Football’s First Defender

Chapter 847: Thrilling Victory

In the away game against Villarreal, Real Madrid did not exert enough pressure on the scene.

After all, in this period of the game, we will meet Naples first and then Valencia. This time we will play against the excellent Villarreal. consumed.

And the most important thing is that Valencia and Villarreal are very strong at home, which makes it impossible for Real Madrid to get an easy chance to win.

For Real Madrid's game, under such a game rhythm, it is natural to consume more physical energy to strive for victory in the game.

This game was played extremely anxiously. For both sides, they played back and forth on the field. Villarreal showed their best form to block Real Madrid at home.

This is a football game, not a basketball game, five up five down, this kind of rotation is not uncommon in football games.

After all, even though Real Madrid are all world-class players, the personal style of the players and their degree of completion of tactics are different, so it is necessary to ensure a large framework.

As far as Valencia is a team from the autonomous region of Spain, although they are not as national as Athletic Bilbao, they are definitely a strong team in La Liga. It does not belong to the two major factions of Real Madrid and Barcelona, ​​but it is still a relatively good La Liga team that plays by itself.


There is no worry about relegation all the year round, occasionally playing in the Champions League or Europa League, coupled with the team's excellent ability to cultivate youth training, although the team's achievements or honors may not be too many, but selling players every year can also make the players The team's finances are quite rich


Valencia, which does not belong to the two major factions, is always quite competitive when facing Real Madrid and Barcelona, ​​especially at home.


For Valencia, when playing against teams like Barcelona and Real Madrid at home, they can show the talents of the team's players as much as possible, especially those players who attract the attention of the giants. In such games, In such a high-level duel, if they can perform well, they will be able to add more weight to their transfer.

Performing well against giants like Real Madrid and Barcelona can benefit both the team and the players.

Therefore, under the temptation of money, Valencia players may not be able to exert their full strength in normal games, but facing Real Madrid and Barcelona, ​​​​they can do their best to show themselves and come to the fore. Bring out the best performance.

So this game, for Real Madrid, who came to Valencia as a guest, is definitely not an easy game to win.

Facing Valencia in the away game, even Zidane, who advocates rotation, did not dare to make too many lineup rotations in this game.

In this game, Zidane sent his current absolute main force to come up with his strongest lineup to attack the opponent.

In the goalkeeper position, Navas is a well-deserved starting goalkeeper. Zidane still trusts Navas more in the goalkeeper position.

On the defensive line, Ramos and Yang Feng partnered with the central defender combination in this field.

The left and right defenders are still Marcelo and Carvajal. This is Real Madrid's strongest defender combination, and its comprehensive strength on both ends of offense and defense is the strongest.

In midfield, Toni Kroos, Modric and Casemiro formed the ceremonial lineup of Real Madrid's midfield.

These three midfielders are both offensive and defensive, and can provide Real Madrid's midfielders with the best hardness and offensive combing ability.

As for the offensive trident combination, in this game, because Bell is still just back from injury, Zidane does not want Bell to start the game directly in such a fierce game, but continues to put Bell on the bench.

Replacing Bell as the offensive trident is Ronaldo, who has rarely played before. Zidane formed the offensive combination of Ronaldo, Benzema and Ronaldo in the frontcourt.

Ronaldo's appearance is more about using Ronaldo's control of the ball to cooperate with the midfield combination to better sort out the ball.

Compared with Real Madrid's 433 lineup, Valencia, as the home team, has a standard 451 lineup.

At home, using a 451 formation, Valencia still wants to take advantage of the numerical advantage in the midfield to gain absolute initiative.

The players in Valencia's team are definitely strong players, either they are ready to join the giants, or they have joined the giants before, but they have returned to the mid-level team because they did not adapt to the giants.

In the single striker position, Valencia dispatched Zaza, who was transferred from Serie A earlier this season.

In the midfield, strong fighters like Parejo, Nani and Munir will provide effective help to offensive players on the offensive end.

In this home game against Real Madrid, for the Valencia players, they must try their best to show their strength. They have to prove themselves in the game, and they are still a super competitive team. team.

At the beginning of the game, Valencia launched a fierce frontcourt press. After Real Madrid took the lead and wanted to pour the ball in the backcourt, as many as six Valencia players in white rushed directly. To Real Madrid's half court, to Real Madrid's pass control in the backcourt, creating a huge threat.

From the very beginning of the game, Valencia's active press in the frontcourt, it can be seen that,

Fighting on their own home court, Valencia has no intention of putting up an iron barrel formation when facing Real Madrid.

As far as Valencia is good at offense, they don't think that at home, they must choose the tactics of shrinking and defending. They have to play their own football.

Valencia must play beautiful football in its own style while striving for victory


It has to be said that under the enthusiastic cheers of the Valencia fans at the scene, they successfully cheered the Valencia players and suppressed the momentum of the Real Madrid players.

In the opening stage of the game, some Real Madrid players did not find the rhythm quickly when they were obviously pressed by Valencia in the process of handling the ball.

This is also the obvious problem of Real Madrid this season, that is, in Real Madrid's games, there have always been some slow-heating weaknesses.

Just in the last game against the Spaniard, in the first ten minutes of the game between Real Madrid and the Spaniard, the heat has been slow.

Real Madrid did not perform very well at the beginning of most games this season. The inability of the team players to quickly enter the game state on the court has always been a big problem.

Today, this problem was successfully grasped by Valencia.

Knowing that Real Madrid is not good at opening the field, Valencia used his very active opening press and used his very active offensive to create offensive opportunities and hit Real Madrid's defense.

In view of Real Madrid's slow heat, Valencia showed a very active fighting ability and excellent state at the beginning of the first half to make up for the weakness of the lack of strength between the two players.

