For Future Emails, My Golden Finger Is Myself

Chapter 329 Shadow Path Magician

The shadows in the green plants at the entrance of Qianlong's office are much thicker.

It is the transcendence of the way of shadow.

Believe in the Shadow Path of the Four Evil Paths, and believe in Emperor Yeyue, who is the incarnation of the Taihua Sage.

The spiritual stage is called Shadow Dancer.

Shadow Dancer has two core skills: Night Walk and Shadow Assimilation.

Night Walk gives Shadow Dancer a 30% speed and strength boost at night.

As for the combat effectiveness at night.

Among the New Four Paths and the Four Evil Paths of Faith, the Shadow Dancer of the Shadow Path is the strongest.

Only warriors of the same level can compete with it, and even life soul masters are not strong enough at this stage.

Technologically shabby professions like mecha masters are not included in the discussion.

Shadow Assimilation: Allows shadow dancers to significantly reduce their presence and aura when standing in the shadows.

Therefore, if the Shadow Dancer stands in the shadows and does not move, most people will ignore him.

In addition, shadow dancers also have some simple combat skills, which are more focused on melee combat.

Believers in the Way of Shadows at the extraordinary stage are called illusionists.

Possess: core abilities such as Shadow Bullet, Night Sprint, and Phantom Body.

Shadow bullets are similar to rubbing bullets with bare hands, and are as powerful as a pistol in the early stages of transcendence.

The rate of fire is much faster than a pistol, but not as fast as a submachine gun.

But at night, the shadow bullet is blessed with the "Night Walk" skill and its power can be doubled.

This is very scary.

The master of the shadow path is the king of the dark night, and the higher the realm, the more this can be reflected.

Traveling at night can also give you a 50% speed boost during the day.

At night, the movement speed can explode three times.

The duration depends on your own spiritual power.

Generally, the Shadow Path Extraordinary can last for about twenty or thirty minutes.

Such speed allows the Shadowman to surpass all professionals at night.

Anyone who has played the game knows what triple movement speed means.

It means you meet someone you can't beat.

Just leave if you want, no one else can catch up.

Meet someone who can't beat you.

You can cling to him and chase him to death, and the enemy will not be able to escape at all.

You can advance to attack and retreat to defend.

Night is the home ground of believers in the Way of Shadows, and illusionists are the ghosts of the night, very difficult to deal with.

As for the "phantom body", it is similar to the short-distance movement method.

It can be moved at will within three meters, causing multiple afterimages in a short period of time, which is comparable to an illusion.

This is the origin of the word "phantom" for phantom magician.

The prerequisite for this skill is that there is a shadow or shadow.

This does not mean that daytime is useless. Everyone has a shadow during the day.

Believers in the Way of Shadow who have become illusion magicians have slowly gotten rid of the restrictions of the night.

In addition, the Phantom Magician has all the Shadow Dancer special effects.

This is the commonality between the New Four Paths and the Four Evil Paths of Belief.

High-level people have all the abilities of low-level people, and they are also enhanced.

The Phantom Magician's Night Walk is greatly enhanced, with 50% strength and speed boost at night.

At this stage, the side effects of believing in evil ways begin to appear.

Magicians are likely to suffer from depression and isolation.

Severe social deficits and self-inflicted suicide tendencies may occur.

It takes a long time to adapt and digest for the mental body to adapt to this power.

However, those who can believe in evil gods only want to achieve it quickly.

How many people will calm down and digest this power?

After the Path of Shadow reached the epic level, he was called the King of Shadows.

A shadow master at this level has two more core skills: "Nightfall" and "Shadow Escape".

Nightfall: You can create a nightfall with a radius of one kilometer, allowing you to fight at home.

It is similar to Yi Yan's virtual reality water realm, but the levels are too different.

It is enough for the enemy to leave the night, and the method of cracking it is relatively simple.

Shadow Escape, this is an upgraded version of Night Speed, and it is also a unique skill.

It is similar to Yi Yan's secret skill "Turrent Escape".

At night or in the shadows, Shadow Escape can reach speeds of thousands of meters in an instant.

In addition, the night walking skill has been strengthened again. At night or in the shadows, the Shadow King can receive 100% combat power boost.

