De Jong is only 20 years old. He had just heard what Li Ming said in the audience and was already fascinated. He wanted to open his heart to Li Ming immediately. In addition, he also knew that Li Ming was invited by Cruyff himself, so he was naturally very polite. Because the Ajax lineage is all under Cruyff, De Jong went to the room to clean up as soon as the meeting was over.

As soon as Li Ming entered the room, De Jong shouted: "Brother Ming, I have heard of you for a long time!"

Li Ming was shocked. He was obviously two years younger than De Jong, but he was relieved that the other party was so polite. In the era before the time travel, the notoriety of North De Jong and South Pepe was all over the football world. Even after they retired, they were still regarded as negative examples of vicious forces in football. But at this time, De Jong was gentle and modest, which was almost difficult to connect with the North De Jong who almost kicked Alonso through the chest.

Li Ming suddenly felt a throbbing in his heart. If he counted the era before the time travel, how many regrets would there be in the football world? There were countless regrets; how many ifs were there? They were as numerous as stars.

Is it self-discipline that determines the football pattern and the replacement of superstars? Just like the legend of Ronaldo with aliens disappeared, just like Ronaldinho's figure and spirituality can no longer be remembered by future generations, just like Adriano never wore the crown of the King of Meazza, just like the subversive blow caused by the fall of these three people to the Brazilian team.

Or is it injury? Just like Kaka postponed the operation to lead the civilian Brazil to hit the sixth star, just like Torres removed the meniscus in advance to try to realize his dream of the World Cup, just like Utimum was forced to close and then lost his form.

Or is it the club's obstruction? Just like Real Madrid did not allow Di Maria to appear in the final of the World Cup, which should have been in his golden age, just like Real Madrid did not allow Bellingham to not appear in the last round of the Bundesliga, the life-changing battle between Dortmund and Mainz.

Or is it the cruelty that people return to their homeland but romance is no longer there? Just like Ronaldo's heartache after returning to Manchester United, Shevchenko's confusion when he returned to Milan, Torres' relief after returning to Atletico Madrid, and Bale's embarrassment when he returned to Tottenham. And Messi, who will never return to Barcelona, ​​may cause a huge wave of football in North America at this moment.

Perhaps the most common moment is the moment on the court, Zidane's head against Materazzi, Robben's single-handed shot was resolved by Casillas, Gerrard's slip, Higuain's crampedness, Karius's super huge mistake...

Li Ming suddenly felt that he could influence the progress of football in this era, although he always persuaded Torres not to remove the meniscus in the future, and not to go to Chelsea, after all, it would take many years.

So, the person in front of him can try to change his fate.

De Jong only felt that Li Ming's eyes were empty but emitting a strange light, as if it was the enlightenment of time and space. De Jong called softly, "Brother Ming, what's wrong with you?"

Li Ming seemed to be in another world, and immediately stood up to get tap water and boiled it.

In Germany, and even in many other places in Europe, people rarely boil water to drink.

De Jong saw Li Ming suddenly start to boil water, and he couldn't figure out whether he wanted to make instant noodles or coffee. After a while, after the water boiled, Li Ming took out half a box of tea from his backpack, and made Kung Fu tea with several cups in the room!

De Jong didn't know anything about tea art.

Li Ming filled three small cups and pushed one to De Jong: "Drink tea!"

De Jong picked up the teacup, and before he came back to his senses in the refreshing fragrance, Li Ming said: "Listen to my advice, don't go to Hamburg in the Bundesliga in the winter window!"

De Jong was taking a sip of hot tea in his mouth, and when he heard Li Ming say this, he almost spit it out! Because now almost all of Europe knows that De Jong wants to leave the Eredivisie, and also knows that his agent is in hot talks with Hamburg, so it is basically a done deal.

De Jong immediately became interested: "Tell me, why can't you go to Hamburg."

Li Ming: "What type of player do you think you are, a technical player or a violent player?"

De Jong: "Of course a technical player. I have always played as a forward in Ajax, and sometimes on the wing."

Li Ming: "That's right. You can control the ball, pass the ball, organize in the front court, retreat to the back court, and have a good vision."

De Jong: "Hey, Brother Ming, you know me well. In our Ajax, versatility on the field is a compulsory course. I can play in the middle and on the wing. I feel that my skills are pretty good now."

Li Ming: "If one day, the coach does not need you to participate in the offense, but requires you to defend fiercely in the midfield and backcourt, what do you think?"

De Jong: "As long as the team can win and I have the opportunity to play, I will definitely obey the team's arrangements."

Li Ming: "If many years later, you have a lot of experience in violent defense, hurt countless people, and even forget that you are a technical player nowPlayer, do you regret your career? "

De Jong: "Injured countless people? That's impossible, I play football, not people, and my skills have been examined by the Bundesliga, they won't really let me play as a defensive midfielder."

