
"I did kill someone."

"I killed a lot of people."

"You came to me, it's my retribution."

"But, you can't blame me for everything."

"If you want to blame someone, blame it on the fact that we were too poor at the time. I just wanted my family to live a good life. What did I do wrong!"

The veins on Panma's neck bulged, cold sweat slowly flowed down his back, and he looked at the young man with extreme fear.

However, he straightened his back and said loudly:

"I know that when I was a guide for your archaeological team, you gave me a considerable amount of money."

"But in that era, money couldn't buy sugar, oil, or flour."

"My child was just born and was starving."

"I took a lot of effort to bring you to the lake... I just wanted to use the money to buy half a pound of flour from you to help my wife produce milk, but you refused!"

"If I hadn't been forced to steal the flour from the tent and was caught by your people, I wouldn't have suffocated him to death in the tent."

Panma took a deep breath and swallowed hard. He seemed to have gathered up his courage, but still did not dare to look into the young man's eyes. The wrinkles on his old face kept twitching:

"I killed people, and the archaeological team will not let me go."

"Killing one person is also killing."

"Killing a group is also killing!"

"I discussed with my brothers who led the expedition team and delivered supplies, and quietly killed you all."

"That's not my original intention."

"I just wanted half a pound of flour... After killing you all, my brothers and I quietly transported the sugar, oil, food, drinks, and supplies back home."

"But in the middle of the night, I dreamed of you. I dreamed that you were standing at the head of my bed, asking for my life."

When he said this, Panma's strong body was already shaking constantly.

People of that era, especially the villagers of that era, believed in mountain gods.

Panma came to the lake alone quietly because of fear, guilt, and psychological comfort.

But this time, he saw a scene he would never forget.

Those archaeologists who were killed by him and his brothers.

All of them are alive again!

And they are still smiling and greeting him, as if what happened that day never happened.

"Among them... there is you. I won't make a mistake. It's your tattoo."

Pan Ma swallowed his saliva in fear, pointed at the young man's tattoo, and said:

"I won't make a mistake about this tattoo, nor will I make a mistake about this smell from the dead."

"You are obviously dead!"

"Why are you resurrected?!"

As he said this, Pan Ma retreated in fear, "And you are exactly the same as you were back then! I have grown old. Why haven't you grown old?"

"You are a monster, a monster!"

Looking at Pan Ma's expression, Ye Ran also understood.

When Panma saw Brother on TV, he was filled with fear, because he had seen Brother in the archaeological team many years ago and believed that Brother was one of the people who was killed by him and resurrected.

Originally, Panma thought that Brother would not come to trouble him, but he did not expect that the next forbidden area would be the Shiwan Mountains, Banai.

Therefore, before Ye Ran and Brother arrived at the forbidden area, Panma could no longer suppress his fear and went into the mountains alone.

This is why Panma advised Ye Ran to stay away from Brother.

Because in his heart, Brother is the monster with tattoos and the smell of the dead, who died and resurrected.

"Fuck, old man, you are too cruel, aren't you?"

The fat man was also shocked when he heard this, his mouth opened so wide that two duck eggs could be stuffed in:

"People gave you money and provided you with jobs. You wanted to use the money to buy their supplies, but they didn't want to, so you killed them all?"

"Good guy, you and your brothers are the real villains!"

"Wait, you said that those people you killed were alive the next day?"

The fat man frowned, he looked incredulous, and said:

"You didn't kill them in a dream! How could there be such a mysterious thing? Anyway, I don't believe it."

Pan Ma shook his head.

The blood-red eyes stared at the fat man and said:

"Before that incident, I never dreamed."

"When I killed someone, my brothers and I confirmed in the dark in the tent that there was no breathing, so we threw it into... the lake."

"Besides, our hands were injured."

That was even less likely to be a dream.

Panma was silent for a while, as if he was hesitating about what to say next. Finally, he said:

"And since we left the lake...strange things have happened.There's more."

"The archaeological team survived. I was very scared and told my brothers who killed people with me."

"They didn't believe in evil and went to the lake."

"But after they came back... accidents happened in their families."

Some went crazy.

Some died.

Some even hanged themselves alive.

Pan Ma always thought that he would die in a strange way, but he has lived well for so many years.

Just when he thought he could be the only survivor of the year, the figure of the young man appeared.

"After they died, some strange changes occurred in the village."

"I don't know how to describe these changes... I think the people in the village have become very strange."

"They are all people I know, and they remember me, but I just feel very strange."

"I don't know how to describe this feeling. They seem to have changed, but they don't seem to have changed."

"There must be a monster in that lake! The monster bewitched the villagers. It was the monster that killed several of my brothers!"

Pan Ma screamed heartbreakingly.

His face was twisted with fear!

When the fat man heard this, he whispered "Fuck", and quickly hugged himself, who weighed 200 kilograms.

The fat man was terrified.

But the fat man didn't say anything!

Ye Ran looked at Pan Ma, who was sitting on the ground in silence.

After saying these words, the old man seemed to have aged by 20 years, his eyes were sluggish, his hair was gray, and he no longer had the vigor he had just had in Qiu Dekao's territory?

"How do you want to deal with me?"

Pan Ma was stunned for a while, then raised his head and looked at Ye Ran and asked.

"You didn't kill us, so why should we deal with you?"

Ye Ran said lightly: "Anyway, everything you said was recorded by the live broadcast ball."

And it has absorbed a lot of emotional value for him.

"Just keep going along this road, and when you leave the forbidden area, someone will pick you up. "

"Whether he lives in a single room or a shared room, whether he is in jail or shot, we can't control it."

Let the program team and the police handle it.

After Ye Ran finished speaking, he stared at Pan Ma and asked:

"By the way, who is the one with the slumped shoulders in black clothes?"

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