In the 43rd minute of the second half, Atletico Madrid got another corner kick. Maxi also walked slowly towards the corner flag, and everyone in Real Madrid was so anxious that they shouted: "Is your leg broken? Do you want me to help you fix it?"

Bianchi watched it clearly from the sidelines and thought, it's really embarrassing. In the past in the Argentine league, this kind of delaying tactics would probably have broken his leg. But now that he wants to win Real Madrid away, he can't care so much about face. He also shouted from the sidelines: "Return to defense! Return to defense more, don't waste time in the front court!" As soon as this voice came out, only Maxi was left to take the corner kick, Torres and Petrov took their positions in the penalty area, and the others retreated to the half court in a flash.

Petrov was full of confidence. Don't look at the five people in the Real Madrid penalty area defending the two of us. With the jumping ability of me and Torres, it's easy to control you! He yelled at Maxi: "You can go to the far corner or the near corner, we can get it anyway!"

Maxi raised his hand to indicate that he was going to kick off, then bent down and started to fix his shoelaces. Everyone in Real Madrid cursed and cursed at Maxi. The referee finally couldn't stand it anymore and gave Maxi a yellow card.

Maxi kicked the ball inward and kicked it into the Real Madrid penalty area. Petrov was still thinking about competing for the header, but he saw Casillas soaring into the air, directly taking the ball off and kicking it forward.

Beckham leaned against Gabi, stopped the ball with his back, and passed it back to Garcia. The Uruguayan man didn't care about the accuracy of the landing point, and threw a high ball into the Atletico penalty area. At the front of the penalty area, Lucin and Zidane, Pablo and Ronaldo, Perea and Negredo, several pairs of people fought together, and no one was willing to give up this last-minute opportunity.

Zidane stretched out his long legs and took the high ball off! Lu Xin looked at Zidane's long legs and was extremely envious. He was worthy of being the best player in France. I should have no problem defeating him today and becoming a top midfielder!

But Zidane was not so easy to defeat. After unloading the ball, he made a Marseille turn. Lu Xin felt a trance in front of him. Zidane had already left him two positions behind.

Zidane pushed the ball with his foot, and the ball passed between Pablo and Calvo. Ronaldo wanted to start at high speed, but found that his legs were already filled with lead. He could run, but his extreme explosive power disappeared due to the decline in physical strength. When Ronaldo was hesitating, Negredo squeezed Perea away, grabbed Zidane's pass, and shot directly without stopping the ball.

Li Ming had already positioned himself in advance and saved the ball with both hands. Robinho wanted to make another shot, but Li Ming took two steps forward and pressed the ball steadily under him.

Bianchi shouted on the sidelines: "Amin, control the time!"

Li Ming glanced at the injury time in the second half, and there were only 2 minutes. He held the ball for a while and kicked it out. At this time, Torres was the only one left in the frontcourt of Atletico Madrid, but he had no strength to chase Li Ming's big kick.

Carlos quickly retreated to the half court, stopped the ball in the backcourt, and kicked it to the Atletico penalty area again. After several headers, the ball went out of the sideline.

At this time, Atletico Madrid also used the last substitution quota. Right back Molinero replaced Petrov and continued to station troops in the backcourt. Petrov trotted off the court. Although his steps were broken, the frequency was extremely slow. Seeing that the referee was going to use the card again, Petrov quickened his pace and ran off the court.

Along with the boos in the sky, the loss of Real Madrid stars, and the restlessness of Atletico Madrid's bench, everyone finally heard the referee's two short and one long whistles. Atletico Madrid defeated Real Madrid 3-2 away from home!

The Atletico bench rushed into the stadium to celebrate as if they had won the championship. For most Atletico players, they didn't even know when they last won at the Bernabeu. For them, this was a milestone.

Luxemburgo looked dazed, walked up to shake hands with Bianchi and hugged him: "Brother, you are still lucky. I guess I will be fired."

Bianchi comforted him: "Actually, I also want to go back to South America." The two smiled at each other.

Ronaldo put his hands on his waist, his eyes full of confusion and frustration. Indeed, he is no longer the top scorer in the World Cup, nor the world's No. 1 striker who stunned Manchester United at the Theatre of Dreams, nor the alien in the Barcelona period.

Before the end of the game, he clearly felt that he still had strength in his body, but his legs just couldn't start, as if the ligaments couldn't pull the muscles, or the body couldn't support his ambition.

Beckham also had a blank look on his face. He knew that tomorrow's media would exaggerate his lost penalty and the goal scored by Atletico in the counterattack. At this moment, he somewhat missed the bright red of Manchester, but here, no one would accommodate you.

Li Ming took a closer look and found that there wasThere were two familiar faces, who were helping other big guys pack their clothes.

Li Ming walked forward on his own, and they turned out to be Roberto Soldado and Felipe Luis. It was estimated that they were transferred from Team B today, but they did not get a chance to play. In the era before he traveled through time, one of them was the future core of Valencia's frontcourt, and the other was the left iron gate of La Coruña and Atletico Madrid. Now they are also wasted in their youth, which makes people sigh.

Li Ming looked at Felipe again and couldn't help laughing. It turned out that he was only 20 years old and was white and clean with a little baby fat. In Li Ming's impression, Felipe's face was clearly outlined and slightly thin, especially after going to Chelsea, he became even thinner!

Felipe saw that Atletico's goalkeeper was staring at him and yelled, "What are you looking at?" Li Ming saw that the young version of Felipe was also very hot-tempered, so he stopped asking for trouble at the moment. I wonder if I can meet him in a bed sheet uniform in the future.

Li Ming saw Luxemburgo returning to the player tunnel with a disappointed look on his face. He immediately thought that if he was also a world-famous coach, his skill points would be enriched again, so he ran up to say hello. Luxemburgo yelled, "Get out of the way, don't bother me!" Li Ming had to leave in a huff.

At this time, the system voice in Li Ming's mind also began to calculate: Today, the opponent's attack group and the main attacking players are rated SS (unparalleled in the world), and your performance rating is "suppress the opponent", so you can get 5 skill points in this game. Enjoy the joy of the derby victory, goodbye!

Li Ming continued to add all 5 points to the long-foot kick, so that he can become a long pass expert in the future, and maybe even a backcourt engine! Ah, who doesn't like a Pirlo who can keep the goal? Li Ming daydreamed to himself and couldn't help laughing. To be honest, I was still embarrassed that the system rated him as "suppressing the opponent" in this game, after all, Ronaldo and Bessie scored one goal each. In fact, without Li Ming, Pablo and others would have been beaten today based on their status.

At this time, the panel data also emerged:

Reaction 20 (full), one-on-one 20 (full), bounce 20 (full), speed 20 (full);

Long-foot kick 16 (11+5), determination 17, decisiveness 13, teamwork 17, and other values ​​are still 7!

Seeing him so happy, Torres and Pablo hugged him and praised him loudly: "With you in front of the goal, we are relieved!"

Li Ming laughed: "It was an accident to lose two goals today, otherwise we would have given them 3-0."

Pablo squinted: "That's enough, how about celebrating with hot pot? I'll treat you!"

Li Ming was stunned: "Then I have to call the three brothers in my dormitory together!"

Pablo: "Okay, I'll call Ortega later and ask him to release people from his dormitory at night!"

Several people joined the queue and came to the away fans' stand to thank the team. Atletico fans were already very happy, in sharp contrast to the disappointed and angry Real Madrid fans.

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