Football’s First Defender

Chapter 364 Reversal

The game restarted, and the background of a wealthy team began to emerge. Even though its own team had an absolute advantage and conceded the ball first under the situation of playing more and less, but under Ferguson's temporary sideline lesson, the Manchester United players When they returned to the game, they all seemed very calm, and did not show any anxiety that the situation was unfavorable.

There is still enough time, and the advantage in numbers still exists. Apart from the score and the noise of the fans, other aspects are beneficial to Manchester United.

Manchester United's players began to create an offensive threat to Liverpool in a more refined way required by coach Ferguson.

Pass the ball, penetrate, and speed up the offensive rhythm of the frontcourt.

Even though Liverpool still has obvious "loopholes" in the side defense, Manchester United began to mobilize manpower, seek far from near, seek difficult from easy, and made a strong breakthrough in the middle of Liverpool's defensive area.

Of course, in terms of the combination of side and center, Manchester United is still doing a good job, but for the side, it is no longer a direct cross as before, but began to seek further acceleration of the inverted triangle pass, or horizontal pass. The ball swept to the center and caused confusion in Liverpool's defense.

It can only be said that under Manchester United's more regulated and more targeted offense, Liverpool's defense has begun to suffer from a greater defensive crisis.

"Manchester United passed the ball continuously in the midfield and called up Liverpool's defense."

"Shinji Kagawa, a diagonal forward, after receiving a through pass from Carrick, took the ball at the top of the arc in the penalty area, in an absolutely threatening position."

"Liverpool's defense goes forward very quickly."

"But Shinji Kagawa passed the ball faster, adjusted it immediately after receiving the ball, and then directed the ball directly to a through ball diagonally to the right, and stuffed it into the Liverpool penalty area."

"Van Persie!"

"Catch the ball straight in!"

"Yang Feng who rushed over! He gave Van Persie a strong physical confrontation on the way, which affected Van Persie's speed of scrimmage."

"Van Persie staggered and chased Shinji Kagawa's pass first, but under Yang Feng's quick help defense, and being closely followed by Yang Feng to complete the defense, Van Persie had no angle to hit the goal at all."

Another direct confrontation between Yang Feng and Van Persie, Shinji Kagawa's through ball, and Van Persie's clever movement created a perfect passing and cutting cooperation that can definitely surprise everyone, but Yang Feng came from the diagonal stab to make up the defense. With a stick, Van Persie, who was catching the ball, had no room to finish hitting the goal.

The extremely skillful defensive action, after Yang Feng defended, he ran close to Van Persie, and then pushed Van Persie with his arm that absolutely conformed to the rules of confrontation, squeezing Van Persie so that he lost his balance and made Van Persie stagger.

However, Yang Feng did not try to stretch his feet to steal the ball, but in the process of following, he used his feet to prepare as much as possible to block the small angle where Van Persie could hit the goal, and did not give Van Persie the chance to catch the loophole and hit the goal after adjustment. Or a chance to excel.

Van Persie, who was completely suppressed by Yang Feng's defense, in order not to lose the ball, finally had no choice but to dial the ball to the outside before dribbling the ball out of the baseline, out of the dangerous area in the penalty area where he could directly hit the goal, avoiding Yang Feng's defense, and then returned Pass, reorganize the offense.

When Liverpool's defense is in trouble, Yang Feng can always show his own strength and has an excellent defensive performance. For Manchester United players, he has been responsible for the successful defense of the defensive area several times before and after Yang Feng, or completed the interception with a supplementary defense in place. , has a huge impact on Manchester United's offense.

As a last resort, the Manchester United players who insisted on attacking themselves began to consciously try to avoid defensive areas that Yang Feng could take care of on the offensive end.

Although Manchester United has a great advantage in the scene, time is passing by little by little, and Manchester United players have no need to entangle with Yang Feng when they have a numerical advantage.

Ferguson on the sidelines watched the team's several excellent offensive opportunities, but Yang Feng used various methods to complete the defense, and he could only stare blankly.

On the one hand, it is a pity that the team has not made any achievements on the offensive end.

