Football: Take Over The Prawns And Sign Messi at the Start

Chapter 70 Sir Alex Ferguson and Mr Wenger are frowning!

after the game.

Another press conference.

"This game is disgraceful, Kewell's action was not a red card, Morecambe's players flopped, and it cost us one less to fight. 35

David Olavi sat on the stool and shook his head, spread his hands, and said with disdain, "Teams in the lower leagues, if they want to win, will always use such dirty methods. .

"Mr David Olav.

On the side, Lu Chenfeng couldn't listen anymore, and said with a smile: "There must be a replay of this game. When you go back, please check carefully to see if Kewell's palm hit Philip's face."

"And even if you put this aside, I don't agree with your second sentence.

"You may have forgotten, why are you changing Kewell, the last striker?

"Because you were already behind in the opening stages."

Lu Chenfeng shrugged, with a helpless look on his face, "Being behind the teams in the lower leagues that you call them."

David Olivier certainly won't forget what he said.

It's just a mockery of David Olivier, who is still trying to make excuses.

Sure enough, David Olavi's face suddenly became even more livid, and he closed his mouth and stopped talking.

This is true, no matter how he draws the reel's focus on that flop at Morecambe's midfielder.

The fact that Leeds United scored a goal in the opening game could not be escaped.

For a team that is going to play in the Champions League next season, being scored by a fourth-tier team.

Disgraceful indeed!

"Two balls.

At this moment, Lu Chenfeng stretched out two more fingers and said with a chuckle, "We did the two goals we said before the game."

After saying this, he stood up and left the scene of the press conference.

The focus of the reels is here at Leeds United, let other reporters ask David Olivier.

I have to go back first to prepare for the next quarterfinals, or even a step higher.

the next day.

The news of Leeds United's 0-2 loss to Morecambe in the British Parliament immediately swept across the entire British peninsula.

In this game that already has a super hot spot, the power of the fishing reel fermentation is extremely terrifying.

Fans of countless teams have pointed the finger at David Olav.

There is no other reason, but these fans do not want to see Morecambe promoted by that arrogant Chinese!

They originally poured their hopes into the game against Morecambe between Leeds United and believed that Leeds United, the third-ranked Premier League team this season, would end Morecambe's miraculous journey with a complete victory.

As a result, David Olavi's team was a disappointment, losing 0-2!

In this regard, the coach who has led Leeds United to success in many competitions this season should have been praised.

After this game, he suddenly became the object of scolding from thousands of people.

For the sentence he said before the game, the remarks that he wanted to hit Morecambe more than two times were also compared with Lu Chenfeng by many fans who wanted to spray him.

Morecambe said to fight two, they did it!

You Leeds United said to play two, but they were beaten two!

What a joke!

And these fans concentrated on bashing David Olivier after.

I gradually turned my attention to this Morecambe.

Morecambe, who has already entered the quarter-finals, seems to be closer to winning the championship as their coach said?

But these fans also do not believe that Morecambe can really win the championship.

Because of the teams that made it to the quarter-finals, Manchester United, Arsenal, Liverpool!

These three teams are very likely to meet Morecambe in the next!

Liverpool may still have the possibility of an upset loss to Morecambe.

Manchester United and Arsenal, basically a fantasy!

Manchester County.

Manchester United Administration Building.

Coach's Office.

Sir Sir Alex Ferguson put on his glasses and looked at the video of a game in front of him with serious eyes.

What he was watching was the game against Morecambe between Leeds United and Morecambe that had just ended.

No matter how confident the outside world is about Manchester United.

Ferguson himself is different, he always wants to make everything more stable.

And to be honest, Leeds United's reality he is very clear, definitely not much worse than Manchester United.

Morecambe can beat Leeds United, of course, it has absolutely good strength.


Not long after watching it, Ferguson took a deep breath and sighed in his heart for nothing.

It's not the first time he's seen Morecambe's video, he's seen it before.

But at that time, he didn't think that Morecambe was difficult to fight, just a few flashes.

but now...……

This Morecambe team, who has gone through the winter window signings, seems to have improved their tactics.

It seems that it is difficult for people to find loopholes that can be targeted tactically?

Thinking of this, Ferguson's heart rose again a little heavy.

He is so desperate right now, he doesn't know what to do.

Could it be that on the day of the match, you can only let your players rely on their personal ability to seek opportunities to win?

This is definitely a taboo for a football coach, and Ferguson, who has been coaching for a long time, knows it well.

So not long after, a video of more than 90 minutes was played.

Ferguson immediately pulled the progress bar back to its original point and continued to read, trying to find some loopholes in Morecambe's tactics.


After reading this once, Ferguson still couldn't find it...

So he pulled up the progress bar again and again, and when the sky outside turned from day to evening, he still sat in the office and didn't come out, and even the assistant coach asked someone to bring it in to eat.

Len squat.

Arsenal Administration Building.

Professor Arsene Wenger also sat in the office with a frown for a day.

", "It hits beautifully. ""

After watching Morecambe's TIKI-TAKA over and over again, Wenger has only this sentence left to say.

This kind of ball control is actually what he insists on and is using.

However, due to the lack of some good players in certain positions, he has not fully implemented it.

What he didn't expect was that a fourth-level league team festival!

He has already relied on a group of young people to play such beautiful football, even some extreme beautiful football!


After sighing, Wenger sighed again.

In the FA Cup, what should I do when I meet this team?

Put your hope in Henry?

ps: Don't raise book brothers, it's a little bit closer to the recommendation, and it's more rushed.

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