Located between Liverpool and Derby, Melwood was built in the fifties and renovated once six years ago and is the training base for Premier League giants Liverpool’s first team, but the remoteness of the training base from Liverpool city centre is frustrating for Li Qing, who is visiting Melwood for the first time.

Melwood is more remote than Corkby Academy, and in the L12 area outside Liverpool, Li Qing used to be able to ride a bicycle to Corkby Academy Academy, but this time he had to choose a more advanced means of transport.

Since he has not yet reached the age of seventeen, Li Qing is not old enough to get a driver’s license, and he cannot drive or drive a motorcycle, so he can only take the bus.

Luckily, there was bus number 12 near his house, which took about forty minutes at twelve stops and then got off at Melwood Avenue.

Although it was only half past eight in the morning, Li Qing, who got off at the Melwood Avenue bus stop, could see more than a dozen fans walking around in front of the private house opposite the training base.

Apparently, these fans are waiting for the Liverpool players to drive to work to see if they can get autographs or group photos.

There are also well-equipped journalists with professional DSLRs, ready to film footage for the star’s arrival in Melwood.

Li Qing was not attractive at all in the few crowds except for his handsome face, because these people came to Melwood for stars.

Li Qing noticed that the reporter had no intention of himself, rolled his eyes, and said in his heart: “Sir, I am the best player in the FA Youth Cup!” Hum! Unscrupulous journalist with no vision! ”

There was a special young man in the crowd, saying that he was special, because he was different, he had yellow skin, black eyes and black hair, and he had a distinct skin color from all white Europeans, he was about twenty-five years old, holding a professional-grade Canon SLR in his hand, and the camera was constantly changing, as if he was looking for the right shooting angle.

Until a teenager appeared in the center of the camera, the teenager was about one meter seven or six meters tall, his figure looked relatively strong, carrying a Nike satchel, and the handsome face and confident smile that most easily attracted the attention of others.

What attracts the attention of young people is that the teenager has the same skin color and hair color, perhaps because he stays abroad for a long time, and when he sees people with yellow skin, black eyes and black hair, he always thinks that he is a compatriot, and he has an urge to speak.

Watching the teenager walk towards Melwood, thinking that the teenager came here for the first time, he didn’t know that fans were not allowed inside, so he quickly ran and blurted out in his native language: “Eh, you wait.” ”

Li Qing, who walked towards the gate of Melwood’s training base, heard a familiar Chinese language behind him, and out of conditioned reflex, he turned around and saw a young man running quickly with a professional SLR in his arms.

The young man’s mood became high, and he said excitedly: “You… Are you ** person? ”

“Essentially, actually, it isn’t.”


Three question marks instantly appeared above the young man’s head.

Li Qing didn’t like to deal with strange men, even compatriots, so his tone was very light: “I am British-Chinese.” ”

“You speak Mandarin so well.”

The young man introduced himself with a work card hanging on his chest in his right hand: “I am Lu Lu, a reporter from the Premier League area, and I am very happy to meet you.” ”

Out of politeness, Li Qing replied lightly: “My name is Li Qing.” ”

Without waiting for the other party to speak, he pointed to Melwood’s door and said, “I’m going in, goodbye.” ”

Lu Lu reminded: “By the way, the Melwood training base is not open to the public today, and if you want to sign, you can only wait here.” ”

Saying that, he looked down at his watch: “There is still about an hour before training, and the players usually arrive here around half past nine. ”

Li Qing originally didn’t want to deal with the reporter Lu Lu from the Ball Emperor, but he heard the kindness in the other party’s words, and he was also a compatriot, so he shrugged his shoulders: “Don’t worry, I can go in.” ”

“Impossible, right?”

“Wait and see.”

I saw Li Qing take out a certificate from his satchel and walk to the uncle at the door and light it up, and the latter looked at it and opened the door directly to let him enter.

Lu Lu’s pupils shrank, and he couldn’t believe it, this… Just go straight in?

Don’t…… Is he the child of an internal employee’s family?

However, this possibility was quickly ruled out, because any football club has a clear rule that non-staff are not allowed in, and even the top management does not have the right to allow family members to enter the training base.

Could it be the child of the shareholders’ family?

It wasn’t until the wooden gate was closed tightly that Lu Lu slapped his forehead sharply and muttered, “I knew to ask him for a number, when the time comes… Isn’t there a drama when you get the first-hand materials for Liverpool’s first-team training? ”

Li Qing, who entered the Melwood training base, was quickly attracted by the building in front of him, and a landmark wooden sign showed seven letters – Melwood in the center.

It tells the world where this is!


There are also two words on the lower edge of Melwood, tiaining and facility, which together can be translated as Melwood Training Base.

At the far end is a modern two-storey building with a Liverpool logo on the red wall on the right, and a parking lot for first-team players, coaches and staff on the right.

According to memory, he walked along the passage to the left of the bungalow, and if the memory of the ‘predecessor’ is correct, it is the training ground leading to the first team.

The players and coaches have not yet arrived at Melwood, but the staff are busy working hard to provide logistical support for the next first-team training.

Li Qing couldn’t help but clench his fists and cheer himself up: “You must stay here!” ”

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