On the other hand, I also remembered that I didn't spend a lot of money on Yang Feng's purchase. Otherwise, with such an excellent central defender, Ferguson could save himself a lot of energy on defensive adjustments.

However, Ferguson was very relieved to see his players on the field began to consciously play more defensive areas of Liverpool's other players.

This is the tactical literacy of giant players and the ability to grasp opportunities.

Choose the opponent's weak area and carry out targeted attacks. The current situation on the court cannot tolerate Manchester United players. First, I will prove how I can break Yang Feng's defense.

Instead, it is necessary to score a goal first, equalize the score, and then find a chance to overtake the score to complete the reversal.

Manchester United, which began to focus on Liverpool's defensive weakness, may lose some good offensive opportunities on the bright side, but through more complex operations, the opportunities created to avoid Yang Feng's defense can complete the last step and transform into certain opportunities. Threats to hit the door.

"United started attacking Liverpool's defence, with a more patient and defined approach."

"Actually, in the previous games, we can already see that Manchester United cannot play due to Rooney's injury. The lone forward van Persie obviously cannot pose enough threats to Liverpool's defense and contain it."

"The defensive attitude of all Liverpool players in this game is also extremely good. It's just a pity that Shelvey was not calm at the end of the first half, which gave Manchester United a numerical advantage."

"So, now Manchester United is focusing on taking advantage of their large number of people, using fast-paced, high-frequency conduction of the ball, tearing open in Liverpool's specific defensive area, and completing the attack."

"A single Yang Feng cannot stop Manchester United from attacking in all directions!"

If you defend for a long time, you will lose, not to mention that Manchester United has one more person!

At 73 minutes into the game, Manchester United's offense finally paid off.

He has been playing penetrating offense in the middle, passing the ball to dispatch the Manchester United offensive players in Liverpool's defense line. Shinji Kagawa, in the process of passing the ball, suddenly distributed the ball to Ryan Giggs on the left.

In Liverpool's defense, it was mentioned near the penalty area line. For Manchester United's central attack, when the defensive area was compressed, Giggs, who took the ball from the wing, suddenly used the old way of passing back to the center, and played a change. Liverpool, who were in a defensive formation, were caught off guard.

This pass, not only the timing of the choice is beautiful, Giggs's pass is equally wonderful.

Since Giggs himself is a left-footed player, when he is on the left, he can pass a curve ball that rotates from the inside to the outside. This time, Giggs' pass is to control the strength and angle to the best.

Taking advantage of the collective premise of Liverpool's defense line, Giggs slammed the ball towards Liverpool's small penalty area and then went back. It can be said that it is extremely far from Liverpool's premise defense line.

In order to control the occurrence of offsides, give Van Persie and other offensive players enough time to advance while ensuring that they are not offside. This time, Giggs's pass deliberately ensured that the arc of the circle was large enough.

Sometimes tacit understanding does not depend on how much time the players spend together, but on whether the players' thoughts are in harmony and whether they can think of going together.

Anyway, for Van Persie who came to Manchester United, it is simply too comfortable to cooperate with these high-level teammates of Manchester United.

When Giggs passed the ball, Van Persie had already thrown off Skrtel who was defending himself, and went straight forward diagonally from the back position.

As for Yang Feng, who was in the front position, after seeing Giggs' cross, he hurried to catch up, but he still couldn't get to the point where the ball landed.

The high and floating pass, Yang Feng was in the front position, reacted, and simulated the passing route of the ball in his mind, but unfortunately, on the trajectory of any position, his position did not touch the ball possibility.

However, Yang Feng still quickly made up defenses behind him. In case the opponent's players didn't seize the opportunity, wouldn't he be able to complete the defense nearby!

It's just that Van Persie will not let the chance of scoring slip away from him this time.

Van Persie, who advanced obliquely from the back point, leaped high towards the ball, then shook his head to attack the goal, directly controlled the header to hit the goal, and flew to the side where Reina had a greater gap.


"Van Persie! Header! Equalized for Manchester United!"

"Giggs made an excellent pass from the wing, and Van Persie's timely diagonal forward run showed that he was already familiar with the cooperation with Giggs after joining Manchester United for a short time. "

"This is a wonderful goal completed by tacit understanding!"

