Chapter 106 The Fallen Tower

   Thinking of this, William couldn't help showing a wry smile.

  Because the ceremony a thousand years ago was incomplete, the status of the "Father of Crows" in the Moon Realm today as the king of nothingness is also incomplete.

   It has neither the support of "fuel", nor a complete soul as its personified prototype, nor has it completely completed the final "inversion". For so many years, the "Father of Crows" has only exercised his authority instinctively, or made some specific actions through the residue of Black's will - such as making a vow of silence, or raising the storm of the Broken Sea to shelter Avazhou.

   Fortunately, the "fuel" of the ceremony was not ignited at that time, and the seed of hope was preserved. And William just happened to grab it from the hands of the three goddesses.

   Therefore, even though there is only one soul fragment left in William's hand at this moment, he is still the one who holds the initiative.

"However, the other party can still reach Black Crow's Hope, the Moon Realm Domain of the Father of Crows before you. He will absorb three-quarters of the incomplete king's power in advance, and then he will wait for you to pass there. If you don't choose to pass. In the face of him, he may use his incomplete authority to continue to cause disaster in the Vic Continent."

  Walker reminded.

   "Don't bother him, I will personally go to the Moon Realm to face him, no matter what he has become now."

   To this, William just replied.


   "The demon general called 'manic' has returned to the moon realm? And what does it mean that I was mad before?"

   The voice of the tower guard beside him brought William's thoughts back to the present.

   The other party is staring at the soul fragment in his hand with a vigilant look, as if he is ready to grab it back at any time.

  William ignored the behavior of the other party, and directly used the god-level frost magic [Cocoon of Time] to seal the soul fragment, and then threw it into his storage space.

   After all this was done, he looked at the tower guard and said:

"It literally means, because you stayed with Valk for too long, your mind was polluted and damaged by the power that he unconsciously brought. But before he left, I asked him to help you recover, of course. I can guarantee that He must have put some sequelae in your soul, and I suggest you find a psychological therapist to take a good look at it in the future."

After    finished speaking, he continued without waiting for the other party's reaction:

   "Okay, stop chatting, tell me your name now, and I have a task to assign to you later."

   The fiery red-haired tower guard looked at the gray-haired and silver-eyed man in front of him with eyes like a lunatic.

  Whether it was what the other party just said, asking the King of Nothingness to help her restore her senses, or asking a star lighthouse guardian to obey his orders, it sounded too much like a lunatic's dream to her.

   "Don't you know that tower guards are not allowed to say their names during their term of office?"

   But after all, she couldn't see the depth of the opponent's strength, so she still left some leeway in her words.

   "The tower guard?"

   But he didn't want the other party to just sneer, and then he snapped his fingers, and a violent electric light flashed around him instantly.

   After she came back to her senses, the two of them had already appeared in the square outside the Star Lighthouse.

   She opened her mouth and was about to complain about something, but when she saw the scene in front of her, her whole body was like a duck being picked up by someone's neck. She opened her mouth for a long time without making any sound.

   "There are no towers left for you to guard."

   That person's voice seemed to come from far away.

  This star lighthouse with a history of more than 800 years, built on the Black Light City of Nakuland, is now down.

   And the collapsed image is very unpleasant. This spiral lighthouse is like being treated as plasticine, and it has been kneaded into an arc that looks like a smile and lies on the ground.

   "How is this possible, how is this..."

   The tower guard looked at this lighthouse of Viper, which he was only a month away from guarding for five years. He felt that his mind was in a trance, and the arc seemed to be laughing at him at the moment.

   And behind that arc, there is a distorted space that is constantly changing. The space was full of psychedelic colors, and just looking at it made people feel dizzy, as if they had received too much information in their minds.

It may be to allow William to better appreciate the drama, or it may be to block other nihilistic kings from prying into this area. This time, the power projected by Valk through this star beacon is extremely powerful. A stage in the Ecstasy Theater has been temporarily moved to the present world.

  It is also thanks to William who had removed everyone in the fortress area before, otherwise there would not be a person with an IQ who could add and subtract within 100.

   Not only that, all the space blockade restrictions of the entire Star Lighthouse were directly destroyed by the opponent's power. At this moment, the star beacon was stripped of its camouflage as a star circuit, revealing its essence as a lunar rift.

   A full lunar rift opened in the lands of Nakuland.

Looking at the arc-shaped broken tower and the ever-changing lunar fissure behind it, many broken memory fragments that had been scattered in the mind of the tower guard were connected together, which made her cover her own in pain. The head squatted on the ground, and at the same time, there was a crazy laughter from his mouth.

   "Crazy fooling minister, hahahaha... Really crazy fooling minister is here, hahahaha..."

  William now understands what method Valk used at that time to restore this poor child's sanity to normal.

   He just smashed the memory of that time into pieces, and then stuffed it into the depths of the other's mind. And as long as she comes into contact with related things, she may unconsciously connect those fragments and fall into a short-lived state of madness.

   In the future she may have severe PTSD for theatre, laughter and even arcs.

  After William used a [Calm spell] on him, the other party gradually returned to normal sanity.

   Her eyes were fixed on William, and she asked with a slightly trembling tone:

   "You're crazy... the 'disaster' mentioned by that nihilistic king?"

   She recalled what she had heard earlier, the conversation between this man and the Void King. Although the mad fool Valk did not mention the other party's name, he always called this man "disaster".

   As a member of the Star Council member family, in addition to being able to get more care than ordinary people in the promotion of Magic Singer, she also has the right to go to the Star Council library to learn more secrets that ordinary people can't reach.

   Whether it is about the history of the past, or the dangerous knowledge about the moon realm.

   And there is a record about "Moon Realm Disaster", and there is only one person who has the title of "Moon Realm Disaster" in history.

   "You are William Kane?"

   She trembled and continued to ask.

Although    was a question, her tone was more awe-inspiring.

   If anyone else told her that the man in front of her was William Kane, she would never believe it.

   But now there is a void king who has authenticated the identity of the other party, which is more true than any evidence.

  William did not answer the other party's question, but just repeated his previous words:

   "Now tell me your name, I have a task to assign to you."

   The tower guard replied almost subconsciously:

   "Julian Cathy."

   "Then Julian, then I want you to lead the entire Black Light City troops to defend this lunar rift."

   William said.


  Crowfeather's storm gradually converged into a human form, and the previous Crowfeather prophet appeared on a reef in the Broken Sea.

  This reef is an irregular triangle, and in the very center of the reef is an ancient throne full of barnacles.

   On the throne, there was a person who was slumped with a strong curse, and his body was broken like a piece of porcelain.

   "Crowfeather Prophet" looked at the body, the expression on his face did not change, he just walked over without saying a word, and put the soul fragment in his hand on the armrest of the throne. Then he tilted his head again, took out a dark brooch from his clothes, and put it on the armrest as well.

   After doing this, he took a few steps back, and then the coldness in his eyes disappeared instantly, turning into a puzzled expression in a blink of an eye.

   After seeing the broken man on the throne, he immediately knelt down on one knee and said:


  +Don’t rush+

   The familiar voice of the soul appeared in his mind.

  +I'll tell you why when everyone arrives+

  In the distance, a flock of crows is flying towards this reef after crossing the storm.

   Thanks to book friend 160601125131072, book friend 20211018150947772, and Dilu Hagang for their rewards, thank you very much! !

   Thanks to all the readers for the monthly recommendation votes, thank you very much! Thanks to all readers for subscribing!

   I always feel that the state of the past two days is not very good. I went to bed early today to adjust my work and rest.



   (end of this chapter)

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