The close distance made Yang Mi can't help but close her eyes.

The kiss that came as expected did not fall, she slowly opened her eyes and found that Qin Feng was staring at her with a smile.

At this moment, Yang Mi's face was like a fire, and it quickly turned red.

She instinctively wanted to break free and escape from this awkward atmosphere.

But her body was hugged by Qin Feng, and the two were so close that she couldn't move at all.

Yang Mi patted him on the back as if she was angry, but she didn't use any force, more like she was coquettish.

Looking at her shy appearance and staring at her slightly misty eyes, Qin Feng kissed decisively.

At this moment, Yang Mi's body froze suddenly, and she forgot to breathe, and then completely indulged in it.

When Qin Feng let go of her, he was still a little reluctant.

Looking at her still red face, Qin Feng smiled.

"You're so glamorous. "

Yang Mi lowered her head shyly, a little embarrassed.

The two of them nestled on the sofa, watching TV, while talking about some future development plans.

After Qin Feng gushed his thoughts, Yang Mi was surprised at the same time, and at the same time, she admired him a little more.

From childhood to adulthood, 200 he is so admirable, and his ability is many times better than his peers, it is not an exaggeration to say that he is a genius.

Lying in Qin Feng's arms, Yang Mi looked happy.

"No matter what your plans are in the future, as long as I can be by your side, it is my greatest happiness, and I will be content!"

Looking at her face full of happiness, Qin Feng knew that this was the true feeling in her heart.

"We're going to be together for the rest of our lives, and we're going to get better and better. "

The next morning, Qin Feng received a call from Sun Chao, took the contract prepared by the lawyer, and took Yang Mi to the agreed restaurant.

After meeting, Sun couldn't wait to ask.

"What did you mean by what you said yesterday, I thought about it for a long time when I went back, and I didn't guess what you were trying to do. "

Without saying anything else, Qin Feng handed over the prepared contract.

"The specifics are all on this, you can take a closer look, you can ask me if you don't understand anything, of course, I can guarantee that it is not only what is written above, but also more benefits, for the sake of prudence, or write a little (ACFD) slightly convergent. "

With confusion, Sun Chao opened the contract.

After seeing the above content, he was completely stunned.

At such a young age, Qin Feng was able to think about it so thoroughly, it was not at all like what a person of his age would think of.

Even many professional veterans in this area may not be able to take into account so much.

While being surprised, he began to think about every idea that Qin Feng put forward, as well as some future development directions, some places were suspicious, and some places were extremely agreeable.

Looking at Sun Chao's surprised and slightly puzzled look, Qin Feng opened his mouth to remind.

"If you don't understand something, just ask, I can answer you in every detail, after all, it is to cooperate, I think it is necessary to put all the conditions on the bright side to talk, but in the end, I have some bad thoughts, it will be bad!"

Knowing that what he said was very reasonable, Sun Chao nodded, glanced at Qin Feng, who was very old in talking and doing things, and understood in his heart why he was so successful at such a young age.

Without speaking, he continued to stare at the contract.

From beginning to end, every line and every word was read very carefully, and nothing was missed.

After reading it, Sun Chao raised questions.

"The idea is good, but how can you be sure that your idea can be welcomed, in case the audience doesn't buy it, then all the investment is equivalent to a waste, not only that, but it will also make the audience think that our level is not good!" (If you read a violent novel, you can go to Feilu Novel Network!)

In the face of his questioning, Qin Feng was not angry.

The ideas he put forward have stood the test of time, and there will be absolutely no problems.

"You don't need to worry about this, I wrote it very clearly above, if it really doesn't work, all the costs are from my side, and you don't need to bear any losses. "

Having said that, Sun Chao was still a little worried.

"But as I said above, after you become a shareholder, I need to sign a contract for up to 20 years, and I need to compensate 10 billion yuan if I leave, which is equivalent to signing a deed of sale, do I still have human rights?"

When she heard the deadline and the amount of compensation, Yang Mi on the side was also a little surprised.

But she didn't interject, understanding that Qin Feng had her own plans for doing this.

Seeing the worry in his heart, Qin Feng patiently explained.

"What I wrote above is very clear, after everything falls into place, the TV station develops normally, without any problems, you can't leave, the development is getting better and better, why do you choose to leave? There are not a lot of benefits to you, you should understand that the conditions I offer are very generous. "

After a pause, Qin Feng continued.

At the same time, it was also clearly stated above that within three years, if the show does not get better and better, you can offer to leave, and I will definitely not force you to stay. "

For Sun Chao, this is a unique opportunity, and the conditions are so good, I'm afraid I can't find a home.

If it were someone else, I'm afraid I wouldn't have been able to wait to agree.

But the more we are in this kind of time full of temptations and huge benefits, the more we must remain rational, and we must never be blinded by everything in front of us, so as to make irrational choices.

After reading the contract again and making sure that there were no problems, he looked at Qin Feng suspiciously.

"What are you doing so much for? We don't have a lot of contact with each other, why do you rest assured that I have the ability to do it well?"

In the face of the inquiry, Qin Feng did not hide it, and said what he thought in his heart.

"I've always been very accurate in seeing people, there has been no problem, the one you saw yesterday is called Zhao Lei, I asked him to participate, and I saw him on the street, and I valued it at a glance, as for you, I believe you have such an ability, and you will definitely not make Kiwi Satellite TV better and better. "

Immediately, he added.

"Of course, I'm not doing it for you, but for getting more benefits and making more money, otherwise I wouldn't have bothered to do it!"

Knowing Qin Feng's thoughts, Sun Chao also understood that this was his own opportunity.

Without any further hesitation, he decisively signed his name on the contract, and the cooperation was reached.

Qin Feng smiled and stretched out his hand to him.

"Then I'm going to have a lot of advice from now on!"

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