For a Prosperous World

Chapter 328: : The healthy person, Qi Wei Donggong

Like the torrential currents or the collapse of the ground veins, the soldiers of the Xiliang Army erupted a roar that almost stopped Xingyun's whistling, and ran toward the vassal army like wolves. The sword in their hands reflected the cold light, and that Reflective fangs.

Lu Bu's legs clipped on the horse's belly, and Fang Tianji in his hand crossed an arc, crossing his side. One person and one horse came before the army.

The princely army standing in the front row only hesitated for a moment, and the horses were approaching.

There was only a white light in front of me, and the body fell down, and fell to the ground, and along the ground saw the red blood flowing away and the chaotic steps rushing from the red blood.

Cao Cao pulled out a long sword with a wide waist and held it in front of him, facing the Xiliang Army who had already entered the line.

"Get out!"

At the same time, the vassals of other avenues have already begun to act. They are not elite, but it is impossible for the vassals who can stand on their own to really not have the slightest strength.

At this time, it is time for them to take out these base forces.

For a time, countless army formations changed. The left and right sides of the Xiliang Army began to wind up again. The archers in the rear began to draw bows and arrows. The arrays of various army formations interacted, and the soldiers holding the shields came forward.

Although they are all on their own, they all have a tacit understanding.

Each array has offensive and defensive arrangements. Although the princes' personnel are scattered, it is also faster to move among them because of this. The rapid changes in the army formation blocked the offensive of the Xiliang Army.

In addition, several armies began to attack the weak points of the Xiliang Army formation. Lu Bu's battle will indeed suppress the morale of the enemy under normal circumstances.

But this time it was different. He had never faced a non-branded army and ignored it.

There are only one army in the regular military formation, but there are only a few generals, which naturally have prestige in the army. The defeat of the general reduced morale.

However, in the army formations of the vassal army, there were several generals in each array, that is, the vassals had a total of 18 roads. Unless he played the vassals of the 18th road all by himself, it would not affect the morale of the entire army.

Yuan Shao stood in the army and looked at the mobilized prince army, grinning: "Finally, this is a bit of a look."

Raised his eyes and looked at the city head in the distance.

A long knife was drawn from his waist, and he didn't know who it was, and asked coldly.

"Who is the best person in the world?"

It was like going back to the time when Dong Zhuo was abolished in Beijing, when Yuan Shao was silent, he asked his words to Dong Zhuo.

But this time, it wasn't just him who drew his sword.

Hengdao laughed and waved his hand.

"Lead forward!"

Lu Bu underestimated the princes of the world, and Dong Zhuo also underestimated the princes of the world.

The combat effectiveness of the vassal army is completely different from the ordinary miscellaneous army. They are all locked in their own sides. If there are really recruits and miscellaneous army in their hands, how can they stand on their feet?

When the two armies contacted, the Xiliang Army did not obtain a comprehensive advantage as expected by Lu Bu, or did not obtain an advantage at all.

The two armies hold each other, each team has its own gains and losses, and the vassal army's formation is more rapid. It is only inconvenient compared with the 100,000 Xiliang army. Each vassal army only needs tens of thousands.

This also makes the vassal army's formation more flexible, but the Xiliang Army's position is disrupted again and again.

"Well!" Lu Bu waving Fang Tianji to split a general from the warhorse, this is already his fourth general.

He has unparalleled courage, which is also a major reliance that he can win all year round, often starting a battle and beating down the local warlords. However, the military formation of 100,000 people obviously cannot be changed by individual courage.

Lu Bu's method of warfare was not wrong. It may have magical effects on general military formations, but unfortunately, the situation of the vassal army was fundamentally different from ordinary military formations.

Several princes in the army watched the general who was riding on the crimson warhorse cut off another general, all frowned, with a little fear and horror in their eyes.

This person has a true name, and at this time Fengrui is flourishing, and it is really unwise to confront him.

They each ordered to go around Lu Bu to fight.

For a while, Lu Bu led fewer and fewer soldiers. This should not be the case. At least one army would restrain the person. Otherwise, let it rush into the rear army, than chaos in the army, but unfortunately the orders between the princes could not be communicated.

