"What's going on? Tell me in detail?" Yi Yan asked immediately.

Lotta didn't know much, so he was stunned for a moment and said:

“I don’t know this either. In the morning, the law enforcement team sent people to the cell to interrogate everyone.

Asked something about Batum.

Only then did we learn that Batum died at his home last night.

It is said that his body was dismembered, his limbs were twisted, and he lost control before his death. "


Yi Yan immediately discovered the problem.

Batum will not lose control, he is a god himself.

Gods with divine nature will not be affected by the power of other gods and cause loss of control.

That body was definitely not Batum's.

It stands to reason that if Yi Yan only entered the Sky City today.

According to the development of the plot, Batum should be on duty in prison.

What happened in the middle that caused the direction of fate to change.

"Where does Batum live?" Yi Yan asked hurriedly.

"No. 124 Violet Street." Rota said.

Yi Yan returned to the class room, woke up Dis and asked, "I have to go out, how can I ask for leave?"

Dis patted his chest and said generously:

"Ask for leave? What kind of leave? Do we, who are well-established people, still need to ask for leave?

Just leave, don't worry, I'll take care of you. "As he spoke, Dibi pursed his lips and said enviously:

“Only those who have a backstage and can earn a living are worthy of taking leave.

At least there will be a reason to hide it when it is exposed.

We don't need it! "

Uh... Yi Yan is speechless. I didn't expect that the mythical realm is so realistic:

"Okay, then I have something to do and I'm going out for a while."

With that said, Yi Yan took off his guard armor and left the prison.

Yi Yan soon arrived at Batum's home.

A two-story small courtyard,

As soon as Yi Yan entered the small courtyard, he immediately felt something was wrong.

"Will Lotta deceive himself? Or is he also being deceived?"

There is no official person here, and there is no smell of blood.

The neighbors nearby were also normal, not even a single person watching the excitement.

This small courtyard is not blocked.

It doesn't look like a place where someone just died.

Could it be that he came late? Or Sky City doesn’t pay attention to this kind of thing at all.

next moment.

Time flies.

Yi Yan was teleported to a secret room.

This secret room was dark and dim, with weak light.

Blackened torches could be seen everywhere, flickering with faint light in the corners.

There was a strong smell of decay in the air, which made Yi Yan frown involuntarily.

The walls inside the secret room are made of ancient limestone. After years of wind and rain, they have cracked numerous gaps, exposing the hard stone walls.

The rain-soaked walls were covered with all kinds of strange moss and vines, as if this place was a ruin covered with weeds and flowers.

The ground is also paved with hard stone. In addition to the surface being washed and spotless, you can still feel several pits and cracks in the stone slabs under your feet.

There were some wooden boxes and barrels covered with dust and cobwebs stacked in the corner, and they looked like they had been there for a long time.

"You are finally here, the master of time and space."

A rich and vicissitudes of voice sounded.

Yi Yan followed the sound and saw an old figure entering his field of vision.

The old man's brows were deeply carved with wrinkles, and his cheeks were covered with obvious wrinkles. He lay motionless on the recliner as if he were a corpse.

Looking closer, he looked pale and had high cheekbones. He looked very tired and hard-working.

The clothes on his body had long faded and turned yellow, and he was wrapped in a gray-black robe. His lower body could not be seen clearly, and his thin body was bent.

There was no trace of black in the old man's white hair, and the mottled white hair looked very gray and trembling.

These blurred eyes seemed to be full of depth, as if they held the secrets of the entire world.

"I've been waiting for you for a long time."

His voice was hoarse, which seemed particularly harsh in the silent chamber, and there was a heavy tiredness in his words that could not be erased.

Yi Yan's eyes narrowed. The old man's words reminded him of Mimir.

"Who are you?" As soon as Yi Yan uttered these two words, he saw the violet tattoo on the old man's forehead and exclaimed: "Batum!"

This is the mythical strongman Batum recorded in the future mail.

Batum, the descendant of the God of War.

But the future emails never described him in such a declining state!

Batum seemed to see through what Yi Yan was thinking and said with a smile:

"Is my appearance different from what you saw in the future time fragments?"


Yi Yan discovered another terrible thing.

The core of the dimension is an illusion, and the people here are just projections of ancient times.

The dimension is broken, and these people no longer exist.

Neither General Shining Armor nor Dis or Lotta will exist.

They only lived in ancient times and had no memory of this era, just like those in the Lingyun dimension.

Therefore, it is impossible for these "fake" people to know themselves.

"Are you the master of this dimension?" Yi Yan asked.

Only the master of the dimensional core really exists in the dimensional core, just like Nie Dao.

Batum smiled slightly:

"You are indeed a smart guy. I don't have any opinions on your control of time and space."

Batum in prison should be just a projection of living in ancient times.

This is the real Batum.

This dimensional master was never recorded in future mail.

Not every dimension has an owner.

And the earlier the dimension arrives, the more likely it is that there will be no master.

Lingyun Dimension and Nine-tailed Fox Dimension are exceptions.

"Senior, you said you were waiting for me? I don't know what your orders are?"

This is a true deity.

Yi Yan's attitude was very respectful.

He seemed to know some details about future emails.

"This dimension belongs to the goddess of wisdom. After she left, I became the temporary manager." Batum briefly introduced his identity:

“Under the arrangement of fate, the dimensional core should be opened today, but it was one day ahead of schedule.

I knew you were coming.

Only you can make it turn on a day earlier.

Only the power of time and space can fight fate. "

Yi Yan listened to him silently without interrupting.

Batum continued: “Before the gods left, the gods of wisdom in the four realms deduced the fate of destruction.

Wisdom sees through fate, only time and space can change fate.

It is a pity that none of the major divine realms on this planet has a god who controls fate or time and space.

So, the gods of wisdom from the four realms joined forces to create an opportunity. "

After saying this, Batum stopped, his confused eyes looked like Alzheimer's.

Seems to have forgotten something.

So, Yi Yan asked:

"Are they the four realms of China, Asgard, Olympus and Takamagahara?"

"Bah! Is the tiny land of Gao Tianyuan worthy of being ranked among the four divine realms?

The gods left behind in the Brahma Divine Realm are too stupid, and they fight to their death for the few remaining interests.

Four bookmarks left by the gods of wisdom from the four great realms.

This is the reward they left for you. If you find them, you can obtain the divine way to leave this world.

I also fought when Olympus fell.

If it weren't for waiting for you, I wouldn't be alive today.

I am here just to convey a message to you..."

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