For Future Emails, My Golden Finger Is Myself

Chapter 131 Discover The Secrets Of The Dark Palace, The Ten Gods Of New Great Xia

[Since Mr. Weng’s banquet, Yuan Chenghong’s conspiracy and calculations have come one after another.

Having lost my future mail, he has no fear at all.

Assassinations, frame-ups, and exclusions came like a tide. Yuan Chenghong did everything possible and was extremely difficult to deal with.

The Yuan family's power is indeed huge, and I once lost my living space in Qianlong.

But brother, you have to know that in the end this is a world where strength comes first.

In the third year after I took over Jianfeng, Yuan Chenghong completely shrank.

When I returned to the world's number one power with Jianfeng, the Yuan family had been suppressed by me and fell out of the seven major families.

But Yuan Chenghong was still watertight and couldn't get any handle on him.

The eleventh year of taking over Jianfeng.

I led the Kuanglong team to break through the Potala Temple and captured Temple Zhu alive.

That is Elder Lei from the Dark Palace.

This incident shocked the entire professional circle.

The senior officials of Daxia repeatedly asked Jianfeng what he wanted to do.

Wei Wusheng, who was about to retire, was invited out of the mountain to come to Jianfeng to inquire about my story.

Professional organizations in various countries are also watching the show, feeling that Jianfeng is destroying the Great Wall by attacking its domestic allies.

For Elder Lei, I chose a public trial.

Queen of Spades serves tea!

In one minute, Elder Lei admitted all his crimes.

Elder Lei, one of the four elders of the Dark Palace in the present world and the person in charge of Daxia District, planned the plan to steal the Laojun Cauldron.

Place secret palace spies among major domestic organizations and high-level officials.

He bribed high-level officials from all parties and stole countless secrets.

Attacked the eighth team and kidnapped Jiang Shuoxue, Yin Jiahao and others.

One piece of evidence after another completely nailed Elder Lei.

He also revealed the identities of his eight island owners, as well as the three elders of Water, Fire, and Wind.

Tianhui, whose real name is Jiang Shuoxue, is 25 years old...

Heaven cries...

What a coincidence...

Each of the thirty-six island owners in the Dark Palace has a powerful inheritance source spiritual object.

These source spiritual objects all need their own blood to be driven.

This is very similar to Yuan Chenghong's Zhitian Jade. I suspect that Yuan Chenghong has something to do with it.

Unfortunately, Elder Lei didn't know the identities of the other island owners, nor did he know Yuan Chenghong's situation.

This incident caused shock in the global professional circle.

The forces of the dark house around the world have suffered a devastating blow.

The three elders of Water, Fire and Wind were hunted and wanted by major professional organizations.

Of the seven island owners in Daxia, three died, one escaped and three were captured alive.

In Daxia, Elder Lei's power was uprooted.

After the three elders of Water, Fire and Wind received the news, they docked the tail and silenced it to search for traces.

The foreign secret palace forces have entered the dormant stage again, and it is difficult to find traces for a while.

The professional circles are also quite afraid of the forcible interrogation methods I possess.

However, as the leader of Jianfeng, there is no one I can fear.

During the interrogation that followed over the next few months.

I discovered a shocking secret. Even Elder Lei didn't know how terrible these secrets were.

First of all, the four elders of Heaven, Earth, Mountain, and Ze in the Dark Palace are responsible for the infiltration of each major dimension.

At this time, the secret palace has grasped the adultery between the Demon Queen of the Huaguo Mountain dimension and the contemporary Dragon King of the Xihai Dragon Palace dimension.

They also know about the strange sexual orientation of Jinxia Cave Master and are secretly trying to match him up with the new Fuhu Arhat.

In an attempt to gain control over the two of them, they waited for the opportunity to act.

The dark palace is still secretly intensifying the conflict between Yue Lao and Yue Gong.

Isn't all this the conflict that arose among the major mythological dimensions in Daxia after the Olympus mythical dimension came to the world?

What's the connection between the two?

Could it be that the Dark Palace is a spy organization? Is it a spy organization from the mythical dimension of Olympus placed in the mythical dimension of Daxia and the real world?

And that man, who was obviously closely related to the Dark Palace, ended up becoming the husband of the Asgardian Vulcan.

Solve one mystery, only to find there are more waiting for me.