Almost everyone wanted to avoid Lu Bu in order to avoid the increase in casualties in his tribe. The front line opened up, and Lu Bu directly led the army into the Chinese army.

The disadvantages of the vassal army also began to show, and the cooperation between them could not be compared with that of the first army.

"Oh." Lu Bu sneered, and ordered the soldiers behind him: "Start an army!"

The gap in the front line was resisted by the Xiliang Army, and countless Xiliang Army began to rush into the Chinese army to kill the main line and the crossbowmen of the vassal army of various roads.

The eyes of all the princes all looked at Lu Bu, who suddenly rushed into the army. When the army was in chaos, the soldiers and soldiers on each road began to panic.

The soldiers did not know how the battle was going. They only knew that since the enemy had rushed into the midfield, wouldn't it be that the front was broken?

"Damn! How did Lu Bu rush into the army! Transfer troops to help!" The princes all the way stood on a frame and said with a grudge, and there was a sense of confusion in his tone. What should he do?

The army of the vassal army began to be chaotic, and the balance that had been inclined to the vassal army had fallen again.

Gu Nan was still scheduling a shield axe with Cao Ren, but Xia Houyuan's voice suddenly came from one side.

I saw his face solemnly pointing in one direction, and the front array there actually broke through an opening, and a general riding on a red horse and a black armored Xiliangshi rushed in.

"Sir, Lu Bu."

"Lu Bu !?" Even Cao Ren, who had always been calm, frowned, and Lu Bu's charge into the army might make the military chaos.

The princes of many roads are used by the Chinese army to dispatch the soldiers of the front. If the corps is broken, regardless of the safety of the princes, their troops will run in the battle because they have no banner.

"Zixiao, the front line can retreat, entangle the army from the right side, and chase and retreat. Miaocai, the crossbowmen are divided into three teams and fired alternately from the right side."

Gu Nan's voice came quietly from behind them, and they looked back at Gu Nan.

Gu Nanping smiled softly when they saw that their faces were not very good-looking.

"Don't be self-defeating in the military formation. The fickleness is the response."

The two of them were not in the formation at this time. They were not the generals who could later lead each side. They took a deep breath, calmed down, and nodded to Gu Nan: "Yes!"

I also admire secretly in my heart that even the soldiers can still so quietly dispatch before the battle, even they themselves can hardly do it.

Lu Bu was trying to lead the army into the army, but suddenly a group of infantry from the right broke into his army, the two armies fought together at the touch, and the Xiliang army that rushed into the army also Not many, it is difficult to clear this shield axeman very quickly.

The vassals of the princes who had already responded to the dispatch were blocked from the rear, and the army of the final army also mobilized towards this side.

If it is entangled, I am afraid that it will only be the result of the siege, and it is necessary to make a quick decision. Lu Bu rushes into the army of the shield and axe with his halberd. But before he killed a few, the team of shield axemen began to retreat.

"Don't chase!" Lu Bu called the Xiliang Army, a team of shield and axemen, and escaped. The charge into the army was not to kill this team of swordsmen.

"Invade the Chinese Army!" He said that he would lead the charge.

"Oh!" The voice dropped, that is, countless arrows shot from the left. Rounds and rounds of arrows seemed endless, and they shot the Xiliang Army behind Lu Bu directly.

Several arrows passed from Lu Bu's shoulder, or shot at the red horse under him, and he was swung open with a spear.

Looking sideways, a crossbowman was firing at this side in turn, and he was familiar with that kind of shooting. There is a man named Gao Shun under his command, and the trapped army he trains will be like this.

The alternate shooting arrows cluster will not stop each other ~ ~ neither Lu Bu nor the Xiliang Army behind him can not enter.


"Raise the shield and kill the past!" Lu Bu's eyes were cold, but before the Xiliang Army turned, the team of shield axemen who had just escaped rushed back and hit the Xiliang Army from behind.

Lu Bu's time is limited and he does not want to be entangled with these scattered small troops, but because of his thinking, he has been entangled for a longer time.

Where does the army come from?

Lu Bu looked around, and finally fell on a man behind the crossbowman.

The man was wearing a black armour and white coat, and he was very prominent in the army with a dipper on his head.

Looking at this man, it is he who is dispatching these soldiers.

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