What kind of riddle is this?

Is this a riddle man in a forbidden area?

Ye Ran was so angry that he laughed.

He said: "Then you just told me so much, are you bullshitting?"


A Ning glanced at him coldly and said: "Get out of the car."

Ye Ran obediently raised his leg and got out of the car.

A Ning stepped on the accelerator and drove away angrily.

He left behind the four people who just got out of the car, and Pan Ma who was covered in mud.

The fat man scratched his head, looked at the mud on his body and said: "Master Ye, how can you reason with a woman? This is retribution."

Ye Ran said: "What kind of retribution is this? In my opinion, you and Sister Baoer are my retribution."

He wanted to say it when he just left Jude Kao's tent.

The fat man and Sister Baoer were fighting like two big dogs!

They were still the kind of big dogs who didn't like each other. Of course, this was when Sister Baoer gave in to the fat guy, otherwise ten fat guys wouldn't be enough to bury.

"That's enough."

Before Sister Baoer got mad.

Ye Ran immediately changed the subject, turned his head and looked at Father Panma who had found a big rock to sit on, and said:

"Panma, don't you have anything to say?"

Panma paused as he wiped the blood.

He raised his somewhat cloudy eyes, slowly swept his gaze from Ye Ran and the little brother, and shook his head.

"My son has already told you my advice."

"Since you still choose to go to death... then I have nothing to say."

Ye Ran laughed and bent down to look at him.

Panma's expression immediately became a little nervous.

He turned his eyes away from Ye Ran, his throat moved, he swallowed his saliva, and his voice sounded a little tense:

"Young man, you..."

"We can talk it out, don't use that kind of evil magic on me."

"The power contained in your eyes is very evil and powerful... It is a power that does not belong to this planet."

So Panma is afraid of this!

Ye Ran immediately shook his head.

He said with a righteous face:

"Old man, you think too much. That kind of evil magic is very harmful to the body. How could I use that method on you?"

"I, Ye Ran, am not such a sinister person."

Hearing what Ye Ran said, Panma breathed a sigh of relief, and the originally tense back muscles also relaxed.

Ye Ran turned his head and looked in the direction of Sister Baoer.

"Alas, since old man Panma won't say anything, I can't do anything. I've already asked everything I wanted to ask."

"Sister Baoer, it's your turn. See if you have anything you want to ask, or..."

"Is there anything you want to do?"

"By the way, although the Feng Shui of this place is average, I can help you change a dragon vein. So you can rest assured, old man Panma."

Ye Ran looked sympathetic.

As soon as he finished speaking.

Sister Baoer reacted, nodded cutely, and raised the shovel in her hand.

The shovel flashed with a cold light, and Sister Baoer walked towards old man Panma with shining eyes.

"Can I really bury this old man?"

"I won't kill him, I'll just bury him. Should that be okay?"

In this way, it won't violate the program group's regulations.

And with Panma's current injuries, if he is buried in the soil again... he will probably be eaten by wild wolves that smell the blood.

Even if he was lucky enough that there were no wild wolves, he would die of excessive blood loss when the villagers arrived.

Watching Sister Baoer's eager movements and listening to her innocent voice.

In addition, when Ye Ran and the little brother were in Qiu Dekao's tent just now, Panma witnessed Sister Baoer's strength with his own eyes.

He immediately collapsed, waving his hands and shouting:

"No, don't bury me!"

"You want to know what happened back then, right?"

"I can tell you. Alas... If I had known this would happen, I would rather die under the claws of those wolves."

Panma's face was full of bitterness and hatred, and the wrinkles on his face were wrinkled together.

After a moment of silence, he touched his pocket, as if he wanted to smoke a pipe.

But where was the pipe? Panma sighed in disappointment.

"That was a long time ago... I was still very young at that time, and this place is not a forbidden area."

"An archaeological team came to the village. They wanted to go into the Shiwan Mountains and find a place... They couldn't tell me where they were looking for."

Panma said: "I was not the only hunter in the village at that time. I didn't want to go, but they gave me money, and it was a lot of money."

Ye Ran nodded.

Well, it's not that they gave too much.

He could understand Panma. Everyone was poor in that era, not to mention a remote village like Banai, where it was difficult to make ends meet..

The money the archaeological team gave Panma was probably enough for him to support his family for several years at the time.

"I took them into the mountains and walked for a long time. Finally, they set their destination at a lake."

Panma exhaled, as if he was reluctant to recall what happened next, but still said:

"There seemed to be something in the lake. Finally, they gave me some money and went down to the lake. I waited for a long time by the lake with the money, but they didn't come up... So I went back."

"That's what happened. If you want to find the lake, I can tell Caiyun the specific location of the lake and let her take you there."

"Let me say this first, the lake must be very dangerous. This is also my first advice to you, don't go to the lake. Since you don't listen to me, I can only wish you peace."

Panma glanced at Caiyun and continued:

"I was also a guide back then. Their secrets will not be exposed to me. I only know this much."


It sounds perfect. Seamless.

Ye Ran took out Panma's iron block with a strange smell from his pocket, weighed it in his palm for a while, and suddenly asked:

"How did you get this iron block?"

Lifting the iron block.

Although Panma's face still had no expression, the muscles at the corners of his eyes twitched quietly. This facial micro-expression was extremely subtle, but it was not difficult for Ye Ran, who had greatly enhanced his vision, to capture it.

"I picked up this iron block when I was waiting for them by the lake."

After Panma finished speaking, he stood up and said coldly:

"I have told you everything you want to know. Can I go back to the village now?"

"I haven't finished asking yet."

Ye Ran asked indifferently:

"What about the second advice? What does it mean to stay as far away from people with Kirin tattoos as possible?"

"Isn't the tattoo on your body also a Kirin tattoo?"

Lifting the Kirin tattoo.

Panma subconsciously glanced in the direction of the young man.

He suddenly became excited, waved his arms vigorously, and said:

"We are different!"

"My Qilin tattoo was given to me by a tattoo artist as a token of gratitude, so that I can enter and exit the forbidden area safely."

"But his Qilin tattoo is only for the dead!"

"If you stay with him, you will also become dead. He should have died long ago and should not be here!"

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