The terrifying fighting power in the darkness makes the title King of Shadows absolutely worthy of its name.

The range of the phantom body has been increased to about ten meters, which is comparable to Yi Yan's shadow jump.

But the essence is different. The phantom body has no ability to break free.

The Path of Shadow combines speed, stealth and combat, making it a very difficult path.

The New Four Paths and the Four Evil Paths of Faith have great advantages over professionals.

There are advantages and disadvantages to being exposed to the Tao at the beginning. Those who practice the new Tao after the mythical realm will suffer.

Now that Yi Yan has obtained the power of shadow and water, he doesn't dare to understand the truth behind it.

The difference between authority and Tao is that Tao is understanding the rules and turning them into one's own use.

It is equivalent to buying a car and driving it home. This car belongs to me.

And authority is the right to use the Word.

It's like renting a car, this car is just rented.

I have the right to use it, but I can't sell it, it doesn't belong to me.

But the same car, bought or rented, drives at the same speed.

It's just that renting a car requires a long-term consumption of rent, which is equivalent to the authority and ability of Yi Yanfa's shadow, and requires more spiritual energy.

Fortunately, his Dantian spiritual power is several times that of others, so he can sustain it.

In this way, Yi Yan gained the power of shadow and water without affecting his future potential.

When he breaks through the mythical realm, he can directly comprehend the two paths of shadow and water, one step ahead of others.

This time, a magician came, a magician in the extraordinary realm.

Yi Yan didn't expect that the magician had already entered the 15th extraordinary bridge.

Belief in the four evil ways has developed so fast. How long has it been?

However, a master of this level should also be a high-ranking figure in the cult.

If it weren't for Yi Yan Youying's authority, he would really not have been discovered.

The illusionist hides in the shadows, with a low sense of presence that is almost invisible.

Unless someone uses perception skills above thaumaturgy to deliberately sense that area, he can be discovered.

Yi Yan's guess was correct, the guys from Soul Way were holding a ceremony to enhance their strength.

After he alerted the enemy, how could the cult not send someone to monitor every move in the Qianlong Office?

Moreover, Qianlong currently has no defense against the Way of Shadow.

There is nothing better than arranging a strong person from the Way of Shadow to monitor the office.

Clues, aren’t they just coming to your doorstep?

Yi Yan opened any door from the roof and appeared on the first floor.

Ever since he had the key to the arbitrary door, Yi Yan rarely took the normal path.

"Captain Yi, where are you going?" Li Xiaoqing, the security captain of the office, ran over in a hurry.

The Qianlong Office is full of people from the organization, even the security captain is a professional.

This Li Xiaoqing is the one who called Yi Yan the magic stick before.

Yi Yan made a casual excuse and said, "I'm a little hungry and plan to have some midnight snack."

Li Xiaoqing looked familiar, put his right hand on Yi Yan's shoulder, and said:

"Hey, why are you going out for a late-night snack?

The cafeteria in our office does not close until 1 o'clock in the evening, and late-night snacks are provided free of charge.

Go, go, I'll take you there. "

There is a saying that Yi Yan has never seen anyone who is so familiar with him.

No wonder the director of the office was always hammering him. Yi Yan had seen him three times this afternoon.

There is no sense of boundaries at all. If I go to the cafeteria with you to eat, how can I contact the "informant" who comes to my door?

Yi Yan was helpless and said with a straight face:

“I don’t want to eat for free, it’s rare to come to Shangdu Mansion.

Can't I eat some special local snacks? "

Can you just think I'm here to travel?

Who comes to Shangdu Mansion to eat in a tourist restaurant?

Am I short of food money?

Li Xiaoqing, whose emotional intelligence was worrying, could not understand human speech at all, so he dragged Yi Yan towards the cafeteria:

"Let me tell you, Uncle Ge in our cafeteria is a local.

What local snack can’t he make?

None of the Internet celebrity snack bar owners on the market are worthy of being his apprentice.

Captain Yi is here. Uncle Ge must make a personal order for you.

He is your grandson... Oops, I am talking nonsense, I mean his grandson is your fan.

Just ask if you want to eat any local snacks.

Captain Yi, do you want spicy soup or mutton braised noodles?

What Uncle Ge is best at is iron pot eggs. "

Yi Yan: = =! What the hell are you...

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