At 5:30 the next morning, Li Ming was sleeping soundly in the dormitory. The sound of Hello Moto kept coming from his V3 mobile phone. Gil kicked the foot of Li Ming's bed and said, "Aming, answer the phone. Who is this? So early?"

Li Ming took the phone in a daze. It was Sir Alex Ferguson's voice on the other end of the phone: "Aming, come downstairs."

Li Ming was stunned. Why did the president of Real Madrid drive to the dormitory building of Atletico Madrid base to pick him up? Is he really so free to come and go?

Without time to wash up, Li Ming rushed downstairs after going to the toilet. A dark Bentley commercial vehicle was quietly waiting. Li Ming went up and sat in the same row with Mr. Fu, complaining: "You got up too early!"

Mr. Fu: "Live as a hero, and sleep forever after death."

Li Ming felt ashamed in his heart. If he wanted to be a hero, he would not get enough sleep every day. "Then where are we going?"

Mr. Fu: "Let's go for breakfast. I said yesterday that I will pay you."

While Li Ming was hesitating, the car had already entered the Bodin restaurant in Plaza Mayor in the old town of Madrid. It was not yet six o'clock. The waiters were quickly placing coffee, bacon, barbecue, bread, biscuits, milk, etc. on the table. Various olive oil fried ham, potatoes and biscuits were also brought up one after another.

Li Ming was muttering in his heart that these things looked fancy, but they were not as practical as two meat buns, two fried dough sticks, and a large bowl of soy milk.

One after another, a group of people came to the restaurant and sat down at the table. A group of journalists who had been arranged in advance also set up their cameras.

Li Ming only felt that many big men's faces came into view, because he didn't even recognize many of them at the table. At this time, the system in his mind prompted: Hey, pay attention, there are two epic figures in the front court!

Li Ming looked carefully and found that all the people present today were Real Madrid legends! As an Atletico Madrid player, he had entered the enemy's headquarters...

Among the older people were Di Stefano, Prakash, Santillana, Francisco Gento, and Amancio; among the middle-aged people were Juanito, Butragueno, Padesa, Martin Vazquez, Manolo Sanchis, Michel, Hierro, and several others whose names he couldn't call out.

But Li Ming soon realized that the two epic figures mentioned by the system should be the two elders:

The strongest player in Real Madrid for a century, the core of the five consecutive Champions Leagues, and the pioneer of the frontcourt free man - Stefano!

The king of Eastern Europe, the pearl of the era, and the symbol of the best goal in international football - Puskas!

Frenchman saw that Li Ming's eyes were shining, and immediately confirmed his judgment and said to him: "Go, this is your reward! I will release some news later, and you can do your own things."

Florentino walked up to the podium, snapped his fingers, and his face was full of elegant smiles: "Gentlemen! Good morning, I am very honored to invite you to breakfast. I have three things to announce this morning."

Everyone in the audience applauded and waited for Frenchman to speak.

"First, today is the release date of Mr. Puskas' new book. Puskas Biography is not only a biography, but also the spiritual precipitation of the old man in those years. This book runs through the development of modern football and the progress of the times. Let's cheer for it!"

As soon as the voice fell, everyone applauded and rejoiced, except Puskas, who was a little dazed and stood up with the help of his assistant. Li Ming knew that this was caused by Alzheimer's disease, and he couldn't help but feel distressed for this famous player who had experienced many vicissitudes. Little did he know that Puskas was already seriously ill at this time. Florentino and others were also running around to appeal, publishing books for him and arranging friendly matches to raise enough money for long-term treatment.

Stefano sat next to Puskas, and the golden arrow held his old partner's hand tightly, his eyes full of the glory of memories. Li Ming knew that at the club level, if it comes to the dominance of the double striker configuration, there should be no combination in history that can beat these two old gentlemen. Whether it is Raul + Ronaldo of Real Madrid or Sheva + Inzaghi of Milan, the dominance is several orders of magnitude different.

The two old gentlemen were talking about the past, and when they looked back, a smiling oriental face appeared behind them. They were quite surprised. Li Ming was not vague and started talking about the 4+3 masterpiece of the two in the 1960 Champions League final, which made the two old gentlemen quite proud. They chatted along with Li Ming's words. On the one hand, Li Ming succeeded in communicating, and on the other hand, he really admired the two old gentlemen, so he learned a lot from talking about the MW formation of that year to the five consecutive Champions League.

Others took photos for the new book,The restaurant was bustling for a while during the interview.

Florentino smiled and nodded to Li Ming, implying that you should be satisfied with my remuneration!

Then he said: "The second thing, I have been thinking about it for a long time, but I got a hint yesterday, so I stayed up all night and now I have made up my mind."

Everyone was quite surprised, but the reporters kept snapping, because the moment that will affect the entire Spanish football world is coming!

Ferguson continued: "At present, Real Madrid Club has indeed encountered many difficulties, especially in the field of football. Of course, it is not because of funding, but because of the reshaping of core leadership."

"I think it is the mistakes of my Zidane + Pavon policy that have led to the disputes in the team. Today I officially announced that I will resign as the chairman of the club and return the power to my colleagues who continue to love Real Madrid Club. Maybe this step can reverse our current decline!"

As soon as this was said, except for Li Ming, everyone was shocked. They didn't know where the prophet came from that made Ferguson have such an illusion.

Li Ming was just depressed. If you want to resign, then resign. Why do you have to say that it was foreshadowed? Are you talking about me? In fact, it doesn't matter to me. I really have nothing to say!

"The third thing is that although I am about to leave the club, I will still pay close attention to the development of Real Madrid. Everyone here is a legend of the club. I hope everyone will continue to support Real Madrid! Hala madrid!"

After that, Fernando returned to the table and sat down. In the surprise, curiosity and confusion of the legends and reporters, he ate by himself. The reporters were still not satisfied. They all felt that they had picked a big melon today and thought about how to have an exclusive interview with Fernando.

At this time, Hierro stood up. As the captain of the older generation, he raised his arms and shouted: Hala madrid!

The atmosphere on the scene was relieved. Everyone had their own concerns, but they all applauded.

Li Ming saw that this situation was not something that an 18-year-old boy like him could experience. He hurriedly said hello to Fernando, left the restaurant, took a taxi, and hurried back.

At this time, Yujieyin's system also prompted: "Congratulations on advancing the hidden task - communicating with epic characters! There are currently 20 epic characters in the database of this system, and you have completed 7/20, giving you 8 skill points. You have made a lot of money this morning!"

Li Ming remained silent, feeling uneasy. Will there be any problems getting so close to the Real Madrid people for a few skill points... But fortunately, there was no talk about the affairs between the two clubs. Anyway, add these 8 skill points first.

Yes, first use 4 points to fill the big kick, and add the remaining 4 points to the hand-controlled ball, so that you don't have to drop the ball almost every time you save it, and then rely on your reaction speed to save the second point.

At this time, the panel data also emerged:

Reaction 20 (full), one-on-one 20 (full), long kick 20 (full, 16+4), bounce 20 (full), speed 20 (full);

Hand control 11 (7+4), determination 17, decisiveness 13, teamwork 17, other values ​​are still 7! Comprehensive score 110, qualitative: demon!

Li Ming was not angry when he saw the demon's words. There have always been those demons and old demons in the FM system with low current abilities but bursting key attributes. Besides, he is only 18 years old. If he continues to work hard, he will definitely be one of the top 20 goalkeepers in the world!

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