In the Lingyun dimension, all the Taoist information found was told to Nie Dao.

Nie Dao wanted to form an offensive and defensive alliance with me, and I agreed.

The world's catastrophes seemed to come and go but could not escape that Taoist.

Let’s start with him this time.

Nie Dao said that his dimension will soon return completely, and then he will be able to move freely in this world.

But I know that when this guy comes out, the Great Xia catastrophe will come.

I just hope he can be of some use by then.

I asked about his strength.

Nie Dao told me that among the mythical level, his strength is still above average.

That guilty look means that he is a loser.

The mythical level is a super large realm with a very large span.

As a newbie to Shinhwa, I am at Shinhwa level.

Nie Dao is also at the myth level.

The sun god of Olympus is still a mythical person.

The Demon King of Huaguo Mountain is of mythical level.

The contemporary God-King of Olympus is also of mythical level.

Nie Dao also revealed a very important news to me.

The major mythological systems have long since fallen apart and split into countless realms.

Now, only the mythical realm of Olympus is unified.

The God-King of Olympus unified all the fragmented realms of the Olympus myth.

All major gods and dimensional lords will obey his orders.

This is a mythical dimension in full swing.

At the age of 32, I entered the Myth level and became the world's first Myth level powerhouse.

At the age of 34, his apprentice Weng Yishu entered the mythical level.

At this time, he was already a high-spirited and energetic young man.

He is no longer the fat guy with a runny nose, and the girl chasing him can circle the earth several times.

At the age of 36, Jiang Longyun entered the mythical level.

At the age of 37, Fan Kaibei entered the mythical level.

Under my training, they entered the mythical level many years earlier than in the "historical trajectory".

At the age of 38, the Free League rounded up members of a team that was performing missions in the Middle East.

They thought they had done a perfect job of destroying the corpses and eliminating traces, but in the end I found the clues.

I led the Kuanglong squad to the headquarters of the Free Alliance.

That day was called the end of the Dragon Knight by the professional circle.

Dragon corpses piled up in mountains.

The three mythical dragon knights of the Free League were beaten to pieces by me.

After not taking action for many years, the world has forgotten how crazy Jianfeng's Mad Dragon Team can be.

The mad dragon has been dormant for many years, but today's battle can still scare the world.

When I was 40 years old, the Free Alliance instigated professional organizations from eight countries including Buluo, Maize, Rose, and Wang Jue to besiege and kill me in the Sahara Desert.

Behind this siege plan, I saw Yuan Chenghong.

Unexpectedly, he also stepped into the mythical level.

Unfortunately, what they don’t know is that I have come a long way on the road to mythology.

In this battle, ten myths were lost in the professional circle.

Today, it is called Ragnarok by professionals around the world!

Yuan Chenghong was the first to bear the brunt, and I abolished his cultivation.

"After all these years, you are finally willing to leave the capital."

I was happy to see him show up.

Yuan Chenghong smiled miserably and said, "I will feel uneasy if you don't die."

He and I have been fighting to the death for a long time, and we both know it well.

He is not willing to be trapped in the capital by me.

I am not willing to let him stay in the capital all the time.

This battle fulfilled both of our wishes.

Yuan Chenghong was tortured in the Jianfeng Dungeon for a whole year, and finally died suddenly in prison.

From beginning to end, he never disclosed any evidence of his crimes and those of the dark palace.

He's a tough guy!

After Yuan Chenghong's death, a young man named Yuan Wudi quickly emerged in the Yuan family.

This is Yuan Chenghong's son, and the word "invincible" was chosen by Yuan Chenghong himself.

At the age of 19, Yuan Wudi was already halfway to becoming a god and could be called invincible.

Could this be Shirley Zhao’s mysterious son?

Calculating the age, it seems to be just right.

Today is my 50th birthday.

It is also the day when the ten gods of Great Xia are canonized.

At this time, I had been retired for many years, detached from other things, and was not included in the canonization list.

Jianfeng was succeeded by Weng Yishu. I am the ancestor of Jianfeng and sit in the center.

Weng Yishu, the first of the Ten Gods of Great Xia, was ordered to be a soul master.

The second Yuan Wudi is the soul master.

The third Jiang Longyun is a formation master.

The fourth is Fan Kaibei, the beast master. .


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