Football Winner

Chapter 74 Preparations for the Countdown to the Second Round

Thinking of the two opponents behind Cagliari, the media present did not stand up to refute, although the reporter did not mind being slapped in the face for the news.

But it also depends on who gets slapped in the face. If it is a top-level coach who is famous all over Europe, they are naturally willing to show their faces, but the guy they face is someone they despise in their hearts.

Seeing that the reporter didn't follow the script he designed, Li Yi could only pursed his lips and turned to leave. You know, the reason why he said that was because he was going to play with these reporters, but these guys couldn't be fooled.

After the 36th round of the comprehensive battle, the top four positions in the standings have changed again, but this change has no championship with Cagliari, and the rankings alternate between the second and third.

In this round of the league, Ancona, who was originally second, visited Lecce. Before this game, Lecce was one point behind Cagliari, which means that Lecce also has the opportunity to compete for the promotion spot.

In this game, Lecce also seized the opportunity and directly sacked the second-place Ancona, which not only held the top four in points, but also helped Siena.

Siena reached 60 points after a bloody victory over Genoa, surpassing Ancona and closing the gap with Sampdoria.

This round of league Sampdoria is a guest at the Marco Antonio Bentegotti Stadium in Verona. I don’t know if it is because the championship this season is already in the bag. Sampdoria in this game is completely different from the past. The state of the game, as a result, after 90 minutes, neither side scored a goal.

Therefore, the suspense of the league championship still remains. Sampdoria has reached 65 points in this round of the draw, and there is still a 5-point gap with Siena in second place.

However, Sampdoria's score difference is still very safe. After all, there are only two rounds left in the league, and Sampdoria's opponents in the remaining two rounds are not very strong. The teams are Messina and Venice.

Of course, the championship battle has nothing to do with Cagliari. The most important thing for Cagliari at the moment is to keep his fourth position. Although Cagliari won this game, Cagliari is still in the Fourth place, with Lecce, Ternana and Palermo chasing behind him.

When facing the media, Li Yi was very confident and confident, but in private, after returning to reality, Li Yi did not mean to despise the next two opponents at all.

According to the past practice, players can get vacation after winning, but this time, Li Yi directly overturned the rules, and the players came back for training the next day.

In this regard, the Cagliari players have no complaints, the critical moment is now, and there are only two weeks left before the holiday, besides, there is no player who can resist the temptation of the top league.

The players returned to training, and Li Yi, the head coach, didn't think about it, or the entire coaching staff was caught in a busy schedule. The coaching staff not only led the team to train, but also studied the opponent.

In order to meet Barry's game, Li Yi even asked the coaching staff to collect all the videotapes of Barry's half-season games, and Li Yi himself almost ate and slept at his training base.

When Cagliari was fully preparing for the game, the media outside was not idle, and the "Turin Sports Daily" was the first to attack.

Cagliari manager lacks respect for opponents - Corriere dello Sport.

Cagliari has an advantage in the standings, but the advantage is not obvious, behind Lecce, Ternana and Palermo have a chance to overtake.

However, after the victory over Vicenza, the head coach of Cagliari openly declared that Cagliari had already won the promotion. The disrespect of Nana and Palermo is even more contempt for Bari and Catania.

Turin Sports News took the lead, and other media quickly followed. Some continued to scold Li Yi for being arrogant, while others analyzed and encouraged other teams.

Even the local media in Lecce, Palermo and Ternana could not sit still to stand up and encourage Barry.

For a time, Barry became one of the two most-watched teams in Serie B.

As for the other one? Is that even a question? Of course it's Cagliari.

Even though Cagliari is very quiet now, Li Yi almost disappeared from everyone's sight, but in this case, Cagliari's attention has overshadowed the two contending teams.

A week is such a long time for fans, especially in the crucial moment of competition for promotion, but for Cagliari's coach and players, this week has gone by so quickly.

It wasn't because General Cagliari felt they were running out of time, they felt it was going so fast because everyone was so focused on training.

When a person's attention is highly concentrated on a certain thing or thing, he will become indifferent to the loss of time, so he will feel that time passes so quickly.

"Barry is a powerful team, and Marco is an excellent head coach." Although Li Yi was preparing for the game with Barry, he knew what was going on outside, so he praised his opponent as soon as he came up and bet on reporters Q.

It is said that the last round of Li Yi's encounter was a feat of Inter Milan, and in this round, Li Yi once again met a giant, Marc Tardelli from Juventus.

After moving to Juventus from the 1975-76 season, Tardelli played for Juventus for a total of ten seasons, dedicating all his best years to Juventus.

Before he was promoted to Serie A and challenged the giants, Li Yixian faced the past achievements of the giants. Barry's head coach was the merit of Juventus, while the last round of Catania's coach was the merit of the Italian national team. It was 1982. A member of the World Cup champion in 2008, and Tardelli are still teammates of the national team.

Li Yi praised himself as soon as he opened his mouth, as the so-called stretched out his hand and did not hit the smiling face. Naturally, the head coach Barry didn't want to say anything ugly. Besides, Tardelli couldn't lose the Italian tradition.

A pre-match press conference became dull because of Li Yi's praise, but this does not mean that the next game will also be dull. Under the instigation of the media, Barry's players are forcing a wave of wanting to give to Kalia. ugly.

In the same way, Cagliari immersed himself in preparations for this game for a week. During this week, Li Yi even ate and slept at the training base.

"I don't want to say anything extra, because I see all your hard work this week. Now, guys, go, go and win this game, let's go to Serie A together" It's time to prepare well, For the current Cagliari there is only one game left.

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