

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