It is normal for players to get injured, but Mitrovic's injury has become the focus of the media.


It's simple. After the start of this season, this kid has been too popular.

A 17-year-old boy from Dongfang Daxia not only started every game, but also won two consecutive best players.

He has always been at the center of the media storm, and his sudden injury is bound to become the focus of media hype.

Tuchel did not attend the press conference after the game. Only the Berlin Hertha coach's words were left at the scene. Those media who have always disliked Mitrovic wanted to make a fuss.

At the press conference after the game, when the reporter asked

"Mr. Daldai, why did Haraguchi act so impulsively, not following the referee's instructions and still stepping on Dortmund's Mi in the end?"

Daldai had been prepared for this. When he attended the press conference, he also asked Darida about the communication on the field.

Of course, we have to speak with one voice at this time. He said with a sad face.

"First of all, I want to apologize for Haraguchi's impulsive behavior. No one wants to see players get injured in the game.

As we all know, injuries will greatly affect the future development of players, especially young and outstanding talented players like Mi.

I once again publicly apologize to Mi and hope he will recover soon!"

Daldo said this, and he stood up and bowed slightly to express his apology. This performance was flawless and showed his sincerity to all the media people.

But after sitting down, Daldo changed the subject and it was not the case.

"However, to borrow a saying from the East, 'It takes two to tango!'

We can only see what happens on the field, but we can't hear what they say!

Haraguchi is a hard-working, low-key and modest player in the team. He is very polite and can be said to be a very kind person.

But on the field, he actually had such a situation. I think you should know the answer!"

"There are many people who talk trash on the field, especially in the World Cup final, the World Footballer of the Year's bullying behavior shocked the world."

"I believe the relevant agencies will give you an answer as to who is right and who is wrong in this matter, so I won't make too many comments here.

Next one!"

Although Daldaoyi did not give the reporter a definite answer, so what? Making up stories is what the media are best at.

This also led to the media's extensive coverage the next day, and the heat has not diminished.

But these are all later stories. Back at the hospital.

Karami arrived at the doctor's office and saw Marcus was there, so he asked anxiously

"How is Mi's injury?"

Marcus looked at the information in his hand and did not answer immediately, his face was very solemn.

Karami became more anxious and urged:"What's the situation? Say something! As Mi's assistant, I have the right to know everything about him!"

Karami was also a little anxious about the last sentence. What he feared most was to see the doctor's solemn face.

Karami had been with Mi Yuan when Mi Yuan was injured in The Hague.

Although he injured his head that time, Mi Yuan's amazing recovery ability surprised him and the team doctor of The Hague's youth training at that time.

At that time, they also attributed it to Mi Yuan's good physical fitness and fast recovery at a young age.

But this time was different. He was seriously injured by malicious intent, and the injury was to his leg.

There is an old saying in Daxia that it takes a hundred days to heal a broken bone. If you really rest for a hundred days, it will definitely be a fatal blow to a genius who has just emerged.

Marcus raised his head and saw that it was Karami. He didn't say anything, but just sighed,"Oh!"

Then he handed the information in his hand to Karami, took out a cigarette and put it in his mouth, then suddenly realized something was wrong, took it out again, put it under his nose and took a deep sniff.

"Marcus, give me one too, I need to sober up too!"

"John, you don't smoke, right?"

"There's nothing I can do, I'm a fan of Mi!"

While the two were smoking, Karami stared at the diagnosis: suspected cruciate ligament rupture, meniscus injury.

His expression was very gloomy, and more of a sadness.

He knew too well what this meant. This opportunity closed a window for Mi Yuan's future career.

Not only was the entire season written off, but even after recovery, it would be difficult for him to get back to form.

The most feared thing was that even if he returned to the court, he would become a glass man, his legs would be...

He also directly picked up the cigarette box on the table, took out a cigarette and lit it.

Just after taking a puff, he started coughing.

Seeing Karami's embarrassed look, Marcus finally spoke

"We need to wait until the swelling in his leg subsides before we can perform surgery...."

Marcus couldn't continue.

Camilla took another puff of her cigarette and finally made up her mind. She said to Marcus and John:

"I will report to the boss first, then go buy some dinner for Mi Yuan. I will leave the treatment to you!"

After saying that, he threw the remaining half of the cigarette into the paper cup and turned away.

He called Struth and reported Mi Yuan's injury.

Struth held the phone for a long time without saying anything, and finally sighed.

"Karami, you are Mi's trusted friend, you must comfort him and don't let him have any psychological burden. You must believe in the level of modern medical care, which will definitely allow him to return to the court."

""Okay, boss!"

When Karami bought dinner and returned to the door of the ward, he heard laughter inside. Just as he was about to push the door open, he saw Tuchel hurrying over with his head down.

He knew that the people inside should be Mi Yuan's teammates, and Tuchel obviously already knew the results of the test.

After seeing him, Tuchel shook his head helplessly and patted Karami on the shoulder.

The two of them took a deep breath at the door at the same time, then forced out a smile and walked into the ward.

The ward was really lively, and everyone was talking about how they abused the weak in the second half of the game.

Mi Yuan was very moved to hear that his teammates were so weak for him, but he said it without any moral integrity.

"You guys have fun bullying the weak ones, and you have fun all the time, but I'm lying here all alone, someone come and accompany me!"

Aubameyang said with a dignified look on his face,"I really want to accompany you, it's so enjoyable to take a public holiday, but I can't do it!

I want to help you bully the weak ones, and surpass your goals!"

Miyuan was completely conquered by Pierre's shamelessness, but everyone's next reaction made him even more speechless.

Everyone nodded in agreement, and would never lie down with Miyuan!

Mats, who was peeling an apple for Miyuan, saw Tuchel and Karami coming in, gave the apple to Miyuan, and said to everyone

"Okay, go back and have a rest, and come back to see Mi when you have time!"

The captain has spoken, and everyone will of course cooperate.

"Take good care of your injury, we'll wait for your return!"

Mark was the last to leave. He patted Xiaomi on the shoulder and left with everyone else.

Mi Yuan certainly knew why everyone left. The coach obviously came after seeing the results of the examination.

He knew his physical condition best. After taking the medicine, the first thing to disappear was the pain, which made him feel much more relaxed.

His knees kept getting hot, and it was obvious that he was recovering from the injury.

He thought that the injury should be very serious this time, so the recovery speed was not fast.

The results of the examination must not be optimistic. Seeing the two people whose smiles were uglier than crying, he understood.

Of course, his secrets must not be known to others. He smiled and greeted Tuchel.

"Coach, you are here too, have you eaten?"

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