Li Ming: "Really, you want to go to the Bundesliga, what do you think is the most important reason?"

"The Bundesliga has money to introduce me, and I also want to change the environment."

"Not true, you have to tell the truth."

"Well, Brother Ming, you really know a lot, well, the attacking midfielder position in the team is firmly occupied by Sneijder, and my own position is a little vague."

"But Hamburg's attacking midfielder position is also controlled by someone, right? "

De Jong woke up as if from a dream, and only uttered a sound, but could not answer.

Li Ming: "Hamburg now has Van der Vaart as the attacking midfielder, Boulahrouz and Van Buyten as the central defenders, and Rafael Vicky as the defensive midfielder also likes to lean to the wing, so the real reason they want to introduce you is... they need a defensive midfielder who can pass the ball, and it is best to be extremely fierce. "

De Jong: "I can pass the ball, but it feels difficult to be fierce. "

Li Ming: "When you hurt the first person, you will feel guilty and painful; when you hurt the tenth person, you will be numb and accustomed to it; when you hurt a hundred people, you will enjoy it!"

When De Jong heard this, he was so shocked that sweat beads broke out: "I don't want to be that kind of person, please give me some advice, Brother Ming!"

Li Ming was calm and relaxed, and put the tea aside: "Drink tea!"

After the two calmed down a little, Li Ming gave a direct answer: "Don't go to Hamburg this winter window. If you really want to transfer, wait until the World Cup is over and go to Dortmund. "

De Jong thought for a moment and shouted: "I understand. Now it is rumored that their attacking midfielder Rosicky is going to Arsenal. If I go to Dortmund, can I replace this Czech brother's position!"

Li Ming nodded repeatedly: "You are still very knowledgeable!"

De Jong nodded fiercely and shouted: "It all depends on Brother Ming's guidance!"

Li Ming continued: "You, in fact, can maximize your offensive and defensive talents by participating in high-position pressing in the club. If a coach uses a group of forwards and a single attacking midfielder to oppress the opponent's backcourt ball holder, forcing the ball holder to attack and receive in a dilemma, and you will become the single attacking midfielder who can break through, pass, and press high! "But Li Ming will not tell him that if he meets a man named Klopp in the future, many offensive players will undergo qualitative changes.

De Jong only felt his head buzzing and his breathing gradually became heavier.

Li Ming continued to swing the cup: "Drink tea! "

De Jong didn't care about the water temperature, picked up the teacup: "Cheers!" He drank the tea instead of wine. At this moment, he had a clear idea of ​​his future technical characteristics. Yes, I don't want to be a villain. Who will remember my technical advantages, my creativity and positioning?

Li Ming was quite pleased. At least the reputation of De Jong in the north and Pepe in the south was broken up in the bud.

At this time, the system sounded: Congratulations on unlocking the hidden task - Change your fate , that is, changing the career direction of the current character, and the ending is significantly different from the world before the crossing. This task is a quota system. You can only change the fate of 20 people. For each successful change, you will get 2 skill points. Currently, you have changed 1 character, and there are 19 remaining places, giving 2 skill points.

Li Ming muttered in his heart: There are only 20 people, so few, now De Jong has used one, I must leave one for Togo.

Thinking of this, Li Ming suddenly remembered that he had repeatedly emphasized to Torres that he should not pick the half moon in the future. The board, don't go to Chelsea, but the system did not activate this hidden task. I guess Togo must think that I am talking nonsense and ignore it. Then I will persuade him again until the system prompts.

Li Ming: Changing fate against the will of heaven is to promote harmony in football. 2 skill points are too few. My dear sister, please adjust it.

System: Hey, why are you so shameless again? You are here to play football, not to be a charlatan. People are really greedy. 2 skill points, love or not, goodbye!

De Jong saw Li Ming and said he was shameless again. Gu Zi muttered to himself, and couldn't help but admire him: It is said that people with great talents must behave strangely. Brother Ming must have been enlightened to be able to communicate with the gods in this way.

Li Ming stared at the panel data that appeared in front of him. He only had two skill points, so he simply continued to add them to hand control.

At this time, the panel data also appeared:

Reaction 20 (full), one-on-one 20 (full), long kick 20 (full, 16+4), bounce 20 (full), speed 20 (full);

Hand control 13(11+2), determination 17, decisiveness 13, teamwork 17, and other values ​​are still 7.

At this time, there was a knock on the door. De Jong opened the door and saw that it was Van Bommel and Van Bronckhorst who came to see Li Ming: "Hey, Ming, Ke Sheng specifically told you before that if you have any difficulties in the national team, just look for us brothers. So we came to see you."

De Jong didn't want to say anything when he saw the two big guys. Thinking of the previous report, the two masters Fan were still serving tea to Li Ming. It must be that Brother Ming is really a person protected by Ke Sheng. It is a godsend for him to be in the same room with him and get his guidance!

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