[PS: Many big brothers said that this chapter is very poisonous, please turn to the next chapter directly... I'm so grateful to everyone here T﹏T]

[PS again on August 20, 2023: Looking back now, this chapter is indeed neither fish nor fowl, and it is a typical sentimental chapter. I apologize to the big brothers again. After I finish writing the 2006 World Cup, I will replace this chapter. There are more descriptions of subsequent games. Thank you everyone! ]

After the national team officially started training, Aragones waved to Li Ming and said, "Young man, let me talk for a moment!"

When Li Ming heard this, he hurriedly approached the old coach, but Aragones took him to a reception room, and the old coach actually made tea for the young man!

Ah Shuai said slowly: "From your face, you should be from the East. Orientals like to taste tea. Although I don't know much about tea ceremony and don't have any good tea, I think you are really special. Maybe we should have a good chat..."

After that, Ah Shuai skillfully fiddled with a simple tea set. Li Ming saw that he was brewing black tea: "Old sir, you don't have to be so polite. I will tell you whatever you want to know..."

Ah Shuai handed a cup of tea to Li Ming, and Li Ming was so scared that he quickly stood up and caught it with both hands.

Ah Shuai: "When you were playing against them just now, you didn't even look at those wingers. Tell me what you think!"

Li Ming put down the tea, and relying on the experience he had accumulated before the time travel, he said seriously: "I remember that in the 2004 European Cup, Spain still used the traditional 442 two-wing breakthrough and quick counterattack style!"

A Shuai nodded: "Then, what do you think is the problem?"

Li Ming: "I think the center forward's threat in the middle is too small."

A Shuai: "Are you talking about Raul?"

Li Ming: "I am a junior, how can I comment on the greatest No. 7 in the history of Real Madrid!"

A Shuai: "His speed is much worse now than five years ago, and his position in Real Madrid is also at a loss, and it may be time for us to give up on him. !"

Li Ming wanted to speak up for Raul: "Old man, the situation in Real Madrid has little to do with Raul, because after Makelele left, their front and back fields were basically disconnected, and they handled it very improperly from the perspective of competition and non-competition."

Ashuai laughed: "Tell me about it!"

Li Ming: "From a competitive perspective, Real Madrid should have let Raul compete with Ronaldo, Owen, and Morientes for the main position in the first two years, but they stood from the perspective of respecting Raul and forced him to play as a front midfielder, and a front midfielder with a more backward position, which completely destroyed Raul's technical advantage!"

Ashuai: "Doesn't that show that his position in Real Madrid is very awkward?"

Li Ming: "That can't be blamed on him, the club doesn't have a better back midfielder , Raul has not been at the forefront of the front line for a long time. In the long run, he will lose his sense of smell as a shooter. In the past few years, he has scored no more than 10 goals in the club every year, which is a pity. "

A Shuai: "Didn't Real Madrid send Owen and Morientes away later?"

Li Ming laughed: "When Ronaldo was injured and fat, it was difficult for anyone to keep Real Madrid competitive, let alone Raul."

A Shuai: "Then how do you think I should use Raul in the national team?"

Li Ming: "Although Raul's skills are still top-notch and his shooting skills are still first-class, his slightly weaker speed and flexibility cannot complete the deployment of a quick counterattack, and..." Li Ming paused and asked: "You won't be angry if I evaluate your players like this?"

A Shuai laughed: "You can say it!"

Li Ming continued: "And whether Raul's position is to be pushed to the forefront of the front line or to retreat to the 9.5 position is a problem that neither the national team nor Real Madrid has solved. If you let him be a front midfielder, although he can insert from behind, it will be a big problem when he retreats to defend."

Li Ming took a few sips of tea and continued to speak eloquently: "In addition, the double defensive midfielder tactics are popular in the world football now. Everyone pays more attention to defense, and the lines are pressed more closely. No matter how many crosses the traditional wingers make, they are not as effective as before!"

Ashuai's eyes lit up: "Continue!"

Li Ming said again: "It will be difficult to take down Raul. Reusing Valencia's wingers and center players will repeat the mistakes of 2004. So, you should be clear in your mind!"

Ashuai: "Speak! ”

Li Ming: “Your tiki-taka tactics will definitely succeed. Give up the mindless sprint on the wing and instead suppress the opponent through uninterrupted ball control and short passes. Raul must be removed from the front line to give up the entire middle to make the speed and explosiveness stronger.The striker, with the support of the midfield, quickly moved forward with a more direct pass and cut, and finally scored! "

Li Ming was shocked. How to defeat Raul? This came out of his mouth. Seeing A Shuai's proud face, as if he had found his supporters. Li Ming couldn't help but mutter in his heart: The old man is not playing me... But think about it, this is just a private communication, it should not count!

A Shuai: "The core of the passing and controlling tactics requires almost harsh and extremely top-level ball sense and turning and protecting the ball, and has the world's top three passing rhythm and ground ball accuracy in the midfield. Who do you think our team can do this?"

Li Ming blurted out: "Xavi, Xavi of Barcelona!"

A Shuai stood up at this moment and laughed. Li Ming asked puzzledly: "Old man, do you think I'm wrong? "

Ashuai shook his head, stepped forward and patted Li Ming's shoulders repeatedly, shook his head and sighed: "You don't know, I mentioned similar ideas when I took over the national team, but the Football Association regarded it as a fantasy. Unexpectedly, in this world, the one who agrees with my ideas is actually a young goalkeeper of Atletico Madrid!"

Ashuai asked again: "If it were you, how would you match our midfield?"

Li Ming: "No matter how it is matched, the control of the midfield must be given to Xavi, but there must be someone behind him, who can either sweep or receive the return pass and then pass the ball to ensure the team's offense and defense conversion; there must be someone in the parallel position of Xavi, who can break through, pass and protect the ball to improve the team's offensive efficiency!"

Aragones invited directly: "Do you have any idea to become a coach directly? I have sufficient resources to allow you to enter any Spanish club echelon as a coach, even if you have just come of age! "

Li Ming was frightened, shook his head and laughed: "I just want to play football and keep the goal well..."

Ashuai nodded: "In fact, when Torres recommended you to me for sparring, I asked Atletico to send your information. Although you were born in the East, you grew up in the Netherlands and have Dutch nationality. Now you have lived in Spain for several years and are about to have our nationality. And you don't have any FIFA game record. Have you ever considered playing for Spain?"

Li Ming just felt that his blood was boiling. If he could accompany Spain to establish a dynasty, it would be such a wonderful thing. But Spain has Casillas in front and Reina in the back. How can there be a main position? Without a position, how can there be skill points!

Li Ming was embarrassed to refuse directly: "Thank you for your kindness, old man. I won't rush to choose the national team!"

Aragones nodded with regret, took Li Ming's hand, and said earnestly: "Such a young talent is really rare. You can come to be a sparring partner when the national team trains in the future! "

Li Ming bowed quickly: "Thank you, old man!"

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