Real Madrid coach Luxemburgo today arranged the 442 formation that is used this season:

Goalkeeper: Casillas

Defenders: Roberto Carlos, Elguera, Ramos, Salgado

Midfielders: Guti, Pablo Garcia, Zidane, Beckham

Forwards: Raul, Ronaldo

Li Ming took a look at the positions on the field. Zidane appeared in the front midfielder position as expected, Garcia played as the back midfielder, Guti was in the left midfielder, and Beckham was on the right. There were also three strong players sitting on the bench, Robinho, Baptista, and Gravesen, as well as soy sauce substitutes such as Pavon, Diogo, and Messi.

Li Ming was puzzled. England's central defender Woodgate has not played for many years, and there is no relevant report. He will not go to recuperate again. Then why did Real Madrid let "Rock" Samuel go? With Ramos' current level of playing as a central defender, it seems that Togo and others can really break Real Madrid's defense today!

The referee blew the whistle and the Madrid derby officially started. After the opening, Atletico Madrid really didn't shrink back. Various long passes and straight passes made Real Madrid's defense line complain.

In the second minute of the opening, Ibagaza turned and passed Garcia, and sent a straight pass into the gap between Ramos and Elguera. Torres rushed over, and Ramos wanted to pull, but at this time, the 19-year-old Shuiye was still far behind the 21-year-old Torres in terms of strength and awareness. You must know that Torres has accompanied Atletico Madrid all the way from the Spanish Second Division to now, and he has seen countless defenders of various uncles and young meat levels. Bianchi also calculated today that Ramos must play as a central defender, because it is impossible to let a defender like Pavon to play against a striker of Torres' level.

Torres was not polite to Ramos. He waved his arm and stuck to his position. He picked up the ball with his right foot and jumped over Elguera's interception like a hurdle. At this time, Casillas also left the door and rushed over to block it. Torres supported himself with his left foot and swung his right foot backwards. He was about to shoot with great force, but Casillas stood still and prepared to shoot. Unexpectedly, Torres suddenly stopped while swinging his right foot, raised his toes upwards, and the football was lifted up and fell straight behind Casillas!

Salgado, who came back to defend, rushed straight to the goal line, but he was also fast and failed to clear the ball, so he rolled into the goal with the man!

The entire Bernabeu was suddenly silent! Atletico Madrid got off to a dream start, leading Real Madrid 1-0 away!

The TV commentator also shouted excitedly: "Torres! Torres again! Unsolvable running and lobs, Real Madrid's start can't be any worse!"

Torres also came to the corner flag and slid on his knees passionately! Everyone in Real Madrid was still in a daze, after all, Zidane and Ronaldo had not touched the ball in the front court!

Real Madrid kicked off, Beckham made a precise long pass, directly finding Raul who was advancing. Raul and Ronaldo were basically in the center axis at this time, without passing or running, and without saying a word, he fired a long shot. At this time, Li Ming's reaction, one-on-one, speed, and bounce were all at their peak. Watching Raul's shot, it was as if he was watching a kite flying slowly. Li Ming also moved in advance and fell to the ground to save the shot!

Raul's shot was indeed not very powerful, and the shot was also straight. Ronaldo also had some complaints in front of him, because Raul's running position was directly towards the middle, and Ronaldo himself wanted to pull to the side but it was too late. The two people were almost in overlapping positions, with no passing space and a bad shooting angle, which greatly benefited Li Ming.

Ronaldo spread his hands to Raul: "Can you wait until I run to the side to create an empty space before passing the ball!"

Raul did not say anything, but just glanced at Ronaldo fiercely with a cold look.

Luxemburg saw it, but he didn't dare to say anything. There are many voices in Real Madrid now. If he stands on the wrong side, not to mention that he is the head coach, even if the sports director comes, he will be squeezed out. He thought, as long as the ball is under the feet of Beckham or Zidane, this game should not be a big problem.

However, Atletico Madrid continued to open and close, and the midfield was basically out of touch. It really fulfilled the saying: If you don't live, you won't die. This extinction is the most joyful!

In a moment, Real Madrid's midfield got the ball again, but Guti took the ball and advanced a little, and passed it to Raul's feet again. Raul shot again outside the penalty area under Perea's close defense. This time the shooting speed was obviously much faster. Li Ming saw the opportunity and flew sideways to block the ball! Pablo quickly protected the second point and kicked it to the front court again.

Li Ming did not forget his trolling nature: "Brother Raul! Just shoot well, otherwise it's better to pass the ball!"

Raul rolled his eyes at Li Ming and did not answer. He felt that he was being scolded by the national team's sparring partner. If he went to argue with him again, he would definitely be in Casillas' girlfriend's newspaper.

15 minutes into the first half, Zidane also invested in midfield defense. It is said that Zidane is only responsible for offense, but defense isCome on, this physique and strength don't seem to be much inferior to his national team teammate Vieira! He intercepted with his back, easily unloaded Atletico's big kick, shook his shoulders, carried Ibagaza, who was a head shorter than him, and passed the ball to the Golden Wolf Guti.

Zidane and Bessie immediately moved forward, ready to play a shuttle with Guti, but the Golden Wolf made another low pass to Raul. The Ring King leaned on Perea's body and pushed the ball to the middle, setting up a platform for firing, and Guti followed up with a long shot and directly released the plane!

Beckham and Zidane were both angry: Guti, this guy, only passed the ball forward to Raul, otherwise you guys can just play a two-person show in the frontcourt, and old man Lu is really, it's better to put Gravesen in the midfield to greet Maxi and Ibagaza.

Fortunately, Atletico's goal kick was fast, and the ball was lost quickly. Garcia was still able to control the technical midfielder with the physique of Ibagaza steadily. He pointed the ball to Zidane. Lu Xin, who was also French, naturally knew the power of Zidane. His arms were stuck to Zidane's arms, and he often hit his fellow countryman.

However, in front of Lu Xin, Zidane seemed tall and strong, with delicate feet. He gently pulled the ball with his left foot, and then turned around, and Lu Xin was squeezed behind him. Fortunately, Zidane's speed this year was slower. He took the ball and advanced for two steps, and Lu Xin stuck to him like a shit plaster: "Brother, don't worry, play with me!"

Zidane glanced at Lu Xin and cursed in his heart: Who do you think you are? A few years ago, I would have killed you with an elbow!

But Zidane is always the propeller, metronome and glue of any team. Although he is 33 years old now and his dribbling speed is not as fast as before, his footwork frequency is well controlled. Lu Xin tried to steal the ball several times, but all failed. When Lu Xin was anxious, Zidane dribbled the ball and poked it again, and sent a straight pass directly to Ronaldo!

Pablo was fighting with Ronaldo at this moment, and Li Ming also saw it clearly in the penalty area. Although Ronaldo's weight is getting heavier and his speed is not as fast as the legend, objectively speaking, he is nothing more than a historical hall-level superstar who has degenerated into an active superstar!

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