Football: The Hand that Covers the Sky

Chapter 199: Premier League debut

The draw in the Champions League has always been a lot of joy and worry. Arsenal's draw is not a good draw, but it is not too bad. It is a medium-sized one.

   And the draw for the Champions League group stage has come out. No matter how much Arsenal can change this fact, Arsenal's attention returned to the league after the draw.

   The transfer time has come to the last moment, Arsenal has run out of time, so while preparing for the third round of the league, Arsenal is still operating the transfer.

   But no matter who will come to Arsenal, it is impossible to appear in the third round of the league. In the upcoming league, Arsenal will welcome the promotion to Leicester City at home.

  From this opponent, you can know Wenger's intentions for Li Shou. Although Crystal Palace was not strong before, after all, they were the Premier League mid-range team last season. Everton is even more different. The Premier League was behind Arsenal last season.

  Although Wenger decided to take a gamble on Li Shou, he still hoped that Li Shou would take a step-by-step approach and allow time to adapt to the Premier League.

   Obviously, although Wenger already has a certain understanding of Li Shou, he does not fully understand Li Shou. What kind of person is Li Shou? The stronger the opponent is, the more excited he is, the more concentrated his attention and the better his performance.

   "Does Wenger think that a goalkeeper can decide the defense of the arsenal?" Sky Sports Andy Gray couldn't help laughing at Li Shou's starting.

   In fact, it's not only Andy Gray who said that. At the media meeting before the game, some reporters asked Wenger. Although Wenger really had this idea, he would never admit it.

  Well, not only Wenger was asked, but Li Shou was also asked. For this question, Li Shou's answer: "You will know when you watch the game."

   "Come~~~Come~~~ Fans, Li Shou’s Premier League debut is coming." For Li Shou’s debut, Zhan Jun has been explaining the Arsenal game for three weeks.

   "Leicester City is a newly promoted horse and should be weaker than the first two opponents, so Wenger should have considered Li Shou in this game." Director Zhang said that he has seen through Wenger's arrangement.

   "Indeed, compared to the Crystal Palace and Everton in the middle of last season, Leicester City is definitely weaker." Zhan Jun nodded and agreed.

   "And in this game Wenger sent a regular central defender combination, Mertesacker and Koscielny" Director Zhang said again.

   "This is also the only regular central defender in Arsenal at the moment." The cooperation between Zhan Jun and Zhang can be said to be a very tacit understanding.

   After listening to the conversation between the two, many fans suddenly realized that Wenger did not let Li Shou start the first two games for this reason.

   "Oh~~~ The players from both sides have come out, and Li Shou is on the field." With the players on the field, Zhan Jun's attention immediately shifted to the court.

At the Emirates Stadium at this time, Li Shoushen officially debuted wearing the number 11 jersey. Last season, the owner of this number was the core of Arsenal. It cost Arsenal 50 million euros, but this season, the owner of this number has been Li Shou. Driven away, and now Li Shou also finally debuted at the Emirates Stadium.

   Regarding the 20 million spent by their own team, Arsenal fans are still very concerned, not to mention the players Arsenal grabbed from Real Madrid and Barcelona.

   Li Shou alone won the favor of a wave of Arsenal fans. As for buying space and driving away Özil, the media’s excessive participation did not really affect Li Shou.

   "This is really peculiar, a goalkeeper is so concerned." When Li Shou appeared, many fans actually cheered Li Shou.

   Although it was only those who waved the five-star red flag cheering at the beginning, over time, other Arsenal fans joined in.

   "Li~~~ If you mess up this game, it will be embarrassing after the game," Griezmann, who has a good relationship with Li Shou, couldn't help saying.

   "Instead of worrying about that, it is better to add strength and score the first goal of the franchise team as soon as possible" Li Shou countered.

   "I will definitely score goals in this game" Griezmann himself is not under pressure, after all, his transfer value is 10 million more than Li Shou.

   Goalkeeper: Li Shou

   Defenders: Monreal, Koscielny, Mertesacker, Derby

   Midfielder: Flamini, Ramsey,

   Front waist: Cazorla

   Forwards: Griezmann, Sanogo, Sanchez

   Giroud was injured for three months, Podolski did not recover, the new forward has not yet been bought, Wenger can only start Sanogo.

   "The game is about to begin. Arsenal will face the newly promoted Leicester City at home. Our player Li Shou has finally ushered in his debut in the league after joining Arsenal." As Zhan Jun's voice fell, the game officially began on the court.

Sanogo passed back to Sanchez, who then passed back to Ramsey, the Welsh Reaper stopped the ball and passed the ball to Flamini for a while, and the latter gave the ball to Cazorla. .

   Leicester City did a good start defensively. Arsenal have never found a good opportunity, so the first wave of offense did not really form a shot.

Arsenal’s first shot was in the fifth minute after the start of the game. Sanchez sent an imaginative pass, rushed into the penalty area to attract the attention of the defensive player, and then passed back from the heel. Cazorla’s strong shot from the penalty area was blocked Schmeichel saves This Schmeichel is the son of Manchester United's once heroic goalkeeper Peter Schmeichel, named Pascal Schmeichel.

   Unlike the old Schmeichel, the young Schmeichel does not seem to be blue. The young Schmeichel, who has been training in Manchester City since he was a child, has moved to many teams and has only really stabilized in recent years.

   Arsenal’s subsequent corner kicks created the first wave of Leicester City’s attack in this game. Schmeichel shot out the corner kick from Arsenal, and Leicester City took advantage of the situation to counterattack.

The ball fell at Hammond's feet and the latter found Ulloa with a long pass, but Arsenal's defensive players reacted very quickly. Debuich has already caught up with Ulloa, and Ulloa without the support of his teammates can only force it. The foot shot, and the ball flew directly to the stands.

   "Is it because the debut in the league was too nervous to react?" Andy Gray looked at Li Shou standing in front of the goal and couldn't help but joked.

   Facing Ulloa's shot, Li Shou, who was standing in front of the goal, didn't move.

   "Lee should judge that the opponent's shot does not pose any threat to the team" Paul Merson said fairly.

The explanation has no effect on Li Shou. On the court, Li Shou has already taken the goal kick and the ball came to Flamini’s feet. The latter passed the ball to Ramsey, who then passed it to Griez. Man.

   In response to Sanogo's retracement, Griezmann completed his first shot of the game, although this shot failed to bring Arsenal a goal.

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