"Yang Feng, although he retreated desperately this time, it was too late due to the distance limitation. Although he almost retreated to the landing point, he was still a little slower than Van Persie. Background board!"

This goal, purely from the position of Van Persie's header when he hit the goal at the end, it can definitely be said that Van Persie beat Yang Feng and completed the header.

However, from the perspective of mobile warfare, the two gathered at one point from two opposite directions, and there was no intersection. Therefore, it cannot be regarded as Van Persie's victory in personal confrontation with Yang Feng.

But the goal was real. Van Persie's goal made Manchester United's momentum even higher. Now that the score has been equalized, the Manchester United players who have been unable to attack for a long time are relieved, but there are still nearly 20 minutes of game time including stoppage time, so the Manchester United players can further strive to complete the reversal in the away game.

The team's defense persisted for more than 20 minutes, but it still declared a loss. This dealt a huge blow to the defensive enthusiasm of Liverpool players.

Although Yang Feng has been comforting and encouraging his teammates, the team's defense line may not last until the end, but it may also become a fact.

The influence of one less player becomes more and more obvious as the game progresses.

Even though it was only more than 70 minutes, the physical fitness of some Liverpool players has actually had problems.

After all, the team's mid-week Champions League match itself has a certain amount of consumption. Now, in order to make up for the lack of one player, the players run a higher distance in the game, their physical fitness is exhausted, and Manchester United's more ferocious offensive hits at the same time. Liverpool's home court Doomed not to be safe.

Rogers' second substitution adjustment is for his favorite player Joe Allen.

Seeing that Joe Allen has some symptoms of cramps, he must have been fighting continuously and has no physical fitness, so Charlie Adam went into battle and replaced Joe Allen to further strengthen Liverpool's midfield defense.

In the current situation, facing Manchester United, which has gained momentum and found the right way to attack, Rogers is not greedy now, and being able to hold the home draw is a victory.

However, things backfired, although Liverpool still wanted to rely on defense, support it, and keep the home court from being captured by the deadly enemy.

But when Manchester United's offense is opened, Liverpool itself is not outstanding, and there is one less defense, so naturally there are many opportunities and threats.

And the time between Manchester United's second goal and the first goal is not too long.

This time it was Shinji Kagawa who contributed to Manchester United.

When Shinji Kagawa advanced from the left, he received a pass from Ryan Giggs on the same side.

An excellent through ball gave Shinji Kagawa a big lead, but it also helped Shinji get rid of the ball and move on to the next step.

Faced with Henderson's follow-up defense, Shinji Kagawa tried to cut inside, but when Henderson was strictly guarding the angle of the goal, he suddenly bounced backwards. After having more space for the ball to go out, he then went straight to the goal. Swept to the middle lane area.

The ball was thrown extremely quickly, and Yang Feng reacted, but due to the extremely fast speed of the ball, the ball had already missed Yang Feng's feet when Yang Feng stretched his legs.

Continue to fly to the back point.

This time the back point responder is Valencia on the right!

Without stopping the ball, he directly faced the extremely fast pass of the ball and completed a push.

Valencia's ankle collapsed very tightly for this ball, and the completed push angle was excellent, and it went straight to the goal!

"The ball is in! The ball is in!"

"Valencia! Helped Manchester United score a goal to reverse the score!"

"In the 77th minute of the game, Manchester United made another victory and directly overtook the score, completing the reversal of the score in the away game!"

"This time, Shinji Kagawa passed the ball extremely beautifully. This sweeping kick is a testament to his passing skills."

"The speed of the ball is fast, and the route selection is tricky. It is actually in the crowded penalty area. Relying on the starting speed and the accuracy of the route, it avoids the interception of many players on the way and passes the ball to the back point."

"Van Persie and Shinji Kagawa, the two new signings of Manchester United this season, have shown their strength without any stage fright in the face of this level of competition in the Double Red Club."

"For Liverpool, who played one less player, now being reversed by their opponents, perhaps they can only bear the bitter fruit of losing at home."

There are still more than 10 minutes in the game, but Liverpool has one player less and their morale is low. Can they still have a chance?

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