The look in the young man's eyes...

Too calm, too indifferent.

It seems that when he saw him coming, there was no emotional fluctuation at all, and there was a heavy haze in his eyes.

The young man's personality is indeed indifferent.

But it's not like this in front of him. The young man doesn't seem to hide too many emotions, and always shows some emotional fluctuations.

Is the young man unhappy to see him coming?


The young man, is he angry with him?

Ye Ran shook his head, his breath was bloody, and a bitter smile appeared at the corner of his lips.

The young man might be angry with him.

Think he put himself in danger?

Knowing that the jade vein is dangerous, but still came in?

What should he do?

He only has this one boyfriend.

Is he going to run away immediately when there is danger?

Who the hell does he think he is?

But now is not the time to explain this. The young man has suffered a lot of injuries, so he still has to take him out quickly.

Ye Ran steadied himself and bit his tongue hard.

His voice was a little vague, but he said in a very organized way:

"'s okay."

"I'll carry you out. Let's go back to the ancient building first, and then find a way to leave this jade vein. There must be a way, right?"

As he said that, Ye Ran lifted the brother's arm, hung it on his shoulder, and lifted it up hard.


Seeing that the brother did not respond.

Ye Ran's heart jumped. Could the brother have fainted?

He immediately turned his head to look in the direction of the brother, but happened to meet the brother's dark, narrow eyes.

There seemed to be a little strangeness in the dark pupils. The corner of the brother's lips raised a very slight smile, looking at him with a smile.

This expression was extremely weird, with a hint of sarcasm, and it flashed across the young man's face almost instantly. Ye Ran even suspected that he had seen it wrong -

"...young man?"

"Ahem, ahem..."

The young man leaned on him and coughed weakly. The strange and mocking look disappeared, replaced by a hoarse loss:

"Ye Ran..."

"You go first."

Ye Ran carried him on his back, and his steps paused slightly.

What time is it.

Why is the young man still talking to him about this?

He has already come in. Shouldn't they find a way to leave as soon as possible?

Ye Ran stopped and heard the young man behind him say:

"I'm afraid I can't go out with you."

Ye Ran frowned and asked:


The young man said:

"I have a poison."

"This kind of poison will travel through the skin, penetrate the skin and attack the heart."

"So... the poison in my body."

"Yes, I'll bring it to you."

Oh. Ye Ran breathed a sigh of relief.

He thought it was a big deal.

Isn't it just a poison?

He has Nanming Lihuo in his body, which can be easily mobilized from the Dantian. If there is a poison, just burn it.

The young man's poison will be cured when they find a suitable time and their blood blends...


Ye Ran patted his shoulder comfortingly, raised his feet and was about to move forward, when suddenly a dazzling light flashed through his brain, which was originally a little dull due to lack of oxygen.


He paused before he even reached the entrance of the Jade Vein Cave.

The strange feeling in Ye Ran's heart became stronger and stronger, to a thick, almost ominous, and a little wary and uncomfortable feeling.

Would the little brother usually talk to him like this?

After Ye Ran stopped, he asked himself a question.

Considering the little brother's character, which was as cold and hard as a stone in a toilet.

How could he explain it in such detail and clearly?

It sounded reasonable at first, but when he thought about it carefully, he felt that everything was strange.

Ye Ran asked himself.

If he himself had the poison and knew that it would be transmitted to the little brother. What would he do?

—— He would not touch the little brother from the beginning.

What's more, the little brother knew his Suzaku bloodline and the Nanming Lihuo that could be mobilized in his body.

Nanming Lihuo, the source of all fires.

It can burn everything.

There should be no need to worry about this.

Even if he was worried, the most urgent thing now was to leave the jade vein.

Judging from the character of the young man, it was too strange. Thinking about the fact that the young man had just gently leaned on his back, but said so much...

An instinctive sense of crisis flashed in Ye Ran's heart.

The feeling that something was wrong when he first saw the young man became more and more obvious.

"Put me down."

Ye Ran stopped, and his mind changed rapidly.

Then he heard the young man behind him cough again, and said in a low voice.


Ye Ran said:"No. No matter what happens, I won't abandon you."

"Do you remember the promise we made in the last forbidden area?"

"As long as you don't leave me, I will never leave you."

Ye Ran said:

"Look, I always wear this ring. Wearing the ring is like you are by my side."

The "young man" behind him didn't say anything.

He seemed to be moved.

After a while, he suddenly laughed softly.


He blew air in Ye Ran's ear and called him softly.

Even though he knew that the "young man" behind him must be abnormal, Ye Ran was dazed for a moment by the call of "Aran".

Ye Ran heard the young man behind him whispered:

"What if I die?"

"Will you leave me?"

"Will you have a new love?"

"We can't get out of the Banai Ancient Building. I miss Banai too... Let's stay here forever, okay?"

The "young man" whispered in his ear, but the mocking look in his eyes became more and more intense. He grabbed the "ancient knife" and stabbed Ye Ran's chest fiercely-

He seemed to be prepared for Ye Ran to dodge. The blade was sharp and there was no intention to retract it. It stabbed into Ye Ran's chest!

Ye Ran only felt a chill in his chest, and the blade suddenly retracted, only scratching his skin and stopping unexpectedly.

The "young man" in front of him showed a trace of astonishment in his eyes.

Ye Ran just gently put down the "young man" he was supporting, turned his head and stared at him, and smiled calmly:


The body of the "young man" in front of him trembled violently.

Ye Ran raised his eyebrows slightly. Then he asked:

"It's strange to say. Why do you ask this question?"

"If I'm not ready to live and die with you, why am I in this damn jade vein now?"

"I came in to save you. I was hoping to die."

Ye Ran didn't look at the ancient knife that stopped on his chest and left a blood mark. He just stared at his pupils and said with a smile:

"Brother, if I can save you this time, it would be great."

"If I really can't save you..."

"Then I have fulfilled my promise."

"Brother, I came to see you alive."

"It's a very romantic thing to be able to come to see you alive and die together."

"You and I will be together for a long time in life, and we will have nothing to worry about after death."

Ye Ran slowly finished what he had to say.

He looked at the "young man" in front of him as if he was stunned, the mocking expression on his face disappeared, but he slowly raised his eyes and stared at him with some confusion and bewilderment, as if he was re-looking at him in another way-

Ye Ran's eyes suddenly filled with a thick blood red, and at the moment when the other party's body and mind were the most relaxed, he accurately locked onto his mental power!

Magic pupil technique!!

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