Indeed, Valencia's tactic of grabbing the opening game has reduced the strength gap between the two teams to the greatest extent, and it may even be that in a certain sense, Valencia's strength on the field at this time is better than Real Madrid. .

The weakness of Real Madrid's slow heat was fully grasped by Valencia this time. In the fourth minute of the game, Valencia played a wonderful offensive coordination.

The right back Cancelo, after a pass error by Real Madrid, chose to dribble the ball forward quickly on the right side, and then sent a wonderful through ball, which was directly inserted into the depths of Real Madrid's defense.

This time Marcelo was in the speed competition with Munir, because he did not have an advantage in the starting position, he did not grab the ball this time, and Munir successfully got the ball.

Munir did not choose to make a strong attack on the right, but after making a gesture to the bottom, he made an emergency stop and pulled the ball back, and then passed the ball directly into the penalty area with his left foot.

This time Valencia's quick attacking cooperation, only five players came to the frontcourt.

But facing the seven-man defense of Real Madrid, these Valencia players did play quite resolutely.

Their running spread effectively dismantled Real Madrid's overall defense, and Munir directly chose to cross into the penalty area to find Zaza.


Because Yang Feng had to pay attention to supplementary defense, Cancelo passed the ball straight into the penalty area from the right, and Zaza's defense was handed over to Ramos.

For this goal, Munir went to Zaza, who was defended, but not to Cancelo, who was still some distance away from Yang Feng.

A half-high ball was aimed at Zaza, and Zaza leaned against Ramos, stopped the ball with his feet, and then turned around and volleyed to complete a volley to hit the goal.

Zaza's attack this time was very resolute, and his movements were very skillful. During the game, Ramos did not have a chance to step up to defend. After stopping the ball, he turned around and hit the goal. Method


"Goal! Oh my God!"

"Zaza! Opened the scoring for Valencia in the fourth minute of the game."

In this ball, Ramos did not show his defensive ability of a century-level central defender.

He was completely crushed by Zaza, let Zaza unload the ball, and then finished the goal.

Navas on the goal line also had no way to react. Zaza's shot speed was so fast that Real Madrid's defenders didn't have time to complete the defense


Zaza's kick was so confident, he shot directly after unloading the ball, without thinking about anything else, all his movements were done in one go, and he played very smoothly.

Perhaps none of the Real Madrid players thought that Zaza would make such a decisive shot.

This time, Valencia's opening blitz left Real Madrid behind in the away game.

After one and a half turns, he directly completed Zaza who hit the goal. This time, the choice can only be said to be bold.

The player has that strength, and also has the confidence to complete the goal.

Zaza's kick was really wonderful. The half-turned volley directly hit the dead corner of the upper left corner of the goal, giving Navas no chance to save at all.

This time's attack is the display of Valencia's opening attack. As a left-footed player, Munir plays the position of right winger for the purpose of cutting inside. However, no one thought of Munir's purpose this time, and did not choose to make a strong breakthrough. , but sent a cross directly with his left foot, and found Zaza accurately.

After completing the two-person connection with Zaza this time, they directly penetrated Real Madrid's defense.

All the Real Madrid players are very helpless now, the camera turns to Ronaldo, Yang Feng, Modric, and even Zidane on the sidelines.

No one thought that they suffered such a heavy blow at the beginning of the away game.

In fact, from the replay of this ball, Ramos is not actually responsible.

As a center player, Zha Zha is not weak in physical confrontation.

Ramos just didn't block the ball and caused damage, but he still defended his position and interfered with Zaza's stop.

Facing Munir's half-high pass, under the defense of Ramos, Zaza stopped the ball one meter away. Ramos had already completed an effective defense, or Ramos stepped forward again to complete the block , or wait for teammates to return to defense.

But no one thought that after Zaza stopped the ball one meter away, he would take a step forward, turn around halfway, and directly choose a volley to complete the goal.

It can only be said that Zaza played the demeanor of a world-class striker this time.

Also scored a very good volley


Valencia took a 1-0 lead at home, which is indeed something that many people did not expect.

But what more people may not have thought is that Valencia would hit the second ball as quickly as possible.


After falling behind by one goal in the away game, Real Madrid naturally started their own offensive mode, hoping to quickly use their own offense to equalize the score. After all, Real Madrid players still want to score points in the away game to further consolidate their advantage in the standings.

It's just that the more anxious they are to score away goals, the more mistakes Real Madrid make.

When attacking Valencia's defense in an all-round way, Real Madrid made a key mistake when passing the ball.

A brilliant counterattack by the opponent


Valencia's counterattack speed is not slow, and the players are all players with excellent personal abilities.

In the game, Parejo's through ball in the backcourt was directly passed to Zaza who was rushing forward on the right.

Zaza has the ball in the midfield area.

Even Valencia's frontcourt players created a four-on-three situation as Zaza dribbled the ball forward.


I am afraid that Yang Feng's personal strength is superior, but facing the four Valencia players who rushed out suddenly, Yang Feng's defense is also a bit stretched.

Yang Feng could only target Zaza to interfere with his traveling route, but before Yang Feng wanted to make a tackle, Zaza completed a cross pass and directly found Nani on the left.

Nani has always been a winger of great individual quality, and after drawing the two remaining Real Madrid players down the left flank, he calmly opted for a diagonal through ball and found the ball again to the right

free time.

Since Yang Feng wanted to follow the fiery Zaza and move closer to the center, the right side was completely emptied at this time.

Marcelo's back defense speed can't catch up with Munir at all. After receiving Nani's diagonal through ball, Munir is directly inside the penalty area.

Facing the attacking Navas.

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